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[–]Deltango 1075 points1076 points  (185 children)

I think there are lots of things that can be tweaked in Tarkov, but I feel like people need to remember that if casuals are pushed out of the game, you will only be playing against ultra sweat lords that rather shit in a bucket than leave their PCs.

I don't think things need to be made easy, but trying to get to late game takes too long. I find myself getting burnt out before getting to max level traders.

[–]HaitchKay 693 points694 points  (87 children)

The anti-casual mentality that people on this sub have is insane.

[–]cereal_killa22 383 points384 points  (57 children)

they wanna feel like they are "hardcore gamers"

the word "hardcore" is like like a fuckin viagra for these people.

[–]DanMustDie 81 points82 points  (10 children)

They're so entitled to the "dont ruin ma hardcore game" that they still dont understand that:

  • most people dont ask to make the game easier BUT accesible or less tedious (which again, doesnt mean easier)
  • if they're so hardcore and sweatie at this game, new players means more populated maps, more newbies to stomp and the game get money to keep developing stuff, so idk why they're so mad when people talks things like Glorious.

Pd: sorry for typos, English isnt my main language.

[–]Johnny_Lawless_EsqSKS 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Pd: sorry for typos, English isnt my main language.

You speak more languages than I do, and you made yourself understood, which is all that matters.

[–]cereal_killa22 44 points45 points  (1 child)

They don't want the games success. They want something that they can call their own and gatekeep.

[–]Affectionate-Poet763 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It boils down to they get to pub stomp early wipe because they have access to all the meta gear before people even get flea

[–]HaitchKay 184 points185 points  (35 children)

It boils down to people being very, very obviously insecure and latching on to the game as part of their personality. "I don't have anything else notable about me besides playing this game a lot, playing this game a lot puts you in an exclusive social club, if people who don't play it as much get to be part of the social club then it's not as special anymore which means I'm not as interesting/special/important anymore."

All very embarrassing shit that should be pointed and laughed at.

[–]treyzs 74 points75 points  (20 children)

might be a hot take but imo a huge part of this ties into the whole "chad" title people like to call anyone who runs a full 500k+ kit or even if they just have a raid bag on lmao. tarkov attracts a lot of those types of people that have deep insecurity and would love to be called chads, and they definitely DON'T want to be a part of the other group that the chads shit on.

its crazy but its just like the whole sigma thing but on a smaller scale

[–]n8moVEPR 60 points61 points  (17 children)

Your last sentence hits the nail on the head imo.

As a (relative) normie who plays Tarkov once in a blue moon, I’ve always found the community’s vocabulary to be notably alpha/redpill/incel adjacent. I’m not saying other games don’t share those sorts of phrases, but Tarkov in particular uses them more than any other gaming community I’m a part of.

To me, the most hardcore of Tarkov “chads” have always come off as socially inept dweebs RPing how they think cool people behave.

[–]OrphanWaffles 51 points52 points  (11 children)

Just gotta use Chad/Timmy differently.

Chad shouldn't describe the sweat lord that runs meta kits, has kappa, and only plays Tarkov.

Chad should be used to describe a mindset or what you do in a situation. You make a sick play to wipe multiple players? That's being a Chad. You run a super off meta kit and still get kills or even just extract successfully? That's being a Chad. You decide "fuck it I'm going to run across the map in an unconventional way regardless of who sees me"? Chad.

Same with Timmy. Timmy's are not just new players or casuals. Timmy is a mindset too. The level 55 with a meta kit who heard a single footstep, froze, and died to the level 12 with a naked M4? The level 55 is the Timmy here. Missing all your shots? That's a Timmy move. Forgetting to swap out your butt ammo from the last gun? Timmy.

Just being a sweatlord and wanting the hardcore experience and not giving a shit about others doesn't make you a Chad. It just makes you a dork.

[–]No-Disaster-7215 13 points14 points  (1 child)

You’re exactly right, and funny enough that’s absolutely how it used to be. If you were around for when these words ‘originated’ (as far as tarkov goes), largely created by General Sam’s old tarkov videos, that’s what they meant. AquaFPS was a ‘Chad’ simply because his mindset was to chase down shots he heard and get into as many pvp fights as possible, and we all know he was never a meta slave sweat lord.

It’s all been mangled into some weird hierarchy of sweatiness where Chad has come to mean “guy who no-lifes tarkov and gets kappa in a month”.

[–]youre_being_creepy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Basically anyone who kills me by surprise is a rat, anyone I kill is a Timmy lol

[–]jordanFAMOUS1 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This sums it up well, my buddy just picked up Tarkov and I'm 3000+ hours in so I was watching his discord stream while he was on ground zero running a pistol run to get the stuff from the lab and get out. He ran in got the stuff and went to go hit the car extract. Hadn't even seen a scav yet he was moving with a purpose to get the items and get out. He rounds the corner to a two man taking the extract and fucking wiped them both and took the extract. I was watching it go down and I was just as excited as him, I was like you're such a fucking Chad let's go!

[–]BlazingShadowAUPP-19-01 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It's funny because sprinting across the map recklessly is a legitimate strategy. It sounds odd, but if you do it in a non hotspot you'll often go unnoticed by people who don't look at open fields because they're confident nobody travels them.

I've done countless sprints across places like the bottom right of Shoreline, as well as most of Woods, through Customs construction area, places like that. Don't even check, just haul ass.

I've finished a lot of the early bottleneck quests like that. Tactical playing and clearing every corner tends to get me killed more often than imitating a formula 1 car and zooming.

[–]InvisibleZero420 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Exactly. And like many things in life, it's about confidence.

[–]MIR-12 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]pipjersey 1 point2 points  (0 children)

when i think of the word chad in tarkov all i think is a fancy word all the guys who play too much came up so they werent just looked at as no lifes

[–]cereal_killa22 12 points13 points  (5 children)

agreed, its wild bc this game/sub is one of the only ones Ive played long term where the "fans" are actively rooting for it to be only mildly popular. They really do feel some sort of exclusivity, its weird af.

[–]Wesdawg1241 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It boils down to people being very, very obviously insecure and latching on to the game as part of their personality.

You just described every single person that accuses others players of being "Scav mains". It's such an unreal phenomenon in this sub, people actually have a superiority complex because they don't (or rarely) utilize an intended feature of the game.

[–]Brave_Confection_457 4 points5 points  (4 children)

I always say Tarkov players have stockholm syndrome because instead of even considering quitting when the game makes them miserable/is stupid broken they won't stop cause "there's no other game like it"

these people usually attribute their stash rouble count as having any real world value too

[–]1uzgabe 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I never understand that stash value bs. I built a kit I want to run I lose it boo hoo and spend another 500k for a new kit. wtf is the point of having the rubles if it’s gonna just sit there

[–]Jesterhead93 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I used to be the person you are talking about. All I did was play this game. Now I have a career and a child and damn I see life so much differently now. Also this game is impossible to play if you have children. But to be fair, part of me is okay with this game not being for everyone, because a lot of people do have the time to put into it and want the grind. The other part of me agrees that casuals fall off way too soon after wipe and that creates a huge issue. It’s hard to find a balance honestly.

[–]SolaratovMP5 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Which is ironic because when the casuals clear out the raids become emptier, and by extension safer.

