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Two petty victories over Finance Karen

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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Two petty victories over Finance Karen

My former employer’s rulebook says they would reimburse 45p per mile if somebody with a petrol/gasoline car needs to drive to the office, but only 11p per mile to EV drivers (even though you could argue that running costs are comparable if you factor in the higher price of an EV).

So petrol car ownership is a money spinner as most cost far less than 45p per mile to run, but with the recent increase in electricity prices, my EV now costs about 13p per mile to run if I charge it at home, or almost 25p per mile if I use a public charger (they’ve all been bought by oil companies who now fix the price so it’s no cheaper than petrol). So no grifting profit for me. ☹️

Finance Karen told me that’s government rules, and to look it up if I didn’t like it.

So I did. And I found that technically my car is a hybrid, as (even though it’s all-electric to the wheels) it has a generator which I could fill with 8 litres of petrol to recharge the battery and extend the electric range. I rarely use it, but it’s a loophole I’m willing to exploit, since company rules don’t mention hybrids but the holier-than-thou government rules say it’s counted as a petrol car for the purposes of reimbursement!

So I could drive to work for 13p per mile using only electric, but they’d have to reimburse me 45p per mile as if it were a petrol car. Government rules!

THERE’S MORE! When I pointed this out, Finance Karen said that because I live less than an hour from the office, I don’t qualify for the reimbursement at all.

And she was right. If I was travelling to work at the time of day that she googled my address, it would take less than an hour. But if they wanted me to commute at rush hour, it would be 5 minutes over the threshold.

Finance Karen rejected my expenses claim, of course. I talked through all of this with my manager with the help of Google maps, and he went over her head and approved it, saying they’re either rules or they’re not. Karen can’t just bend them to suit her.

So I won. A petty victory!

My ex finance disciplined my daughter and says I’m irresponsible so I kicked him out out

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My ex finance disciplined my daughter and says I’m irresponsible so I kicked him out out

I 34 F have a 10 year old daughter. Her father passed away when she was 3. I met my now ex fiancé when she was 6 and I waited a little over a year for him to meet her. They got along great. He moved in a little after she turned 8. When he moved in we talked about ground rules and discipline for her. I told him I don’t spank her and he won’t do that either. He agreed and said that’s how he was disciplined growing up. I told him I had quite a few spankings growing up for things like spilling Juice or saying “butt” but it made me fearful of my parents so I said I would never do that because I’d never want my children to be scared of me.

Two weeks ago on Tuesday I took her iPad because she was being disruptive in class for 2 days. The teacher called me on the second day and said she was on her iPad. She snuck out her iPad and was on it in class. I took it and told her the rule is she only gets it when she’s at home but since she disobeyed the rules she wouldn’t get it back until the weekend and we’d try again next week. She tried to ask for it back but I told her no and to go watch tv or do something else. She got upset and ran upstairs. I heard the door slam and screaming. I was watching my nephew and he was crying so I had to feed him (he’s 6 months)while I’m doing that I hear her scream like.. a scream of pain so I hurry up the stairs and he’s in her room with his belt talking to her and she’s in the corner crying.

I told him to get out of her room and we’d talk in a minute. I put my nephew down and went to ask my fiance what the hell did he think he was doing and he said that she’s slamming doors and screaming disrespecting his house. I told him first of all it’s our house but most importantly I told him that he was never supposed to do that and he completely disrespected me. He said talking to her doesn’t do anything and I told him I’ve been doing it for years, she’s a child and she tested the waters but I’m not going to beat respect into her. She’s allowed to have emotions and I refuse to have him beat that out of her. I told him to leave for the night. My daughter told me that she’s scared of him so the next day I ended it.

He’s been blowing up my phone saying I’m dramatic and irresponsible for not doing what he did and nipping her entitlement right then and there. I told him not to call me anymore. My parents obviously think I’m being overdramatic. My sister says she thinks I did the right thing. Our dad was the main disciplinarian and she said she was terrified of him for years until she left. I was too and my mom was complacent and never did anything when we went to her for help. I don’t want my daughter to feel that. Especially in her own home and room that’s supposed to be her safe space.

