Showing posts with label Ark Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ark Theory. Show all posts

Feeling the Heat

[Content Note: Climate crisis.]

This sobering headline is as blunt as the subject deserves: Climate Change Will Kill Us with Heat If Nothing Is Done to Fix It, Study Says.

Naturally, anyone who has been paying the slightest bit of attention to the increasingly urgent warnings from climate scientists isn't shocked by that headline, but if you're nonetheless horrified by it, you're certainly not alone. The findings of this latest study are dire.

The number of dangerously hot days per year will skyrocket this century if little or nothing is done about climate change, putting millions of Americans at risk.

Those are the findings released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists in their report, "Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days."

The group says climate change is already manifesting itself in the form of deadlier storms, rising sea levels, droughts, wildfires, and floods, but the heat extremes forecast in their analysis of the rest of the 21st Century shows an intensity of heat that will affect the daily lives of more Americans than ever before.

..."We must act decisively to cut heat-trapping emissions to defend ourselves against a gravely hot future," the group warns. "By cutting emissions quickly and deeply, we can slow global warming and limit the increase in the number of extremely hot days."

When the heat index is above 90, outdoor workers are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Over 100 degrees, children, the elderly, and pregnant women are at risk. Above 105, anyone could be at risk of heat-related illness or death from prolonged exposure, according to the study.

If no action is taken to address climate change, broad swaths of the United States will see extreme heat conditions measured in weeks or months rather than days by the middle of the century, the study found.
There is much more at the link.

Obviously, people who can't afford air conditioning and/or people with illnesses or disabilities that make them more vulnerable to heat, in addition to children and elderly people, will be at higher risk for heat-related death.

Which, I fear, is precisely the point.

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We Resist: Day 887

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures (plus the occasional non-Republican who obliges us to resist their nonsense, too, like we don't have enough to worry about) is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

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Late yesterday and earlier today by me: Trump Regime to Move Migrant Children in a Bid to Avoid Accountability for Harming Them and "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free..." and Primarily Speaking.

Here are some more things in the news today...

Donald Trump published a series of tweets directed at Iran this morning, and they are wildly, unfathomably, aggressively inappropriate, which is still a vast understatement. The tweets read:
Iran leadership doesn't understand the words "nice" or "compassion," they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone...

...The wonderful Iranian people are suffering, and for no reason at all. Their leadership spends all of its money on Terror, and little on anything else. The U.S. has not forgotten Iran's use of IED's & EFP's (bombs), which killed 2000 Americans, and wounded many more...

...Iran's very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!
No more people who aren't bellicose sadists who threaten "obliteration" of their enemies. To all decent Americans' grief and regret.

In related news... [Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] Saagar Enjeti and Jordan Fabian at the Hill: Trump: I Do Not Need Congressional Approval to Strike Iran. "Trump told Hill.TV in an exclusive interview Monday that he does not need congressional approval to strike Iran. When asked if he believes he has the authority to initiate military action against Iran without first going to Congress, Trump said, 'I do.' ...The president disputed Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) assertion that he would need congressional approval for any 'hostilities' against Iran. 'I disagree,' he said. 'Most people seem to disagree.'" The fuck they do. I'm sure his cadre of sycophants do. Outside that thicket of reprobates, however, most people believe the president is not a fucking dictator.

Did anyone imagine that Putin would stop with just interfering in our election once he got away with that sans consequence? Oh. [CN: Video may autoplay at link] Tom Embury-Dennis at the Independent: Russia Contradicts Trump Administration by Saying Downed U.S. Drone Was in Iranian Airspace. "[Secretary of Russia's Security Council Nikolai Patrushev] spoke to reporters after a three-way meeting with his Russian and Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem. He said Iran — an ally of Russia — had not briefed Moscow about the incident, but that the Russian Defense Ministry had concluded the drone entered Iranian airspace."

Jennifer Jacobs at Bloomberg: Trump Muses Privately About Ending Postwar Japan Defense Pact. "Donald Trump has recently mused to confidants about withdrawing from a longstanding defense treaty with Japan, according to three people familiar with the matter, in his latest complaint about what he sees as unfair U.S. security pacts. Trump regards the accord as too one-sided because it promises U.S. aid if Japan is ever attacked, but doesn't oblige Japan's military to come to America's defense, the people said. The treaty, signed more than 60 years ago, forms the foundation of the alliance between the countries that emerged from World War II."

So Trump "mused about it privately," and yet here we are reading about it! And of course we're all meant to understand it's because Trump is always pouting about unfair our treaties are, and yet, as Olga Lautman notes on Twitter: "Just what Putin wants! Trump gets all his foreign policy ideas from the Kremlin who wants weaker or no alliances." Huh.