[–]NyanCatMattADAR 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I always equate those people as the same type of larpers who dress in full military kit with their $2000 rifle with all the bells and whistles, but have never even been in real combat.

They are just larping as hardcore gamers because their streamer is better than your streamer.

And yeah, literally everyone is better than aqua.

[–]DerpinyTheGame 3 points4 points  (4 children)

Same people that are spending hours and hours in the wikia of the game because it's even too hardcore for them.

[–]cereal_killa22 4 points5 points  (3 children)

the best thing for me is how many people think this game is a simulator.

its literally an arcade shooter, watch their heads explode.

[–]ColonelSuave 2 points3 points  (0 children)

People have asked me “ isn’t that game a simulator” because their only tarkov-player interaction are from the saddest of sadsacks chasing some weird combat fetish. Then having to explain having adjustable crouch height and exaggerated doesn’t make it a simulator

[–]howdiedoodie66 18 points19 points  (4 children)

Reminder that Nikita said "4 hours a day is casual", which is more like complete no life gamer territory if you have a job and aren't a complete slob.

[–]TheProYodler 14 points15 points  (2 children)

I was going back and forth with someone on another Tarkov post where this person was calling me insane for saying that I consider myself a casual because I really only play on the weekends/less than half an hour/if at all most days during the week. Dude went ballistic when I told them that playing 4-5 hours per day and calling it normal is complete fantasy.

[–]spartansaviorTX-15 DML 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I feel like the majority of the no lifers have to be in college or younger cause no way these people have a real job and have the energy to play 5 hours at a time. Even back when I was in college, after working a shift or loaded day of classes, I didn't have the mental energy to play games like tarkov or other shooters.

[–]RolandTwitter 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Now THAT guy needs to touch grass. Literally unhinged

[–]EnvironmentNo_ 13 points14 points  (2 children)

It's not a choice of casual or not casual, I can only play casually now and I want the game to be hardcore. What I don't want is the game to have no respect for my time with things drawn out unnecessarily because streamers do have the time.

[–]HaitchKay 6 points7 points  (1 child)

To a lot of people on this sub, the concept of a game respecting your time is in fact "casual". It's so dumb.

[–]EnvironmentNo_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

True, I do see that attitude, it's even worse when you read the comments by clout chasing streamers posting on bigger accounts too. I'd hate for the instanced gameplay to become less hardcore, however I've pretty much given up playing now because I'm not down with the tedium.

[–]Smooth-Ambassador1AK-103 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Agreed, people need to understand that grinders will grind the game no matter how much the grind is increasing the grind only affects the casuals

[–]NargWielki 10 points11 points  (2 children)

People are always making videos on stuff that will "kill Tarkov", but honestly the only thing that could really kill Tarkov would be BSG catering even more to the "hARDcOrE GaME" crowd in its progression.

The game is already hard enough with its PvP, bullshit Spawns, Aimbot Bosses, etc... there is no need to make it even more bullshit with arbitrary limits on item barters (looking at you Item Case), stupid missions and Rogues.

[–]HaitchKay 10 points11 points  (1 child)

but honestly the only thing that could really kill Tarkov would be BSG

Just gonna stop you there. BSG being stupid is what will eventually kill Tarkov, nothing else, and frankly with how cult-y a lot of people are about the game they'd have to really fuck up for it to happen. BSG's defenders are on the same level as those insane Star Citizen cultists when it comes to excusing every single awful decision the devs make.

[–]ColonelSuave 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Every other day I think about how equally weird and crazy star citizen and tarkov defenders are. It’s like they are trying to replace their own reality with some buggy alpha/beta development video game

[–]Lazy-Key5081 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's not the sub. It's the game player base in general. I think personally the ammo and gun grind should be wayyyyy longer to make it harder for the sweat lords. But at the same time I know that's a bad thing so idk. Means the current system is flawed in that regard

[–]Dcoco86 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Im honestly conflicted cuz I get you want to keep casuals around but I also like having a FPS not dumbed down to be consumed by the masses. I think I lean towards keeping it difficult but that’s just my lonely opinion

[–]Dcoco86 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Im honestly conflicted cuz I get you want to keep casuals around but I also like having a FPS not dumbed down to be consumed by the masses. I think I lean towards keeping it difficult but that’s just my lonely opinion

[–]HaitchKay 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I get you want to keep casuals around but I also like having a FPS not dumbed down to be consumed by the masses.

People need to learn that "casual" does not mean "wants baby easy mode". Not everyone has 20+ hours a week to devote to a single game. Most "casual" players are people who like it but don't like how much of the game is designed for no-lifers.

[–]Throw_away_away55 35 points36 points  (4 children)

I would be happier if all the quests were available to start sooner, but had a level requirement to turn in.

[–]Deltango 13 points14 points  (0 children)

That would be nice. It's quite annoying needing to use tarkov tracker to see what I need to stockpile and what i can sell

[–]KentuckyBrunch 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yea. Especially some of the kill quests. I usually kill several bosses and some grenade, SBIH etc kills before I get the quests.

[–]AuNanoManTX-15 DML 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah things like SBIH or getting the damn shotgun kills on lighthouse. Or maybe the game just remembers these retroactively, idk.

[–]i_wanna_b_the_guy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This idea would be incredible

[–]Capable-Grab5896 87 points88 points  (13 children)

Yeah that happens every wipe around this time. All the casuals are gone, and now the streamers can't shit all over PRS/PACA Timmies with their MDRs launching m62s to farm clips and call themselves "chads" so expect a lot of sad faces talking about whether Tarkov is moving in the wrong direction.

My favorite is hearing people who were already level 60 a week ago complain about the armor hitboxes feeling RNG. Yeah sorry bub looks like you're not immune to half the lobby anymore while you're wearing a Slick.

[–]kaffeemugger 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I’ve seen people call themselves chads while also only playing in colombia/SA servers for dead raids lmfao

[–]Deltango 12 points13 points  (7 children)

There should be an adaptive debuff applied to these people that hit lvl 60 too quickly lmao

[–]alphawolf29 32 points33 points  (3 children)

the armor changed helped massively as the main disadvantage to being casual is shitty ammo that cant reliably pen over class 3 or 4. Previously only gig chads could kill other gigachads, now at least any round has a chance. You can say there was always leg kills but people were pretty effective at hiding their legs.

[–]wskmn 16 points17 points  (1 child)

I agree plus the low recoil so now you can tap faces with starter SMGs and shit ammo

[–]HumaDracobaneSR-25 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The low recoil also makes every gun useable to kill people so you can see a lot of different weapons on a raid. Yesterday I was killed by someone running a Gucci SA58 OSW. Since the patch that introduced the SA58 I didnt see an OSW being used by a player besides myself.

[–]Huemagus 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Idk the neck hitbox is mega annoying for everyone. The head hitbox was already gigantic compared to other games and now if someone holds mouse 1 at your chest they have a chance to just get a 1 tap on your neck. Just my opinion I'm sure it's unpopular as usual. Also the new facemask is just a straight buff for hardcore players.

[–]AuNanoManTX-15 DML 6 points7 points  (0 children)

If this game didn’t wipe, I’d have no problem with it. I could grind it out and get everything done. It would probably take me 12 months to get kappa vs the 5-7 month wipe timeframe. But I’d do it if I didn’t feel so rushed to get to the end game where I could use good gear to even try to get there. I will never get to LK or kappa at the current wipe rate and I consider myself more than a casual player. It really does not to be friendlier to the casuals to maintain a population to even do some of the later game quests.