Edit : calling a ten year old a brat and she has behavior issues… This was the first time she’s ever done this so please stop… she’s 10… did none of you do things you weren’t supposed to or get in trouble or make mistakes at 10? I’m so happy that all of you were born and knew EXACTLY how to navigate the world and control your emotions. She got emotional, I’m not beating emotions out of my child and having a robot. Your kids don’t respect you, they fear you.

I never said my ex fiancée couldn’t discipline her. Taking away items? He’s done that. Sending her to her room? He’s done that? I said no hitting her. Discipline isn’t only physical. Also, I make more than him. He’s currently out of work and even when he was working, I still made more than him. I didn’t need him for money. Point is, I said no and to not hit my daughter, he hit her and now he’s gone.

Poverty finance?

Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!

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Poverty finance?

This sub has turned into a place for people who obviously don't have any financial problems bragging about how they paid off their loans in 1 fourth off the time or paid off 50000 dollars in credit card debt in 2 years etc. While im very happy for you guys, you wouldn't know poverty if it bit you on the ass.

Heavy Metal Finance.

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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Heavy Metal Finance.

Quite a few years ago now, in the late 1990s and very early on in my career, I used to work for a company that helped customers of certain retail stores manage their finances. My role was as a sort-of compliance officer, ensuring that the staff who dealt with customers were following the rules.

If they messed it up, it was a big problem, and could potentially impact the customer's credit score, result in them defaulting on payments, and even end up in court. I took my job pretty seriously.

The company was not particularly well-run from a management perspective. They'd made a lot of money very quickly, and had grown from a handful of people in a garage to a four-storey office building in the CBD within the space of a year and a half.

There wasn't a great deal in the way of policy or process framework, so I had to develop a lot of the tools to do my job myself. This involved some programming - a basic system to track what I was doing, link to the (extensive) rule-set, and automate some of the more tedious reporting. It would also track how long I was spending on each task, so that I could see about which elements I could streamline.

Now, I was quite proud of this system, and called it Hendrix (as I am a massive Jimi Hendrix fan), and it used to play about 5 seconds of the instrumental version of Little Wing when it started up. As I had my own little room (cupboard), this never used to annoy anyone. I can geek out about that type of stuff.

At this point - before corporate IT became rather more rigid - I used to write a lot of my own tools. I was the only person who was using Hendrix, and it was a tool just for me. My manager - the archetypal middle manager - decided that because it allowed you to quickly reference which rules applied to which situation, it should be rolled out to all staff.

Now, I had previously considered this, but I argued that I couldn't guarantee that it would be fit for task, because I'd designed it for my own use... and I'd need to make some changes first... but he rolled it out anyway without me even getting a chance to tweak it.

He got a Team Player of the Week award for introducing a tool to make life easier for front-line staff. In his acceptance speech (this was a big rah-rah thing each week for the company) he thanked his manager. I didn't even get a mention.

Then, a two weeks later, he realised that I'd been recording how long I had been working on certain tasks within the program.

Now, I'd realised fairly quickly that this part of the program was a little too detailed, and I didn't really care too much about every single task within each incident... so I just used it to record how long I spent on the entire incident, rather than each part of the incident.

My manager invited me to a meeting about Hendrix, no details given, and I attended thinking it was going to be a list of requested features... only to find out that the head of HR was there, and I was being given a written warning for "falsifying timekeeping".

Because each customer interaction was a certain length, my manager had decided that THIS was what I should be recording... and not how long I was spending listening to, analysing, checking, and reporting on the interaction.

Remember, this is a tool that I had designed for my own use, and it was not being used to calculate how much I was being paid, or whether I was doing enough work during the day or not. (There was nothing in place for that at all.) - I had not made the records public - he'd found them in a file on the server that only he and I had access to. Nobody else was supposed to even have this tool.