Say, on that note... Steven Erlanger at the New York Times: Council of Europe Restores Russia's Voting Rights.
In a decision opposed by most former Soviet-bloc countries, the parliament of the Council of Europe voted on Tuesday to end Russia's suspension, which began with the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

Those voting to restore Russia's full rights in the council, which is separate from the European Union, argued that if Russia left the organization — as it had threatened to do — it would deny Russian citizens the right to bring cases before the European Court of Human Rights, a part of the council.

Opponents argued that Europe was giving in to the illegal annexation of Crimea and Russia's support for separatist warfare in eastern Ukraine — and just as important, starting a process of normalizing relations with Moscow.
Does that strategy — holding the safety of marginalized people hostage in order to extort concessions and avoid accountability or any consequences at all for large-scale abuses — sound familiar to anyone else? Because it should.

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[CN: Nativism; child abuse]

Nancy Cook at Politico: Trump Is Tiring of Mulvaney. "In recent weeks, Trump has been snapping at his acting chief of staff with some frequency, and expressing greater frustration with him than usual, according to four current and former senior administration officials. Trump has long said that he prefers the flexibility offered by temporary titles, but Mulvaney's ongoing 'acting' status underscores the uphill battle he faces as Trump's third chief of staff in less than two-and-a-half years. While Mulvaney is not in danger of losing his job any time soon, officials stressed, Trump's treatment of him still signals to aides the slow deterioration of their relationship has begun."

Greg Sargent at the Washington Post: Our Next Election Is Dangerously Vulnerable, a Top Democrat Warns.
[Donald] Trump is set to meet with Vladimir Putin at the Group of 20 this week, and one big question is whether Trump will warn the Russian leader against launching another attack on our political system.

We can guess the answer to that — he won't, because he stands to benefit. But that should renew attention to the steps we could be taking to fortify our elections against outside interference, but aren't, largely because Trump doesn't want us to, and because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is blocking many such efforts.

The causes for worry are mounting.

...Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Intelligence Committee, has played a lead role in studying the threat of more election interference.

...The Plum Line: What do you fear most in elections to come?

Wyden: As of today, the election interference of 2020 by hostile foreign powers — and I'm not just talking about the Russians — is going to make 2016 look like small potatoes.

Paul LeBlanc at CNN: Warren Introduces New Election Security Plan. "Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday released a new election security and voter fraud protection plan aimed to 'secure our elections from all threats, foreign and domestic.' 'Our elections should be as secure as Fort Knox,' the senator from Massachusetts wrote in a Medium post outlining the multi-pronged plan. 'But instead, they're less secure than your Amazon account.'"

A great and necessary idea — which chief Democracy Killer Mitch McConnell will ensure goes absolutely nowhere. Sob.

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[CN: Sexual violence; rape apologia] Cristina Cabrera at TPM: Trump Denies Carroll Sexual Assault Accusation by Claiming 'She's Not My Type'. "Donald Trump denied writer E. Jean Carroll's allegation of sexual assault by stating that 'she's not my type' on Monday. 'I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type. Number two, it never happened,' Trump told the Hill. 'It never happened, okay?'" JFC he is such a foul specimen. I hate him mightily.

[CN: Toxic masculinity; entitlement; gun violence; child abuse] Ben Kesslen at NBC News: California Man Shoots 10-Month-Old Girl in Head After Her Mother Rejects Him, Police Say. "A 10-month-old girl is recovering in Fresno, California, after being shot in the head by a man who made unwanted sexual advances toward her mother. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said Deziree Menagh, 18, brought her young daughter, Fayth Percy, to a social gathering Saturday night where Marcos Echartea, 23, made advances toward her. Echartea grabbed her hand, tried to pull Menagh into him, and told her to sit on his lap, police said. The two barely knew each other, having met for the first time a week earlier. Uncomfortable with Echartea's advances, Menagh left the party in a car with Fayth and a friend. ...Echartea fired three rounds into the driver's window, one hitting Fayth in the head."

[CN: War on agency] Erin Heger at Rewire.News: Texas GOP Outlaws Local Governments from Having 'Any Transaction' with Abortion Providers. "Senate Bill 22, signed into law this month by Gov. Greg Abbott (R), takes effect September 1. The legislation prohibits cities, counties, and local governments from conducting 'any transaction' with an abortion provider or its affiliates — including leases, sales, and donations of real estate, goods, and services. 'What these statewide leaders are saying is that local entities no longer have the capacity to steward their community resources in the way that they see fit,' Autumn Keiser, director of communications and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, told Rewire.News."