[–]CasualOverreaction 102 points103 points  (0 children)

Id have to really agree, the game is built for people who can play endlessly.

[–]SavageniusSR-25 989 points990 points  (95 children)

If you have two hours to play the game 80% of that time is spent in menus and loading into the game. All to be killed in two minutes off the start of the raid because you got the short end of the stick regarding the spawns or there’s a closet cheater in the raid that knows exactly where you are.

[–]deepvo1ce 358 points359 points  (23 children)

I've always found that funny once a friend of mine pointed it out to me. By the time you've played six raids, you've at minimum spent ~24 minutes loading into matches and queueing. It's absolutely ridiculous how bad the queue times are considering how fast the raids are sometimes, so far as time investment goes

[–]bennybellumAK-74M 237 points238 points  (19 children)

This 'waiting experience' starts at the launcher for me. Some times the launcher loads up and the 'Play' button is immediately enabled and can be clicked. Other times, the launcher shows a 'loading' screen before you even see the Play button for about a minute or two.

[–]medneyPP-91-01 "Kedr-B" 61 points62 points  (9 children)

I just open up task manager and kill and reopen the launcher over and over again until it loads the play button.

[–]peacetimemist05 82 points83 points  (5 children)

That’s just waiting with extra steps

[–]madbrood 13 points14 points  (0 children)

But it’s fun, right?!

[–]Holovoid 11 points12 points  (1 child)

This man gamified waiting for a process to function lmao

[–]medneyPP-91-01 "Kedr-B" 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I am both creator and destroyer

[–]ResistDance 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Living is just dying with extra steps, man

[–]HonoluluRedP90 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If I close it while it's loading, I have to log in again, so I just wait

[–]lbigbirdl 1 point2 points  (1 child)

If you have arena, click arena and click back to eft

[–]obamasrightteste 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Yup. All apart of the awful user experience that is Tarkov. The game is not allowed to be fun.

[–]Lateralus11235 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It tends to load quicker for me if I run the launcher as admin

[–]WiseOldTurtle 22 points23 points  (1 child)

The game also is horrendously slow to load anything. Exluding time you wait for other players to load, you still lose 2-5 minutes to load EVERY map. I don't think I've played a game that takes so long to load a map every time I want to play. And God forbid your game crashes and you have to wait another 5 minutes while your character is glitched out, running in the same spot and doing his best impression of a professional tap dancer. Or how long it take for the game to take you OUT of a raid when you exfill.

[–]Throw_away_away55 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's because your computer have to load the ENTIRE map and assets every round. You have all of the information client side, that's why people are able to cheat so easily.

[–]praisedtimon 70 points71 points  (38 children)


I love hard games but tarkov is just not respecting our time.

Dying to a better player/scav is one thing but wasting 20 min to restart a game is just bad.

Any expert/dev can explain why it takes so long for tarkov to load/create a game?

[–]BernieSandals_m 16 points17 points  (16 children)

Lets break down what exactly happens.  

 This is probably the average experience, since I have an average PC. Matching for me takes around 1 to 2 minutes (at this point in the wipe, at the start it can take 5 minutes or more).  I think matching also includes finding a server to start the raid on. Next, caching the map for me takes 10 to 30 seconds, loading loot takes me 15 seconds to 30 seconds (depending on the map), syncing with players (i.e. fetching their loot info, bullets, clothes, etc) takes anywhere from a couple seconds to 40 seconds or more.  The next part is.... "Waiting for Players"..., this is where a lot of our time is spent waiting for some crappy PC do all the steps above.  It can take anywhere from 5 seconds to 2 minutes or more. Then "Awaiting Session  Start", I don't know what this is but I think it makes sure the server is gtg, I mean who knows?  However it can take anywhere from 5 seconds to 30 seconds (as a PMC). 

So on average, maybe 4 minutes.

You can see that most of the time spent loading into a raid is literally waiting for people to match with and for them to load the loot, the map, etc. Loading the loot and the map is the quickest part of the process for people with average to good PCs. 

 Now as for the low level details, I don't have access to the code, so I can't give any details there. However they spell out what's going on.  Most of the wait is waiting on other people.  But why? "Dark and Darker doesn't need that long." Tarkov is fairly complex, the loot, AI, gear, the map, setting up quest events, quest items, and a big factor is the Unity Engine, it's not the most efficient piece of software. Also, they might just be better.  If BSG could just speed up the matching, I'm not sure why it takes so long to match. I imagine that the matching process also includes finding a server to run the raid on, but not sure. Also, I'm sure there are plenty of improvements they could make like: This loading process is very linear.  Maybe as we match with people we Sync with them as they are put into the lobby. Why can't we load loot while at the same time syncing with other PMCs?  Also, there should be a limit for Waiting for Players, if their shit PC can't load the map then they'll just have to spawn in late.

Have you noticed how fast we load into a raid as a scav after we matched? That's because we're not waiting for anyone, we find a raid, load the map, the loot, await session start and bam, we're in. 

To sum it up. Everyone needs to be running Tarkov on a SSD so it doesn't take me as long to get into a raid and die.

[–]sixnbDVL-10 1 point2 points  (0 children)

90% of the waiting in loading a game is waiting on some dude with antiquated hardwares HDD to spin up and load the game. Matching and all loading takes roughly a minute for me, the next 4 minutes is spent waiting on aforementioned dude to catch up.

Game used to just spawn those people late and you’d be into raid much faster as a result. But “everyone” started complaining that it’s not fair they load in late or they got spawn killed

[–]ChevalierNoiRJH 31 points32 points  (1 child)

I’ve said this a few times before, but getting killed by a cheater/hacker would not feel as bad and make us as angry as it does if it didn’t take 5+ minutes to load into a raid. I don’t know the solution to fixing loading times but it certainly has to be addressed OR a significant increase in the anti-cheat system capabilities.

[–]BlazinAzn38 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I realized this coming back into the game after a long break where I’ve now got a lot going on. I basically have two hours at night to game and for Tarkov that’s basically like 1 scav run and 2 PMC runs. Queuing for those 3 raids alone eats 30 minutes

[–]Frosty252 16 points17 points  (1 child)

a friend of mine literally stopped playing because they spent more time organising their stash and gearing up than playing the game itself. also not knowing the ridiculous spawns, they would typically die within the first 5 - 10 mins.

[–]KaptainKek3 4 points5 points  (0 children)

something funny this wipe is how many people comment on my name whilst in raid (that obviously your not supposed to be able to see).

I called myself XiaoL1ng (Cause i knew it would piss certain people off and thought it was funny) and theres been several times where dudes will say racist stuff about chinese people at me in the middle of the raid (keeping in mind that i'm voiping back and i don't sound chinese in the slightest).

[–]marshaln 389 points390 points  (91 children)

I remember once upon a time when this sub was full of people complaining about hatchet runners

Little did they know lol

[–]XxDONGLORDxX 104 points105 points  (81 children)

Hatchet runners were a plague and anyone who wants them back is wild. Nothing like showing up to loot spawns to find dead hatchet boys and making fuck all because they’ve shoved it up their ass.

