all 78 comments

[–]bagobonez2 23 points24 points  (0 children)

It desperately needs some tunnels under the hills. This would make it possible to counter camp the people who try to camp those spawns. Would make traversal safer, or at least allow you to fight your opponent instead of get sniped out of nowhere.

[–]Huemagus 55 points56 points  (13 children)

Alotta maps have fucked spawns. Reserve, shoreline, interchange, and of course lighthouse. Everyone single one you can just die off the spawn. You just gotta learn the spawns and be ready to take a fight.

[–]drewts86 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Agreed. Reserve is arguably worse than Loothouse because there is even less opportunity to hide off spawn and it’s even easier for squads to insta-delete you. Interchange is maybe on par with LH spawns, but you still have to content with crossing a LOT of open ground to get to the mall.

[–]cyellowan -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

I've found that it all depends on who you meet and if you are balsy enough. In maybe 10/10 raids on Interchange, I've yet to meet a sniper off spawn. Might change in my future, but so far i am very lucky so I'd say it's RNG. Secondly, either i yolo-run or just pre-camp to make it seem like nobody spawned there. Simple way of making players leave you alone.

But what i will say, is that the spawns are inherently UNPLAYABLE without ANY scope on your gun. And your gun MUST have long-range capabilities. At large, maybe the last gigantic blatant mistake BSG have at play with their current spawn-logic. The best part about Interchange in this realm, is that there's not really that much purpose in walking around outside beside the routine quests or travel. So snipers abuse everything they get their hands on.

But i don't think it's really all that fair or sensible. Of the 3 floors and hundreds of areas, it is outside.... OUTSIDE, we gotta struggle lol! But personally i only would of wished for smaller structural cover-changes. They stealth-add cars and walls and semi-trucks and whatever. Cool. But i'd rather have them remove a lot of this fps-destroying larp-trash and add some basic structures instead or to some degree. So at the very least, players can navigate better inwards if need be. Make it a skilled choice, basically.

On the flip-side, choices and risks need to exist in these games. A god-tier example i have was in the old H1Z1 map. There's a canyon close to in the middle of the map. This was actually a super-cool accidental feature believe it or not, because it served as a noob-trap & a planning-trap & it also served as an obstacle pretty much however you was gonna move across or around that area. Car or no car as well.

Back to tarkov. I think that same logic is lost on game-designers, almost entirely. Areas that are very realistic, bulky, and thus, inherently dangerous and risky. So you CAN walk there, but if you don't plan your risk, you might die, but you will learn after just 1 mistake, and after that, it CAN lead to some hype plays but only if you know what you are doing.

My rant is almost over. What i've come to realize, is that the game-designers just don't really care at all about the normal gamer with a budget PC. You get 50 barrels and 400 pieces of rubbish or trash or empty cans or atmosphere objects. Instead of core-elements that change the map. It's all a focus on the vibes, nothing on preserving the game-performance-experience.

Players feel cheated when they get 300-400-500-600 fps in CS:GO (CS2), or any other FPS game. Then move to tarkov cause it IS a good and hype game, and then you see yourself fail because you can just barely see killa or giggachaddXxX at LV67 merk you around the corner before you can spot them properly. The game, visually showing you, that your PC AND the game is sub-par performance-vise. The reaction-difference between 60fps, 100fps, 150fps, 200fps and 300fps is brutal.

You know what? BSG. I DARE you. Make yourself a damn reaction-test. You got the tools. Do it, and try and teach yourself how horrible it feels for a player to get merked around a corner by someone that's capped at 144fps. When he is at 70. Try it. The 70fps guy will never win that fight, even if the 144fps dude got a potato-TT pistol. Welp. I hope they don't waste what the unity-port upgrade unlocks for them as a studio.

[–]Mac_ElliotVEPR -1 points0 points  (0 children)

What if interchange mall and outside area were seperate maps 🤔 they could change it somewhat, like add some houses on other side of the overpass, then make the mall and surrounding unenterable, perhaps make it a noob map like ground zero. It would be a mix of urban, wooded area, and open freeway with large parking lot.