If you don't see the through-line between all three of the above stories, I don't even know what to tell you.

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[CN: Climate crisis; class warfare] Damian Carrington at the Guardian: 'Climate Apartheid': UN Expert Says Human Rights May Not Survive. "The world is increasingly at risk of 'climate apartheid,' where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger caused by the escalating climate crisis while the rest of the world suffers, a report from a UN human rights expert has said. Philip Alston, UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, said the impacts of global heating are likely to undermine not only basic rights to life, water, food, and housing for hundreds of millions of people, but also democracy and the rule of law."

This speaks to my Ark Theory, in which oligarchs are using the climate crisis as their own modern-day "Noah's Ark" to escape the threat of overpopulation.

Douglas MacMillan at the Washington Post: Data Brokers Are Selling Your Secrets: How States Are Trying to Stop Them. "A state law passed last year required all businesses that trade data on Vermont's residents to register publicly and share some basic information about how they operate. ...The experiment in Vermont is being closely watched at a time when regulators across the country are trying to address growing concerns over online privacy. A California law set to take effect at the beginning of next year will allow the state's residents to opt out of having their data sold. Maine passed a law this month barring Internet service providers, including AT&T; and Verizon, from selling broadband customers' information. State legislatures in New York, Maryland, and Massachusetts are all considering measures to give residents more control over data."

One wee fly in the ointment... Jamie Ross at the Daily Beast: Federal Agencies Left Private Data Open to Cyberattacks for a Decade, Says Senate Report. "Multiple federal agencies kept up an outdated security system over the past decade that left Americans' personal information vulnerable to theft, according to a damning new Senate report out Tuesday. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found the failures came from the Departments of State, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Education, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and the Social Security Administration." Terrific.

What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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We Resist: Day 750

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures (plus the occasional non-Republican who obliges us to resist their nonsense, too, like we don't have enough to worry about) is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

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Late yesterday and earlier today by me: Trump's Judiciary Will Haunt Us for Decades and The Bezos Story Is Profoundly Troubling and RIP John Dingell.

Here are some more things in the news today...

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is testifying before the House Judiciary Committee today, and it's going about exactly as well as you'd expect:

[Content Note: Anti-choicery] Robert Barnes at the Washington Post: Supreme Court on 5-to-4 Vote Blocks Restrictive Louisiana Abortion Law. "Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joined with the Supreme Court's liberals Thursday night to block a Louisiana law that opponents say would close most of the state's abortion clinics and leave it with only one doctor eligible to perform the procedure. The justices may yet consider whether the 2014 law — requiring doctors at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals — unduly burdens women's access to abortion. ...The majority, as is custom, did not give a reason for granting the stay. But it seems likely the full court will now grant the case a full briefing and review, and perhaps reexamine its earlier decision, which was made by a very different Supreme Court."

It's definitely curious that Roberts sided with the liberals here, to give abortion access a much-needed reprieve. I don't think it's because he has a newfound respect for reproductive justice. It may be because he's starting to get itchy about the legacy of the Roberts Supreme Court, which, care of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, is shaping up to be far more radical and right-wing than Roberts himself has been.

Or it could simply be what ThinkProgress' Ian Millhiser suggests here: "The best lesson to take from the high court's order in June Medical Services v. Gee is not that the Roberts Court will preserve the right to choose. Rather, the best lesson is that the Supreme Court is the Supreme Court, and even some of its Republican members care more about preserving its own position in the judicial hierarchy than they do about gutting Roe v. Wade."

[CN: Islamophobia; Christian Supremacy] In other SCOTUS news, care of Millhiser: The Supreme Court Just Handed Down a Truly Shocking Attack on Muslims. "The Supreme Court just handed down a brief order holding that a man named Domineque Ray must die without his spiritual adviser being made available to give him comfort. The decision was 5-4 along party lines. The case is Dunn v. Ray. Ray is a death row inmate, and there is no doubt that the state of Alabama may execute him. The only issue in this case was whether Ray, who is Muslim, may be killed with his imam at his side. Moreover, as Justice Elena Kagan notes in a dissenting opinion, 'a Christian prisoner may have a minister of his own faith accompany him into the execution chamber to say his last rites' under the prison's policy. So if Ray were a Christian, he would have his spiritual adviser present."