[–]rgtn0w 159 points160 points  (22 children)

They would still be a problem yeah, but General Sam years ago posted some video with a very small, but key propose change. Rather than being able to sell any item ever in the flea like it used to be.

You keep FIR status system, but now there's some condition, some higher XP threshold probably, that makes it so that even if you die, items you found in raid stay FIR status. But that XP threshold makes it so that If you want to clear that, you'd have to at least engage scavs and kill them, or go around the map looting a lot. Basically, you have to do something in that raid that at least promotes you to be moving between places and not just rushing to one spot and extracting (or dying) or camping in one place for the entirety of the raid.

The bigger problem with FIR status system is that it promotes people to rat/camp/avoiding fights too much If they happen to find something they needed FIR or some expensive item cuz If they die, those items become essentially useless.

[–]TopTurtleWorld 4 points5 points  (0 children)

People already rat and camp if they find valueable loot or even quest items. And I think the slow tarkov playstyle is fine. People can play however they want within the limitation of the game.

[–]Symmetric_in_Design 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Trying to complete my pvp quests makes me wish hatchet runners were more common tbh. I occasionally see naked pistol boys and even ran into a lumberjack yesterday but it's super rare. Took me forever to finish punisher

[–]marshaln 40 points41 points  (40 children)

That's better than vacuum looters how?

[–]iisnotninja 70 points71 points  (29 children)

This, people who complained about harchling runners caused 90% of the issues that exist now. Low melee damage to the point is basically just a meme tool, reworked health system that punishes you for playing, and a GOD AWFUL restrictive flea market. I 100% would welcome back hatchling over this dogshit.

[–]Icarus_Le_RogueDVL-10 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It's like the people that cried about 100 meter headshots for shooter born, and now they're pissing and meaning about them changing it from 100 meter to bolt action specific. You guys did this to yourselves, hit your shots.

[–]LeaderOk696 11 points12 points  (27 children)

People complaining about how fast they saw streamers moving in pvp were the cause for inertia f'in us all over, and that together with the FIR subsequently lead to camping/sitting still being an even more prominent tactic used by people more than ever before. No more putting a quest item/valuable you find in your secure container and then go for some pvp.

It's almost as if complainers are just emotional instead of rational and can't think ahead.

[–]ZerythHatchet 23 points24 points  (14 children)

I mean, inertia is good, as long as it's not buggy and exploitable like it is now. Where chads who have mastered the system can move as if there is no interia while everyone else moves like through a swamp.

[–]LeaderOk696 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Yeah, for sure a lot better now where the Dyson Omniglide just sweeps the entire raids valuables on spawn and leaves than having some nude pmc's running around being easy to kill even before they get to the loot spots lol

[–]ContactRoyal2978 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Sounds like you should stop ratting and actually use your shift key to get to the high value locations of maps

[–]Gowat5 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Hatchet running doesn't fix anything nor did it cause any more cheating than before.

Yeah you can't hatchet run for good loot like a ledx now. But like just play a scav raid?

Scav rep 6 is easier than ever to get and scavs print lots of ruble. I'm almost certain this is one of my richer wipes, simply due to how much money you can make from random loot runs or scaving.

Anyone claiming that FIR and the removal of hatchet running has caused more cheaters is delusional. Cheating is at an all time high because the game is super popular right now due to the changes in the .14 patch.

Also, the game is more punishing these days as well. Bad players are dying a lot more than they usually would (either to the slow progression this wipe or just skill issues). Dying a lot and seeing all these "sus" profiles probably gets a lot of noobs to try closet cheating (radar and loot ESP).

However, Glorious' other points are valid and should be considered.

[–]Jase_the_Muss 38 points39 points  (1 child)

I killed half the bosses before getting a quest for em... I reckon killing em should unlock the quest and mark you with the kill kinda like some games where you stumble on a side quest and it auto completes half of it and you just need to do the final or hand it in. Witcher 3 did this brilliantly you could do the contracts by accident then turn up to the nearest town go to the dude who hired a witcher and be like it's dead pay me bro.

[–]EnderGraff 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This would be excellent. It sucks having to run away and avoid a boss fight because you don’t have the quest. They’re already so risky to fight.

[–]Mammoth-Appearance-5 94 points95 points  (9 children)

I swear I've gone into custons 25-30 times straight just rashala hunting and haven't seen him once...

[–]coolstorybro42 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Bruh i got him once before i had the quest, got the TT…. Second time i encountered him the last guard one shot me before i could get reshala….. that was like 100 raids ago lol

[–]RealLongMan 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It’s doesn’t help that the x% spawn rate isn’t actually the chance for each raid, and instead is x% of servers will have the spawn. If you’re not on a server with the boss then you can literally never see them over the course of a few session without knowing you had no chance.

[–]fickenundsaufen 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I ran into him one time this wipe so far, and it was a scav run.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've killed him twice before I had the quest... Since having the quest haven't seen him once lol

[–]Wulfgar_RIP 231 points232 points  (51 children)

And maybe don't tie Bosses to progression. Maybe they should be fun alternative content from questing.

Imagine Diablo 2 with requirement to kill Mephisto 100 times (or with 30% chance to spawn Golden TT... i mean Soul Stone. And chance to spawn Mephisto is 5%). And other players and cheaters compete for the kill. You would turn fun activity like Mephisto farming into a painful chore.

[–]eirtep 68 points69 points  (2 children)

I think it'd be cool if bosses, and a maybe handful of other quests, were unlocked basically day 1, or at least the ability to progress those quests unlocked day 1. Then when I unlock the kill the goons quest, the game knows I already killed them and I can turn it in. This would be closer to how the achievements work, but with quest rewards as long as you're at the required level to receive them.

not being able to find any of the bosses is annoying, but in a way it's even more annoying when I randomly kill the goons or whoever early in the wipe and then never see them again when you need to.

[–]RyuugaDota 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Getting a golden TT in the first week before having the quest and never seeing Reshala again is true pain.

[–]janon330 9 points10 points  (3 children)

As someone trying to kill all the bosses still for Kappa its absurd that I need to waste all this time just for a chance to see them 1 in every 8 raids or so. And then have to get lucky enough to get a good spawn to find them.

Hell I cannot even find Shturman often enough to do the 75m headshot M700 kill so I can unlock the .338 Lapua sniper.

Like why. Just why.

[–]FartSni 11 points12 points  (0 children)

So... Diablo 4?

[–]SuspiciousPine 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I don't think killing bosses is required (for the most part). Yes for getting the Gamma container, but that's essentially nearly 100% completing every quest.

The other end-game stuff (like Lightkeeper's quests or max trader levels) doesn't require the boss-killing tasks

[–]JPrz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lightkeeper requires gluhar and his guards

[–]CptBartenderPP-91-01 "Kedr-B" 2 points3 points  (0 children)

fun activity like Mephisto farming

Undead Stygian Dolls can fuck right off. People who invented Undead Stygian Dolls with Mana Burn should burn in hell for all eternity.

[–]swiftekho 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I think progression in general should be revisited.

As it stands certain quests just seem out of place and the lack of hand holding can be troublesome for new players. For example, having a new player kill scavs (let alone anything) at 40 meters with iron sights with a bolt action is ridiculous.

