Showing posts with label The Dud Abides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Dud Abides. Show all posts

Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying at the top of the stairs, looking at me, with one ear poking up

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt and Dudley the Greyhound napping on the sofa, facing opposite directions, she on her stomach and he on his back, their bums pressed together
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're zonked together napping, cheek to cheek...

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sitting on the sofa beside each other, grinning
Happy after a runaround in the yard with me. These two. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on the sofa with his face buried under a fuzzy white blanket and the tip of his long snout poking out the other side
I feel you, Dudz.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

Dogs who definitely know how to use beds edition:

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying with just his head on a dog bed on the living room floor
Dudley definitely knows how to use a bed.

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sleeping half in and half out of a dog bed on the dining room floor
Zelda definitely knows how to use a bed.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on the couch, with his head hanging over the cushion and his tongue hanging out
Just daydreaming with his tongue lolling out of his head, like ya do.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound standing next to the couch, where Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt is lying comfortably; Dudley is looking at me expectantly with his tongue hanging out
"MOOOOOOOOOOM! She's in my favorite seat and I want to sit there! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt lying on the floor next to my desk
These two sweet babies. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt napping on her side on the entryway tile and Dudley the Greyhound napping on the sofa on his back with his front legs stretched straight into the air

It's hot. Zelda deals with this by napping on the cool tile. Dudley deals with it by...well, whatever this is.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

series of three images of Dudley the Greyhound's long snout getting closer to me as I'm sitting on the sofa
When Dudley wants me to scratch his cheeks, rub his ears, and kiss his head.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sitting on the couch beside each other, grinning
These two goobers. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt standing in the yard looking in the opposite direction of Dudley the Greyhound, who is seen just running into frame

Zelly is just minding her own business and has no idea what's about to hit her, lol. (Dudley doesn't actually hit her. He either stops short and play-bows or LEAPS right over her and keeps running!)

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying at the top of the stairs, looking down at me
He is willing me to get him a treat. It's working.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on the sofa with his neck craned around, looking at me with a long face while pressing his snout into a blanket
What a look! LOL.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound running toward me in the backyard
Here he comes!

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on the couch with a pillow half over his face
Uh-oh! Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound standing in the backyard on a sunny day
A very good boy.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt and Dudley the Greyhound lying on opposite ends of the sofa

Two very good dogs who were so well-behaved and sweet at the vet yesterday getting their boosters. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound's face, as he lies on the sofa with his tongue lolling out
This face, lol! ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound sitting on the sofa with his front legs stretched wayyyyyy out
Sir Dudley Longshanks

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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