Another dire warning that the rest of the judiciary is moving right and getting radical:

[CN: Misogyny; anti-choicery; Christian Supremacy] IWHC Staff at the International Women's Health Coalition: Global HER Act, Scheming at the UN, and Religious Refusals. "In another failed attempt to export its anti-choice ideology at the United Nations, the Trump administration tried to block Michelle Bachelet's appointment to UN High Commissioner of Human Rights. Not surprisingly, Bachelet's vocal support for abortion rights was among the United States' chief concerns. ...The Trump administration is [also] finalizing a new policy that would expand protection to people who deny health care services based on their personal beliefs. The draft rule would allow health care providers — ranging from receptionists to doctors — to refuse to provide care if it violated their religious or moral opinions."

Joshua Partlow, Nick Miroff, and David A. Fahrenthold at the Washington Post: 'My Whole Town Practically Lived There': From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a Pipeline of Illegal Workers for Trump Goes Back Years. "At his home on the misty slope of Costa Rica's tallest mountain, Dario Angulo keeps a set of photographs from the years he tended the rolling fairways and clipped greens of a faraway American golf resort. Angulo learned to drive backhoes and bulldozers, carving water hazards and tee boxes out of former horse pastures in Bedminster, N.J., where a famous New Yorker was building a world-class course. ...Now the 34-year-old lives with his wife and daughters in a sturdy house built by 'Trump money,' as he put it, with a porch to watch the sun go down. ...'Many of us helped him get what he has today,' Angulo said. 'This golf course was built by illegals.'"

[CN: Shooting; death] Staff at CBS News: Customs Officer Shoots, Kills Driver at Port of Entry on U.S.-Mexico Border. "The mayor of Nogales, Arizona, said a major port of entry on the U.S.-Mexico border was temporarily closed to traffic heading into Mexico after a customs officer shot and killed a southbound driver who refused to stop. Mayor Arturo Garino said he was told by city officials that the shooting took place after the truck apparently tried to run over the officer Thursday night at the DeConcini Port of Entry." Huh. Right after residents of Nogales complained about razor wire being added to the border fence there.

I'm guessing that the customs officer will face no penalty for this fatal shooting. Meanwhile... [CN: Nativism] Staff at Feminist Newswire: Four Humanitarian Aids Convicted for Leaving Water for Migrants. "U.S. Magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco convicted four women of violating federal law for leaving water jugs and canned food in the Cabeza Prieta desert during the summer of 2017, when temperatures reached triple digits. The four women were charged with misdemeanor crimes that included entering a protected refuge without a permit, leaving personal property, and driving in a restricted area. Catherine Gaffney, a volunteer for No More Deaths, responded to the verdict by asking, 'If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal, what humanity is left in the law of this country?'"

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Jon Swaine at the Guardian: Rosenstein Did Not Want to Write Memo Justifying Comey Firing, According to a New Book. "The deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, privately complained that he was ordered by [Donald] Trump to write the notorious memo justifying the firing of the FBI director James Comey, according to Comey's former deputy. Andrew McCabe writes in a new book that Rosenstein, who has publicly defended the memo, lamented that the president had directed him to rationalise Comey's dismissal, which is now the subject of inquiries into whether Trump obstructed justice." I literally couldn't care less about what Rosenstein said privately, and I'm sick of these abettors trying to rehabilitate themselves and each other by sharing what they supposedly said privately when, publicly, they were facilitating the fall of our democratic institutions.

Staff at the Daily Beast: Ivanka Trump: I Have 'Zero Concern' the Mueller Investigation Will Implicate Anyone I Love. "Ivanka Trump insists she has 'zero concern' that anyone close to her will be implicated when Robert Mueller draws his investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election to a close. Speaking to ABC News' Abby Huntsman, the president's daughter was asked, with the Mueller investigation coming to an end: 'Are you concerned about anyone in your life that you love being involved?' She responded: 'I'm not. I'm really not.'" Well, that's probably the first time Ivanka Trump and I have ever agreed on anything.

[CN: Nuclear warfare] Rachel Becker at the Verge: Nuclear Winter Is Still a Hot Topic as a New Arms Race Heats Up. "Within the past week, the U.S. and Russia pulled out of a critical arms control agreement. The U.S. is ramping up production of a new mini-nuke that could change the landscape of nuclear conflict, according to Defense News. And North Korea doesn't appear willing to get rid of its nuclear weapons any time soon. As nuclear tensions start rising again, the threat of a nuclear winter is coming back into the frame. It's a subject worth talking about says Richard Turco, a professor emeritus at UCLA and one of the authors of the 1983 scientific paper that first proposed the idea. 'Although there is a relatively low probability of nuclear winter happening, the potential consequences would be catastrophic — namely the destruction of human civilization,' Turco says."