Every player on here has to use a secondary source/guide to help them complete quests for the first time. Personally I feel this is something that could be contained in the game. A map room in the hideout for instance could help players with recon/learning locations.

I think the level cap/quest design for ground zero was a big step forward and could be implemented into other early quest maps such as factory and customs. Ground Zero does a great job with encouraging PvP without being punishing (due to level cap). A Timmy isn't going in getting rolled by an AK with 60 round mag of BP. They feel like they can stand and fight.

[–]CaptainStank056 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m just happy to see a Diablo ii reference in eft sub 😍

[–]nglbrgr 20 points21 points  (0 children)

big agree

[–]EvilZEAD 21 points22 points  (0 children)

This is a great take. It's not even about making the game easier to progress. It's just about balancing.

[–]RedaveNabTidderEkow 168 points169 points  (24 children)

I love Tarkov, but I'm sick to fucking death of how punitive some of the mechanics are to casual players like me.

  • Ridiculously low item spawns.

  • Loot not spread out / placed in any logical manner at all.

  • High-tier crafting / hideout items only spawning on Labs / Streets that cannot be sold on Flea Market.

  • I hardly ever see bosses - should spawn like 75% of raids, imo.

  • Rogues / Goons several bullets to Head Eyes 80000000km away.

  • Fucking atrocious menus / UI / UX. The user experience of navigating menus, menu lag, putting together kits is awful.

  • Flea Market restrictions.

  • Global Trader limits.

  • Completely blatant and obvious cheaters not being insta-banned.

  • Completely blatant and obvious RMT'ers not being insta-banned.

  • Late loading into some raids because fuck you in particular I guess.

  • The Hideout / Trader level grind is awful for people who cannot play often.

[–]Trebus 16 points17 points  (16 children)

I gave up after the flea market FIR/damaged weapon nerf. I'd only had a full wipe prior but was lucky to get 7-8 hours play a week.

Once I couldn't sell half of the loot I'd got or play the market to bump my bank balance (buying low/selling to vendors) I had no chance of progressing hideout or getting decent ammo. Fuck Nikita and his merry band of streamers.

[–]coolstorybro42 6 points7 points  (7 children)

You can sell damaged guns just sell them to fence or repair them this is a weird complaint lol

[–]erfwiggle 12 points13 points  (0 children)

love escape from tarkov, but as a casual player that can maybe only get 3 or 4 raids in every other night, im lucky if i get to unlock the flea market... which means my gameplay is limited to what only the traders have, my hideout never gets updated, and i dont get to experience most of what this game has to offer.

Skill issue? yea, i'm trash. I get it. But the flea market locks are just dumb. My biggest gripe by far. Without the flea and armed with shitty ammo, i don't really stand a chance against anyone with anything decent unless i'm head-shotting, and again... skill issue. This means im usually a "rat" player cause i'm not about to go up against someone fully kited out unless i want to lose the shitty gear i have.

But here i am, ready to load into another game. Lets do it..

[–]70monocle 40 points41 points  (4 children)

Here are my list of changes I want to see:

  • Remove global trade limits and add daily individual limits. Rebalance around this

  • Go through all the Quests and make some of the worst offenders of halting players forward progression optional quests. (I am looking at you, Setup)

  • make player scavs spawn in the last 10-15 minutes of every raid and add a flat limit to how many can spawn per map.

  • Fix the daily quest system so you don't end up with situations like needing to kill scavs as a scav.

[–]Lotions_and_Creams 17 points18 points  (3 children)

Fix the daily quest system

Here was Jaegar's daily for my level 11 pmc a week or so ago. Yeah, I'll get right on that.

[–]BallisticCoinMan 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The dailys are such a fucking joke lolol

[–]Odd-Bat-3267 4 points5 points  (0 children)

LMAO and u get them shitty rewards lol I love Jaeger

[–]IPv16Protocol 201 points202 points  (92 children)

"BSG needs to stop making the game around cheaters and full-time streamers "

Streamers are like gods, whatever they say, BSG does... The game is becoming a streamer's game, where you need to play at least 12 hours a day to be viable.

I don't mind, and actually, I think it's great that streamers test the game mechanics and report any issues. However, many of their opinions come from playing for like 48 hours straight.

For example: Obviously, it's easy to find a bunch of graphics cards in 48 hours of non-stop gaming. Now just because streamers play every day, every hour, casual players should find a graphics card every 5 raids because, otherwise, it becomes too easy for streamers. Come on.

[–]Capable-Grab5896 13 points14 points  (16 children)

I can't figure out if you think your example is ridiculous or if you support it. What should spawn rates for gpus be?

[–]Norb-Doorb12 21 points22 points  (15 children)

Finding a GPU should be exciting for the average player, but it shouldn’t be mythical. You shouldn’t find a GPU once a week if you only have the time to do maybe 5-6 raids a day on maps with a decent amount of PCs.

[–]Forward_Leg_1083 12 points13 points  (8 children)

As a casual I find one per wipe if I'm lucky, 2 if I'm very lucky.

I already found one at German on Interchange, it's probably my last one of the wipe

[–]Alagatorjr 3 points4 points  (1 child)

As a casual I find one per wipe if I'm lucky, 2 if I'm very lucky.

?????? Loot dufflebags, dead scavs and pc blocks?

[–]DweebInFlames 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You'll see them like at least once a run on Interchange if you hit all the PCs, give or take one extra.

[–]BaelfyrWulf 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Loot rates have always been all over the place. A few wipes ago the first time I set my nuts on a GPU i freaked because I'd genuinely never seen one before. Cut to last week, my friend finds 4 of them in basically back-to-back scav raids, in blue van on customs of all places. Same thing with flash drives, always heard about them sticking out of pcs, took until this wipe for any of us to actually SEE one doing so.

[–]Appropriate-Bite-828 2 points3 points  (1 child)

As an aside, I feel this would fucking hurt the RMT market hard, just making things A LITTLE less rare. Like maybe spawning 2-3 ledx instead of 1 in a map. 20% more GPU spawns. That way casuals have a greater chance of getting it, without feeling like they have to resort to RMT

[–]Bleedorang3 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I've found 5 GPUs in 4 days just hitting the usual tech/PC spawns on Interchange and Reserve. It really isn't that hard.

[–]jansteffen 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm level 32 and so far this wipe I have found a grand total of one GPU, and it was in a random ground cache.

[–]Madzai 7 points8 points  (0 children)

You don't even need to "fully" play as PMC, to get huge benefits. On some days i work from home and i can just log in, and run my SCAV on cooldown on factory. Makes so much money. And i can buy ammo and other stuff on every restock.

[–]C_omplex 5 points6 points  (65 children)

what amount of hours played daily or weekly should be enough to be viable? im interested vwhere you draw the line.

[–]Midgetman664 58 points59 points  (17 children)

Realistically most people here aren’t even considered “casual”

Most players put 75% or more of their hours on the weekends, and usually no more than 2-3 hours each day.

If you look at statistics from the game side most of your active playerbase plays less than 5 hours per week.

Then there’s what “gamers” will consider casual which is more like 2 hours per day maybe 4-5 on the weekends averaging more like 10-14 hours per week.

I think the later is a much better choice. Tarkov is meant to be a bit grindy and that’s ok, lots of games are and they also try to be “casual friendly. The target isn’t necessarily for a casual to be able to complete the game or be on on the cutting edge of the meta, but more so to make the progress they can do feel meaningful and obtainable.

