Apr 10, 24

This Week in Fascism #136: Hundreds Run Kyle Rittenhouse Off Campus in the South, Musk Removes Exposé of Neo-Nazi

Welcome back fellow antifascists! As always, we have a lot to cover in this column, especially some exciting action reports and important... Read Full Article

Apr 3, 24

Walkouts, Blockades, and Student Occupations in Solidarity with Palestine Continue

Resistance to the US backed Israeli war and genocide against Palestinians living in the occupied territories remains ongoing, with a chorus of... Read Full Article

Apr 2, 24

In Contempt #39: Jack Out on Bond, Resistance at Tacoma Detention Center Continues

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Mar 27, 24

The IWW, the Red Scare, and Lessons on Resisting Repression Today

On today’s episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we sit down with labor historian Peter Cole, who speaks on how the... Read Full Article