[–]Hi_LimeeASh-12 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Agreed. We need to stop asking BSG to change the spawns. It has to be a really complicated thing to code which is why they havent done it after knowing about it for 6+ years. Just change your playstyle based on the "bad spawns"

[–]ninjaboizM9A3 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not

[–]VC2007 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Obvious sarcasm

[–]Huemagus 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They've changed the spawns multiple times. They can't decide on good ones.

[–]stoner9997 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have 1000 hours with 0 reserve, interchange, or lighthouse raids. Because of this.

[–]sovietmur 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Dude reserve spawns are unbelievably terrible

If I queue in with a group of 4 it always spawns us in groups of 2, hundreds of meters from each other

[–]vl0nely 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Forgot about this lol. One of the best tarkov clips of all time in my friend group is that happening and 20 seconds into the raid one of my friends saying “fuck I see a pmc to our right” and right after that you just hear “I’m dead”

[–]Fit_Confidence_5096AK-74N 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Haha, I understand, either dead or on the road to death

[–]Syph3RRRFN 5-7 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Other maps aren’t a one way street tho. The further away you spawn from WTP the more likely are you to die. There’s 2 pois on the map, one being in the middle where people spawn next to so there’s nothing to grab and getting to the other one means running past every single spawn

[–]blarann 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Spawns are the worst gameplay issue in Tarkov at the moment. Its so bad that I wont play any maps other than customs and labs, and even on customs there are 2 spawns that will result in an instant suicide if I spawn there because playing the raid from certain spawns is a waste of time.

[–]Hanzo_Bobanzo86- 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Babe wake up!!! A new lighthouse rant post just dropped!!!

[–]jacktheratD2 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Man I love these posts 🥰 really warms my soul

[–]Embarrassed_Job_621 3 points4 points  (5 children)

I dont really have a Problem with the Maps design more with the Rouge Ai that starts shooting you with the Grenade Launcher or the Mg if the see just a tiny Pixel across the Map.

Died like this like 10 times the last Raids i played on lighthouse this wipe

[–]Sufficient_Most_1790SR-25 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Night run. Never go beach side bridge. Win.

[–]Rough_Response7718 0 points1 point  (3 children)

The problem is this only applies to bears a USEC can run anywhere unless they go inside the camp.

[–]_Nightdude_ 1 point2 points  (1 child)

honestly they should just disable the rogues' bear aggro until the bear-friendly faction they wanted to introduce is a thing. And I say this as someone who's only ever played USEC since picking up the game in 2017

[–]vl0nely 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Genuinely would play lighthouse. But, as a bear, it will always be a questing only map for me now that streets has the new map loot instead of lighthouse. I will however say that if I have a thermal I want to use, the only map I’m using it on is nighthouse, there’s just something extremely satisfying about clearing those damn rogues out with the thermal, the same way they do to me with the AGS and MGS during the day lol

[–]Contundo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And that makes it ok?

[–]ravenousgloryHK 416A5 3 points4 points  (1 child)

It's fine once you get the flow of it. It's a nightmare when you don't know it tho.

[–]Edit_Mann 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My take exactly

[–]benzilla04AK-74 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It’s quite fun once you learn. In my head when I’m playing I imagine danger areas in certain spots of the map depending on where I am, as time passes on those areas become mild danger or low risk, due to players moving about. First 5 mins I consider extremely dangerous as people move to where they want to be, and then it dims down. It’s arguably one of the hardest and punishing maps to learn but well worth it once you do

[–]corruptchemist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Looking forward, I hope lighthouse gets the shoreline treatment on changing elevations and maybe a general redesign

[–]holdMyMoney 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Have you played interchange?

[–]RowengardnerrSKS 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I miss being able to go to the actual lighthouse

[–]Edit_Mann 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah that pushed at least some traffic north to south, now everyone just runs north

[–]Depressed_PMC 3 points4 points  (6 children)

The worst is the mountain spawn near the water treatment. Despite being the best spawn location wise, I get anxious as fuck about the mines. I’d die there as much as I’d like to admit.

[–]The_Paganarchist 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I just started playing lighthouse. Honestly been enjoying the map. I vaguely knew of that area but didn't realize there was a spawn super close to those mines.

Got so fuckin tilted I had to get off for the night. Such a random fucking spot for unmarked mines.