For example the quest setup. You’re probably lucky to average 1 kill per raid, But even if you averaged 2 per raid and didn’t die you’re looking a 8 raids to do one quest, and chances are you aren’t going to be that efficient. Now imagine you have 8-12 hours total play time this week. Do you want to spend your entire week getting frustrated at this quest? Go to work, come home die twice, back tomorrow got 2, on and on. You’re very quickly not going to want to come home and spend your little free time on something you aren’t enjoying, and a lot of people, just won’t for a while, take a break whatever, which is fine, unless setup isn’t even the worst quest you’ll but up against… and all of your causal players eventually take that break…

You can solve this a lot of ways. Give people a slower, but more friendly way to do the quest. Instead of 15 pmcs maybe it’s 30kills, or 5 pmcs and 20 scavs whatever. That way that 2 hour session doesn’t feel like they wasted their whole day getting nothing done because they died twice. At the very least put the worst quests at the end so causals keep progressing and hardcore people still have content.

And before someone critiques it, I’m not trying to rebalance setup, I’m sure there are better ideas out there, and I’m sure plenty of causal people have suffered through it, good for you, but we are talking numbers here’s not exceptions.

Side note, but a few other mechanics that shit in casuals are global limits because they are never going to catch one, and the fuel mechanic.

Before you unlock the bitcoin farm if you only play in the afternoons, the hideout is borderline unusable. Anything that’s going to take longer than you are going to play is uncraftable unless you want to spend an entire gas tank on it which sucks. Let us “pour” gas into the tank with the exact same slider as when you drink something. That way I can pour in half a tank and have it run 4 hours or whatever. Even if it makes you waste a little that’s fine

[–]Unity723 11 points12 points  (2 children)

I’ve had a thought where the pmc kill tasks give you an option for killing a lot of scavs

12 PMCs with a shotgun or 30 scavs with a shotgun for example

[–]FireBendingSquirrel 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I think there needs to be some form of conversion- like 1 pmc is 5 scavs or something. Doing either or doesn't really encourage players to get better and actually attack POI.

[–]LongBarrelBandit 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I agree with your points. I know a lot of people love how hard and intense Tarkov is. But the reality is the game needs new players to continue to grow and survive. And there’s a difference between where we currently are, and making the game too easy. I think you’re suggestions were a good balance. The hardcore players will still smash through even a 30 kill Setup quest(as an example), while newer players will at least have a chance complete the quest in their limited time

[–]errorsniperM700 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Anything that’s going to take longer than you are going to play is uncraftable unless you want to spend an entire gas tank on it which sucks. Let us “pour” gas into the tank with the exact same slider as when you drink something. That way I can pour in half a tank and have it run 4 hours or whatever

I play 5+ hours a day and 14+ on weekends and other than a few like literally 5 quest items before I have the bitcoin farm I dont even bother running the generator. Its just not worth running until you get a farm up with a few cards in it and Jager 2 for the 160k fuel cans to cover costs. The hideout before bitcoin farm is incredibly useless outside of some ak mags and flash drives.

[–]NoHandsJames 5 points6 points  (2 children)

You can start a craft and then turn off the power. It doesn’t take fuel and you keep crafting at a slower rate. Fuel has never been an issue in the game and is one of the easiest mechanics to work around for casuals. You just log on, start a craft, turn shit off and go. You don’t even need to be playing the game and if you take more than one day off it really doesn’t matter.

[–]lets-aquire-the-breaOP-SKS 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Yeah that’s what I typically do I just get pissed at having to wait ~190 hours for a fucking gas analyzer

[–]Myfaceyourforearm 3 points4 points  (3 children)

You make a number of good points. But it's ignoring one very important point: BSG is developing a one size fits all solution. The quests are the same for the 10hr/week casuals as they are for the streamer who plays 16hrs/day. Of course there is going to be a discrepancy between their progress and that's ok. If someone isn't able to put in the hours or doesn't have the skill to progress as quickly as someone else, that's ok.

In response to Setup and using it as the butt of this argument - Some people finish set up in a couple hours. Others spend a week+ on it. But the beauty is that no one is forcing people to complete setup. Sure, it's eventually needed for Kappa, but the guy that spends 2 hrs a day playing is going to take many months to reach Kappa so that's not even a valid argument. I, for example, have no desire to get to Kappa and have progressed slower than a lot of the people I watch and die to. And at level 31, I haven't even attempted Setup yet because I don't want to and don't have to.

I do like the idea of changing hideout mechanics to better suit short play sessions. The fuel system and power on/off affecting crafting sucks and could use a massive overhaul. Some of the worst systems in this game, in my opinion, stem from the MMO features like craft timers and skills affecting combat effectiveness.

[–]OG_SqueekzAK-101 12 points13 points  (33 children)

2 raids a day is what i would consider casual. Mainly because that's all i usually have time for after work, and weekends are for the wife.

[–]DaMonkfishVEPR 6 points7 points  (12 children)

Yeah, 2 raids sounds low, but if you stay in a raid for near full duration (which is easily done if you don't shift-W everywhere and do some questing), along with gearing up/loading time and so on, it's running up on 2hrs playtime. I'm fortunate that I get to play for 5hrs+ most days, but I'd consider myself quite a bit outside the bounds of casual.

[–]OG_SqueekzAK-101 28 points29 points  (9 children)

5+ hours a day is literally a part-time job. People here have such a convulated sense of time management. Between groceries, work, maintaining the home, walking the dog, cooking food, and spending time with family. I don't understand how people can treat tarkov like a 2nd part-time or even full-time job in some cases and then acr like this is normal behavior.

[–]schm0h4wk 14 points15 points  (0 children)

They are younger. Have way less obligations. No kids, marriage etc.

Me, 2-3 hours tops a day but not even every day. I do not mind, because I will burn out at the game around level 25. To many tedious and tough quests

[–]praisedtimon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I hope so! 5 hours a day is 30 hours a week. 30+ hours is considered a full time job.

[–]hartattack1211 1 point2 points  (0 children)

glad im not the only one playing at this slow a pace for the same reasons.

[–]WiseGuye 1 point2 points  (2 children)

48 hours non stop streaming?

Holy hell who does that?

[–]Hugo_5t1gl1tz 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I think landmark tried once and it about killed him lol

[–]wordsarelouderHatchet 9 points10 points  (0 children)

As a filthy casual I 100% agree with him, an empty raid with no loot is boring AF.

[–]spx404 42 points43 points  (15 children)

As a casual player there are tasks, quests, and items I will never see. Hell, I have never played on Labs and probably never will. I already don’t play on lighthouse, only go to reserve for tasks, only play factory for the first few quests.

Kind of crazy that 2 maps I’ll never ever touch. And two maps I only go to if I absolutely am forced to.

Bosses? I’ve only ever accidentally fought them. I never intentionally look for them because cheaters and chads are always looking for them, so it’s just a death sentence.

The game is slowly becoming unplayable for me as a casual. Not sure how many wipes are left for me.

[–]Organic-Pace-3952 10 points11 points  (2 children)

That’s where I’m at. I haven’t played the last 3 wipes. I follow the game but it’s mostly out of touch for me.