[CN: Climate change] Maddie Stone at Earther: Melting Ice Sheets Could Throw Earth's Climate into Disarray, Alarming Models Predict. "It's no secret that Earth's ice sheets are shrinking as temperatures rise. But this planetary meltdown isn't just a problem for coastal residents dealing with rising sea levels. New research suggests it could be a problem for all of us as the effects of ice loss ripple through the oceans and atmosphere. Models published Wednesday in Nature explore how all the water pouring off the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets could impact ocean currents, and how that, in turn, could affect the global climate."

Seems like the people with the power to reverse climate change and prevent nuclear warfare and address other mass calamities should be doing something about that. Unless not stopping those things is actually the objective, of course.


What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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Climate Change May Be the Oligarchs' Ark

[Content Note: Colonialism; genocide; climate change.]

Jonathan Amos at the BBC: America Colonisation 'Cooled Earth's Climate'.

Colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth's climate.

That's the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK. The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation. This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet.

...The team reviewed all the population data it could find on how many people were living in the Americas prior to first contact with Europeans in 1492. It then assessed how the numbers changed in following decades as the continents were ravaged by introduced disease (smallpox, measles, etc), warfare, slavery, and societal collapse.

It's the UCL group's estimate that 60 million people were living across the Americas at the end of the 15th Century (about 10% of the world's total population), and that this was reduced to just five or six million within a hundred years.
Unreal. It's absolutely staggering to contemplate the loss of life on so grand a scale that it literally changed the climate of the planet.

I would say that I hope the collection of sociopathic oligarchs currently ruling the planet don't get any ideas, except here is the text of a message I shared in a group chat last August:
I have thought about this a lot over the years, why it is that the extremely wealthy don't seem concerned about climate change coming for them (or their kids), and here's the thing: There are a lot of eugenics-obsessed narcissists among the extremely wealthy, most or all of whom are social Darwinists who clearly believe their best chance of long-term survival, and the survival of their descendents, is a much smaller human population with far less communicable disease and demand on limited resources.

The GOP, the party that serves these masters in the U.S., is a death cult at this point. They are actively facilitating large-scale mass death of vulnerable people.

(This is also why the global oligarchs curiously don't seem to care about the fact that there won't be anyone to buy their wares if we're all shit broke. What has become painfully clear to me is they have already moved beyond capitalism. Theoretically, if not practically. They have already envisioned the automated Utopia, but they have only envisioned it for themselves. They are now actively moving on to thinning out the herd.)

They've all calculated that their best odds of survival depends on the rest of us dying.

And if you think about it, you'll see that it's been in the works for decades. The extremely wealthy and influential who know what's up have made profound investments in vaccines and climate change. Think the Clinton Global Initiative, Bill Gates, Al Gore. Their money goes to saving lives; to trying to prevent mass-scale deaths among vulnerable people.

I realize it sounds tinfoil-hatty, but I don't think it's, like, a secret society of lizard people orchestrating the end of humankind. To the contrary: This is deeply human shit. It's human self-interest and greed and survival taken to extremes enabled by the extreme concentration of wealth.

I don't even know that it's coordinated, necessarily, as much as an almost unprecedentedly elite group making unfathomably selfish decisions that look very much alike because their circumstances are so rarified.

On the political level, however, it's coordinated, because it has to be. Which is why I am able to feel so certain that this is what's happening, because I've been studying the GOP for so long and watching where the liberal elites are putting their resources.

And noticing the indifference to large-scale automation, which will put millions of people in America alone out of work in an economy where work with a livable wage is increasingly rare, as well as the indifference to climate change, which will displace countless people globally. This is a death march.

The way I see it is that all these sociopathic dipshits like Elon Musk have realized that moving to Mars isn't a realistic option. So they've decided to stage their own "Noah's Ark" event on Earth and wipe the planet clean to give themselves a fresh start on a "new" planet.

The flood is coming. And I'll be damned if I know how to build an ark for us.

I'm not a carpenter. I'm just the meteorologist.
That's a lot of words which basically boil down to this: People with the power to do something about climate change aren't. And I think the reason is because they have calculated letting it happen is the fastest route to the depopulation they see as the key to their own salvation, and they believe they have the resources to weather the (literal) storm, and they're making as many of us as vulnerable as possible in the meantime.

Humans have always been each other's worst enemy. Especially when they're trying to save themselves.

And right now, the humans with the most influence on the planet see the rest of us as a threat to their existence. That makes them an extremely pressing threat to us.

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