[–]Nelluc9 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The worst part about that spawn is that you spawn wide out in the open and the person that spawns next to you gets a comfy hill with plenty of bushes and trees on it. It just feels so sleazy. They should add more space on the mountains so people have to run further to get to other spawns

[–]_SinsofYesterday_ 1 point2 points  (3 children)

[–]hoopaholik91 1 point2 points  (2 children)

There are mines randomly on the rocks overlooking the treatment plant so you can't snipe rogues from up there. They aren't on the map

[–]Vega5529 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes they are? Zoom in. It's claymores not mines

[–]_SinsofYesterday_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There are no mines randomly anywhere. The small red "x" on the map indicates the exact location of the mines.

[–]brownieboyafk 0 points1 point  (3 children)

Went to lighthouse twice in a row today, total raid time combined… 12seconds.

[–]BrobaFett 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't mind lighthouse. You just gotta be patient.

[–]Hi_LimeeASh-12 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is my favorite repeat post from this subreddit.

[–]AuNanoManTX-15 DML 0 points1 point  (1 child)

You can emphasize how bad something is without misusing the word “objectively.” Your opinion of the map is inherently subjective. People all over this sub, and even this post have said they like the map or it isn’t that bad. It isn’t “objectively” bad just because you don’t like it.

[–]blarann 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would argue that any map where the quality of your match is dependent on your spawn that you have no control over is indeed objectively bad design.

[–]chpir -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I so agree

[–]valdeteroRSASS -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I agree the map sucks, but I’m downvoting because you don’t know what the word objectively means.

[–]Opposite_Werewolf_98 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Pretty sure everyone else agrees with ya. Map is hands down the worse and should honestly be removed until fully re-worked.

[–]Rough_Response7718 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I actually think interchange is way worse of a map right now. Lighthouse, water treatment sucks ass and you can't cheese the rogues anymore which kind of blows. I think the two houses as hot spots are an interesting concept. I dont like how theres a huge road of legit nothing though, it seems like so much wasted space.

[–]RSDrasticSpastic -1 points0 points  (3 children)

Objectively and Rant cannot be used in the same sentence lad..

It sounds like your map knowledge is near to zero and instead of learning it you run around like a rabbit until you're caught. Funnily enough dying is how you learn. The map is fine.

[–]_Nightdude_ 0 points1 point  (2 children)

username checks out.

Lighthouse is god awful. Objectively. And I say this as someone who kinda enjoys the map, sometimes. My big problem with the map is A) the funnel design leaving the southern side of the map a barren wasteland and B) if you don't spawn next to chalet or by the rocks closest to water treatment you're going to be late to every bit of loot on the map. Even if you clear the rogues, 80% of the time their loot is gone by the time you get to them cause while you have to clear the rest of the rogues, the scavs just scurry in and take it.

Lighthouse is a scav main map. Ofc they would think the map is fine, they get to stuff before most PMCs do.

[–]RSDrasticSpastic -1 points0 points  (1 child)

So you've said the map is objectively bad but the only example you've given is 2 locations for loot.. So how is it bad? I used to run it for loot and got 600k+ Per run and never touched Water treatment and only hit Chalet probably 50% of the time. I could argue having Lightkeeper unlocked that it is insane for loot because I get to loot Lighthouse in its entirety and walk out unscathed because not a lot of people sit around the south side for no reason? But that would be Subjective, just like your opinion. You're looking at it from the perspective that there's only 2 locations worth being on that map and you need to learn that isn't the case.

The map is fine for tasks since they've extended kill range on a lot of things (Before that it was abysmal). The map is fine for loot. The map is fine for PvP. Spawns suck on all maps so complaining about this map specifically is just redundant. In comparison to other maps Lighthouse is fine and offers a lot in terms of easy extracts, loot locations and PvP. You need to give valid examples about why something is bad other than your own SUBJECTIVE opinion and your own opinion is that of someone who still thinks the meta is farming Rogues for loot.

[–]_Nightdude_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

oh, I thought I'd just give my own 2 cents instead of regurgitating every example given in every Lighthouse hate thread. We all know the complaints and issues with that map.

[–]PizzaMaxEnjoyer -1 points0 points  (0 children)

after doing nothing but lighthouse for like 20 raids:

the spawns really arent that bad. if you spawn on the beach next to the bridge, just sprint to southern road exit and go again.

if you spawn in the mountains - if you have the northernmost spawn, you are first in WTP. if not, you can pretty safely go south to the village.

other spawns arent that bad either.

only issue i have is the horde of player scavs.