[–]spx404 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Well this wipe has been the absolute best wipe for me to date. But the quests are becoming extremely time consuming and I may only have 1 hour to play a night. Sometimes maybe 2 hours. It just depends.

[–]REVRSECOWBOYMEATSPIN 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I spend more time watching streams than playing. I can’t even play every day but when I do I have like 2 hours max and that’s not nearly enough time to get anything done or see any progression that accounts to anything

[–]lewd_necronAKS-74UB 2 points3 points  (3 children)

There is nothing stopping you from going on labs. You can buy labs cards on the flea.

All the casuals I talk to dont go to labs because they think it is going to waste 160k, which it probably will. But like as a casual, screwing around is the name of the game. There is nothing stopping you if you think trying to gamble 160k and search some pcs real quick for a gpu is exciting to you.

Like you could do it right now.

[–]raxel82 25 points26 points  (0 children)

All of those summary items are spot on. Can’t argue with a single one.

[–]VitalNormal 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Boss quests should all be unlocked at the same time so that as soon as I see a boss i can go after them, instead of having to kill Reshala and killa before the goons, or locking Glukhar behind the reserve quest line instead of just appearing with the other bosses. And reshala's pistol should have a 100% spawn rate, it took me 6 kills, finding him dead twice and killing the killer, and only on the 9th time when my trio found him did he have the pistol.

[–]richard31693DT MDR 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Personally I think every boss should have their own custom item (gold TT, Killa's mask), have that item's spawn rate be 100%, and turning that item in be the only requirement to complete the task. That way if you kill Reshala in your first raid and extract with his TT, you can turn that in as soon as you get the task. This allows for the side quest/lore to be the same and it's the only way that Jaeger would realistically know you have killed him.

If BSG doesn't want to come up with specific items for each boss or can't, then give them each their own special dog tag.

[–]pthumerianhollownull 6 points7 points  (1 child)

My #1 problem currently is loading times/awating for players.

[–]bjwills7 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Biggest problem the game has IMO. Fast load times would make most of the problems a lot more bearable. I wouldn't care about not finding bosses or dying to cheaters and bad spawns nearly as much if it didn't take so long to get back in.

Casuals don't care about finishing the quest lines they just want to play the game. Why would people stick around if the game doesn't respect their time.

[–]No_Professional_3864 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Great take.
Bosses should be 30% start of the wipe
Played for several wipes now (since March 2021) cheating has skyrocketed. Carry service rules the raid, loot vacuums. Was never so blatant. Can't drop my friend an AWL or directors key office after i dont need it anymore. RMT restrictions do nothing but force more carry service selling.

Yep, hatchet running is still a thing, its a naked mosin man or an SVT. See last wipe when the SVT ruled every raid.

[–]Baconaize 3 points4 points  (1 child)

People say hatchet runners are so bad. If they have kappa its still only 12 slots they can fill. What's so bad about a couple pieces of loot compared to what a cheater can do???

[–]i420and69 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I’d pay 5 a month to play on secure servers if that reduces cheaters by 80% or more (bsg using the money for better anti cheat and more employees banning cheaters).

[–]rdigital 1 point2 points  (0 children)

same $5 is fair. bsg needs lifeblood

[–]throw23w55443h 51 points52 points  (24 children)

I like FIR, it makes quest items and whatnot feel more impactful... but if there is some middle ground to lower the cheaters im all for it.

The bitcoin price has probably killed some RMT, but theres definitely carries and ESP happening. I dunno if FIR changed the amount of those tbh.

[–]rgtn0w 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Idk how is this even some argument right now. General Sam's video from a few years ago that was complaining about the FIR change put out a good middle ground.

If you get over a certain XP threshold, even If you die, items in your secure container FIR, stay FIR. Part of the problem with FIR is that normal players will find something really good, or a task item they really need. Then proceed to never try to fight for anything and just head for extract.

But If you had some base level of assurance that secure container items stay FIR if you clear some conditions, you may be pushed towards maybe being a little more active throughout that raid.

[–]youRend66 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is best fix I heard so far. Cant believe some competent game sys. designer cant come up with this.

[–]chaostitano 15 points16 points  (0 children)

100% does. Being able to buy quest items is huge and being able to flea something in your ass is also amazing.

[–]DafaleHeight 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I tried to run one interchange yesterday to get Killa, right as I entered the mall I heard atleast 3 other players spam flashbangs everywhere looking for him

I'm not even a casual, I have 4000h overall and I cant get my one(1) kill done, it's ridiculous

[–]TheExperiential 3 points4 points  (3 children)

I'm level 51 and still need Glukhar, Schturmam (hunting trip), Killa's helmet, raiders in bunker, and the Goons. All of which are % chance and insanely contested by other players. I have like 570 raids, around 200 of which has just been boss hunting. Solo boss hunting became miserable, so I'm just enjoying the game or playing other games and hoping for higher boss spawns before going back.

Side note, I did 21 Woods runs with 0 Schturman spawns on a single server when it was 24% spawn chance. That made me think SheefGG might be right that bosses only spawn on %servers on a rotating basis instead of 24% on ALL servers. If this is true, that's the biggest issue. Hopefully not and I was just insanely unlucky.

[–]VossiSchmossiKnossi 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I got Kappa after Exactly 60 Days, when i had to get Killa and Glukhar i did around 45 Raids on Interchange (Killa Spawned in 4 Raids, i got him in the Third One but he didnt have his Shitass Helmet on) so i had to kill him Again. Glukhar did not Spawn Once in around 60 Raids (Packet loss Bug and running through all spawns) when he eventually did spawn i had to kill 4 Players just to start clearing out the AI. Only Reason i could do it was being Sick and at Home for 2 Weeks. Shits just Stupid (i got 4200H and while the Gameplay is awesome this Wipe the tedious shitass Tasks were even worse)

[–]TheExperiential 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Good on your for sticking it out, and ya I know the pain. I've done around 40 interchange. Gotten his helmet twice, and died both times. I'm at over 50 woods runs with an m700.

I did 5 interchange this morning and got packetloss all 5 times and said nah I'm not doing this shit today lmao

[–]PugstaBoi 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I have 3K hours in this game.

I uninstalled for the first time today because the cheater problem is seemingly unfixable.

Honestly, I feel bad for casuals with less than 500 hours in this game. They will waste so much time playing into the hands of lazy, scummy cheating children.

I just can’t give the cheaters the satisfaction of killing me anymore. I’ll hand the game over to them and let them have fun seeing who can buy the best hacks.

[–]fjridoek 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Bosses being required for Kappa sucks right now because they're impossible to find and even more difficult to fight legitimately.

Hatchet running is sorely missed. I agree.

[–]killaho69FN 5-7 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The thing for me is that bosses don't seem to be truly random. It seems like there is a period of time where they spawn more, and then they don't spawn at all for a while.

I was trying to get the food bunker on reserve, I'm level 44, but I just want to do this one quest and get out so I can unlock the next one (Kappa push). So I'm lightly kitted.

Gluhar spawned 2-3 times in a row and I could not get the quest done between either him and his guards being in the way, or hordes of players all over that area. But I know when I need to kill him, he won't spawn for 20 raids.