I argued this, and was told that it wasn't up to me, and I was getting a warning regardless. It got really quite heated and unpleasant, though I got the impression that the head of HR was a little embarrassed about the whole thing.

They said, however, that if I wanted to consult a lawyer, I was quite within my rights to do so. It was at this point that I was rather smugly able to state that I could get two lawyers there within the hour... as both my parents were practicing, and my mother was - in point of fact - an employment lawyer. I realise that this is a bit of a deus ex machina, but it only has partial bearing on the story.

Suddenly there was a completely different attitude from my manager. There was an attempt to roll-back the issue and turn it into a suggestion "that perhaps I should be a bit more careful with my time-keeping in future", but I was pretty angry at this point.

I pointed out that my software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes. I was told that this wasn't up to me, as it was company Intellectual Property... until I advised them that:

  • I'd written it in my own time, at home on my own computer

  • It was plugging into the official government rule-set, and not the corporate intranet one

  • I had not confirmed it 'fit for general release' at all

  • I had received special dispensation from IT to install it on a single work computer ... mine

  • and I would require them to pay a license fee for anything beyond this.

To be fair, this would have been tied up in court for a long time, and I've got no idea whether I'd have been successful, so in the end I relented. If they wanted to use Hendrix... well, I guess they could. I just made sure that Little Wing would play for one second longer on start-up for every week the software was in use.

Then I quit the following Monday, and was working for another company by the Monday after that.

Three or four months later I got a phone call from my former manager asking to come 'fix the problems with my software'. He hung up when I quoted him my consultant fees. I don't know why IT weren't able to figure it out (it was just a setting in a text file. Not at all hard to find.)

A friend who remained in the company tells me they continued to use Hendrix for a whole year. The mornings in the call-centre were apparently horrifying, with Little Wing playing for around a minute every time someone started a new shift.Sometimes it would play on 20 computers at once, few seconds apart - on tinny PC speakers that they were unable (due to IT) to mute.

Best finance YouTubers

Value investing in all its forms - From Graham & Dodd, to Buffett & Munger, to their philosophical descendants today

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Best finance YouTubers

I have seen this post a few times but wasn’t able to find any currently to take note off, I was wondering if you guys know any good finance channels or podcasts that actually go in depth on companies (like actually good analysis) with value investing or ones focused on the industry?

Continuous Edited List of all mentioned (little filter and too many comments)

  • New Money

  • The Plain Bagel

  • Martin Shkreli

  • The Swedish Investor

  • Sven Carlin

  • Joseph Carlson

  • Aswath Damodaran

  • Coffeezilla (personally find his videos not that informative)

  • Roensch Capital

  • Patrick Boyle

  • Cameron Stewart

  • Adam Khoo

  • Capital Mindset

  • Kostadin Ristovski!

  • Focused Compounding

  • Ben Felix

  • Common Sense Investing

  • FASTGraphs for ideas

  • ClearValue Tax

Keep in mind I’m not familiar with all of these, though I assume these are worth a look

GameStop's new Senior Vice President Finance Jeremy Martin (former CFO @ Amazon UK): "Looking for finance leaders, FinTech and BI’s to help build a commercial finance organisation in a scrappy, disruptive environment."

A place for theoretical discussions about GameStop stock ($GME). Opinions and memes welcome. The "DumbMoney" crypto coin with the symbol "$GME" is a suspected scam and has nothing to do with GameStop stock. None of this is financial advice.

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GameStop's new Senior Vice President Finance Jeremy Martin (former CFO @ Amazon UK): "Looking for finance leaders, FinTech and BI’s to help build a commercial finance organisation in a scrappy, disruptive environment."
r/Superstonk - GameStop's new Senior Vice President Finance Jeremy Martin (former CFO @ Amazon UK): "Looking for finance leaders, FinTech and BI’s to help build a commercial finance organisation in a scrappy, disruptive environment."

Bill Morneau Resigns as Minister of Finance

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I am finance

Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

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r/memes - I am finance

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