[–]GMikeE941 -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

“This game / map / cheaters ruin everything” I’m starting to think these posts of a direct indicator of how dogshit someone is at the game.

[–]jarejay 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No arguments from me

[–]ezpzdough 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Been doing lightkeeper prerequisite quests and finished assessment p3 this weekend. Been grinding a lotta lighthouse and realized the worse spawns are always near the western shoreline. There are 3 spawns along this shoreline. Always gotta get rdy to fight or alternatively beeline for the chalet side road and take cover near trees. (50% chance for ppl to be camping hills for punisher p4 kills)

If you get the northern most spawn along shoreline(near merin) beeline for apartments. Middle one you might insta die.. southern most, sprint towards tunnels but watch out for the southern road spawn pmc.

[–]jrodrigo_c 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Middle one you can sprint towards the north chalet, nobody ever checks that.

I've also had the same feeling as you, spawning on the shoreline is the worst but it is manageable if you sprint and move into a better spot close to the nearest chalet. If you stay on the shoreline... thats a sure way to get sniped.

The worst spawn (imo) is the southern road, thats god darn awful. You can be pushed by the southern chalet dude or camped by any other PMC since you gotta move north to do anything meaningful. I just insta extract there lol

[–]kaffeemugger 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I barely started learning it this wipe but so far it’s pretty fun. Way better than the pure boredom of snoreline

[–]hoopaholik91 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just don't really get what the point of the map is if you aren't going for rogues. You have the two chalets that will be picked clean if you don't get the close spawns and then a bunch of crappy houses you can loot in. if there weren't a bajilion quests there it would be empty

[–]StalkerDimousMP7A1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wouldnt have such a problem with lighthouse if the punisher questline wasnt on it. Like seriously, us standard account boys trying to get that epsilon is garbage. I used to think shoreline was bad, but spent like 10 hours on lighthouse yesterday, I have no problem with any other map, even streets, but this map stutters, half of the raid is people just camping their spawn, if you spawn on the beach you may as well go fuck yourself. Oh and did I mention the invisible walls preventing you from climbing mountains? Like srsly? I cant count how many times I tried to rotate yesterday only to find out I cant go further because of an invisible barrier. At least put a really steep cliff there

[–]PlayMaGameHatchet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I dont think Nikita had a plan to make a game for us to enjoy. And he did mention this few times already.

[–]iLikeSpicyMems 0 points1 point  (0 children)

this is why you do not run lighthouse with more than an SKS, PS ammo, and headphones

[–]FliceFlo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My problem with the map is the complete lack of gunfights i get into. Its always either getting kills or getting killed from 100+ meters away without ever having a chance to shoot back. Essentially it devolves into camp or be camped which is probably the reason it feels like everyone is camping.

[–]Equivalent_Ad7389 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nobody likes lighthouse it's just required for tasks, id literally never play it otherwise. I also purposely run away from the spawn zones and DO NOT sprint to other players spawns to keep the integrity of the game fun and playable.

[–]sgteddy1212 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Lighthouse is the worst by far. Lighthouse is not unique in the long range sight lines or terrible spawn placement, but at least it isn’t extract camped as much as Reserve.

[–]No-Worker-2323 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I genuinely hate the spawns in this game and I hate lighthouse and I know for a fucking fact Nikita thinks that having to play Shipment FFA off of your fucking spawn is his idea of """difficult game"""". He def strokes it to these posts and when that new map drops it's going to be even worse. You'll probably have a chance to spawn with other PMC squads or some fucking bullshit.

[–]adfsagos 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, they should put a forest area above the chalets with a new medium sized POI and scavs or some underground tunnels.

[–]savetheHauptfeld 0 points1 point  (0 children)

same with streets for me. fuck those quests on both maps, i cant be bothered. i very short of reaching max traders and still havent done any lighthouse quests other than the one for M80. and i havent done a single quest on streets.

[–]soluslupem 0 points1 point  (0 children)

also has the most cheaters than any other map even more than labs at this point i feel so yeah, fuck the map, fuck the game

[–]storage_god 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yall are so dramatic

[–]6ucksinsix 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Have u died to the minefields yet?