[–]J3wt 11 points12 points  (3 children)

This is my first real wipe playing and reached lvl 28 and stopped. (Playing on Eu-Servers) One thing that made me quit? It wasnt even the cheater problem but honestly its hilarious when i see streamers like Glorious_e getting fucked over and over again. My biggest Issues are some maps and their spawnpoints like Shoreline and Lighthouse and i did not even try labs/Reserve. And when i tried to look for some help online i get the suggestion to play on nighttime or wait 10 minutes or more in a bush. Sorry i dont enjoy playing in the dark or waste my time in gras... This game is so much fun but having 6 quest for shoreline and Lighthouse going in to die over and over against just frustrating and not fun. I most likely will try the next wipe but i cant be the only one getting so frustrated?

[–]schm0h4wk 9 points10 points  (0 children)

You are not. Just look at the achievements list and the low percentage for some basic tasks

[–]_spicytostada 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This is exactly why I stopped playing this wipe and dont know if I will play again. My first 2 wipes I pushed lvl 40 before stopping. Since then I have gotten to lvl 27, lvl 18, and lvl 28 this wipe. So a casual player at best. I got burnt out grinding through the same quests, knowing I am going to get stuck on the lighthouse, shoreline, and interchange later game quests.

Interchange, Shoreline, and Lighthouse have some of the worst spawns I have experienced in a multiplayer game. You can be engaged/engaging another player sub 30 seconds. Which can make none pvp quests that much more aggravating. Yes, pvp is a large part of the game. But my plan at spawn should never be sprint like a maniac to cover/hide in a bush asap because there could be someone right over that hill running directly towards me because they know the spawns.

It just really makes it that much harder to learn the maps, or even be motivated to learn the maps and play/quest.

[–]LogiDriverBoom 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's literally the reason I like the game. Everything feels high pressure.

Reserve isn't even that bad tbh. Lighthouse feels way worse.

[–]lewd_necronAKS-74UB 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Literally every casual I play with doesn't want the boss the spawn in the first place and actively avoid the boss.

[–]Butterdogs 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think it’s sad that this channel just stole glorious es content and reuploaded it without any transformative value

[–]FromChiToNY 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I need to kill Shturman and Reshala once. In the past 2 weeks I've played 24 customs raids and 12 woods and have not seen either ONCE. 

[–]killaho69FN 5-7 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sometimes you just don't have any quests left, but it helps to work on other quests and just go get the boss when the opportunity arises.

I wanted to work on Tarkov Shooter 8, but I knew I also needed Shturman for Hunting Trip. So I just took the required m700/Tac 30 and went at it looking for players. Then sure enough he spawned, I already had the right gun, I got there, killed him, and the 3 players, and dipped.

[–]WiseGuye 12 points13 points  (5 children)

Yeah and Arena blows, too.

[–]merry-strawberry 5 points6 points  (2 children)

I'll just leave here a personal take on one of the bullshit aspects of this game, I have to wait 24 hours for generator upgrade level 3 and bitcoin farm level 2 takes 50 hours FIFTY GOD DAMN HOURS to progress further? As much as I love playing EFT, this is one of those things that literally has zero benefit other than damage.

[–]Head-Ad-7464 4 points5 points  (0 children)

HE is 100% correct and bsg 100% doesn't care.

[–]Norb-Doorb12 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I think most quests are pretty well designed but there needs to be other options to gain trailer rep besides the boss quests. They need to add some quests that aren’t easy per se, but are simple and straightforward and can be completed in 2-3 raids if you focus on it for some rep. Add maybe 5 of these per trader and that would speed up the progression for casuals. Sure streamers would progress faster but they’re streamers and you can’t keep designing your game around them while punishing casuals for not being able to run 200 raids in a session

[–]Longjumping_Tale_111 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I dropped the game when they nerfed hatchet running and never came back.

These devs make the game shittier with every additional patch.

[–]benny12b 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I really enjoyed the hell out of hatchet running

[–]Bslayer7111 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They need to accept that the way against RMT was lost years ago, get over it. It’s happening no matter what they do and constantly making design decisions around it is killing the game

[–]Kilo-Nein 1 point2 points  (0 children)

BSG thinks all players are streamers or no lifers.

I rarely see bosses anymore. Maybe 4 times this wipe.

[–]YeetedSloth 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Careful! Don’t bring up that the game needs casual players to survive! It whips the 10k hour, BSG meatriding Reddit users into a frenzy!

How dare someone not waste 4 hours a day playing a game like they do! If they want to enjoy the game at all the should dedicate their life to it!

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This list is just a summary of like...every post every day here. lol

I appreciate big streamers saying this stuff, but none of it is new.

But because a streamer is saying it, maybe BSG listens? lol

[–]iAmVegeta05 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wonder if the real reason for FiR was to stop cheaters from wanting to make cheats to yoink player kits. I know it was an issue many seasons ago.

[–]alfasenpai 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The thing is what made this game successful and popular was being in the “sweet spot” of hardcore enough whilst still being fun. Then they spent three years making the game 100000x more hardcore, so it should surprise nobody that they’re now risking alienating the player base at large.

[–]Naftah 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The boss quest being linked to kappa requirement feels like it's unhealthy for the game. It's something I didn't notice this until I started to try and do these quest.

I started to realized why some raids feel super dead and I think that's because if people see packet loss they either disconnect or run-through. Which leaves those raids missing players. So on top of that boss farmers are cycling through so many more raids so they are constantly taking up raid slots but not really participating in the raid.

I would love to see the packet loss thing be fixed, but I doubt that would happen anytime soon(looking at you audio proximity pop). If they can fix that it forces people to actually participate in the raid to get boss kills. Until that happens they should remove boss quest requirement for kappa. It just encourages more players to not participate in raids that don't include the boss they want.

Now if you don't see packet loss, your completion almost solely is dependent on your spawn in relation to the boss. With getting a Shturman kill being the most effected by this. He is always in the same area and is incredibly easy to kill and cheese. So typically he is dead to the first person to the sawmill. Where others bosses have multiple spawns, so at least some effort must be put into locating and killing. Unless you "know"

[–]anonspas 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Kappa is not for every single player, bosses are only blocking progression towards that goal.

Making the game easier lowers the enjoyment of completing hard to reach goals or big grinds. At that point they might as well introduce MTX so people can just buy Kappa IMO.

[–]bufandatlDT MDR 6 points7 points  (44 children)

LOL. We casual aren’t even at boss quests yet. Typical streamer thinks they know how casuals play this game.

Also I think FiR is ok. Even for casuals. It makes it more rewarding and gives you a push when you find a quest item and need to survive or something valuable that means you can sell in flea and then buy 25 GPUs for your BTC farm you finally build.

[–]lewd_necronAKS-74UB 10 points11 points  (8 children)

Yeah this whole thread is acting like casuals even want to see a boss.

All of my casual friends run in fear if there is even a hint of boss.

My casual friends took 100 raids to get 8 usec kills. They just got it yesterday. Took like 2 months and they played maybe 20 of those days. They are not even close to getting the boss quests. Only one is kind of close, and I absolutely babied him to get there.

Oh and those 100 raids include scavs. Casuals love scavs. You know what scavs do? Not quest.

[–]Madzai 6 points7 points  (6 children)

Man, where are the people like you? I played hard for the first month after the wipe, and by the end of it i like stopped running into people below level 30, no matter the map.