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Peggy the Staffy and Molly the Magpie. The pair will be reunited after the dog’s owners, Juliette Wells and Reece Mortensen, gain the appropriate wildlife licences.

Molly the magpie to reunite with best mate

The friendship between a magpie and two English Staffies is set to be renewed after the Queensland government agreed to give a Gold Coast couple a licence to care for the native bird.

  • by Cameron Atfield


Olympic powerbroker needs to front Senate inquiry

Other than the premier, nobody has shouldered the responsibility for the state government’s bizarre decision to host the Olympic Games at a school athletics carnival venue more than John Coates.

Cameron Atfield
Cameron Atfield


Classroom resignations are rising. But they’re not the full story

Are more teachers leaving or being hired? It’s not the only question facing Queensland education in an election year.

Matt Dennien
Matt Dennien


A love letter to Brisbane’s Tour de Trash aka kerbside collection

Billions tune in to watch the Tour de France, but Brisbane has a trashier version – and cyclists here will get a front-row view while inner-city roads are closed to cars.


Urban Affairs

The Walker Group’s plan, as of June 2018, for Cleveland’s Toondah Harbour.

Harbour project set to be scaled back in bid to placate critics

The company behind the Toondah Harbour project will attempt to redesign the marina and apartment complex after being told it posed an unacceptable risk to the environment.

  • by Tony Moore
The Walker Group’s latest images for the controversial $1.4 billion Toondah Harbour development at Cleveland. Cassim Island, used as a roosting site by international migratory birds, is in the foreground.

Toondah Harbour project set to be rejected out of concern for birds, bay

The project – which would have seen the construction of thousands of apartments – has been found to pose an unacceptable risk to “rare, unique and important” wetlands.

  • by Tony Moore

City Life


Crime & Courts

Before his death, Jaylen Troy Priest suffered injuries including a skull fracture, brain swelling, fractured ribs and bruises.

Stepfather accused of killing toddler to walk free

Outside court, the boy’s mother said she was disappointed in police when she and her family had told the truth.

  • by Cloe Read
Jon Rouse APM has been serving as Interim Victims’ Commissioner until a permanent appointment is decided.

Questions over power, independence of Queensland Victims’ Commissioner

The Miles government says a new Victims’ Commissioner will champion the rights of victims. But multiple groups have taken issue with the fine print.

  • by Cloe Read


Brisbane 2032 Olympics

Olympics powerbroker John Coates and Queensland Premier Steven Miles. The pair spoke in the days before Graham Quirk’s final report on Olympic venues was released.

Olympic powerbroker needs to front Senate inquiry

Other than the premier, nobody has shouldered the responsibility for the state government’s bizarre decision to host the Olympic Games at a school athletics carnival venue more than John Coates.

  • by Cameron Atfield
John Coates has refused to appear before a Senate inquiry into Australia’s preparedness to host the 2032 Games,

Olympics supremo John Coates refuses to appear at Brisbane 2032 Senate inquiry

The architect of the state government’s plan to use QSAC as Brisbane’s main Olympic stadium has refused an invitation to appear before a Senate inquiry to explain his stance.

  • by Cameron Atfield

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