top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]yutfree 5815 points5816 points  (93 children)

Is he visiting from the Dark Ages?

[–]Gold-Usual-4647 772 points773 points  (16 children)

Time to bring out my plague doctor outfit, throw trinkets, and talk of the four humours while bleeding him out with leeches to cure him. I think OP's stepdad would chill after that. (If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.)

[–]vinetwiner 764 points765 points  (31 children)

Honestly a lot of archaic thinking from that era still thrives in way too many cultures.

[–]mostly_misanthropic 130 points131 points  (19 children)

I don't think they were even that stupid in the Dark Ages.

[–]Homers_Harp 155 points156 points  (17 children)

Educated people DEFINITELY knew what solar eclipses were back then. They also knew the Earth is round—something that had been known since Hellenic times.

[–]Madytvs1216 39 points40 points  (10 children)

So called dark ages weren't even that dark lol

[–]confused-as-frick 9716 points9717 points  (543 children)

What is he worried it'll take away his fire bending or something?

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 6848 points6849 points  (514 children)

He was worried that once the moon went away the sun rays would go nuts and burn us alive

[–]confused-as-frick 6771 points6772 points  (315 children)

And he thinks that a few layers of tin foil will stop something that will apparently destroy the human race?

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 4754 points4755 points  (289 children)


[–]Portlandiahousemafia 2762 points2763 points  (174 children)

Does he ever admit he was wrong, like after this is over and nothing happens how does he respond

[–]KaylaAllegra 2226 points2227 points  (119 children)

People like this usually come up with some half baked explanation for how we ACTUALLY narrowly avoided annihilation, and they knew all along that it would happen that way. But they were preparing for NOT being saved, and so they were right either way.

That, or they pipe down for a year or so and come back saying that they were on the correct, rational side the whole time. Like a quietly homophobic housewife who was okay with The Gays (TM) if they kept it in their homes and didn't act gay in public, but pretended they always supportive after gay marriage was legally recognized in the US.

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 1718 points1719 points  (94 children)

Exactly what Kayla said if he is wrong he will just mock me and ignore me afterward

[–]CelestialFury 782 points783 points  (31 children)

It's hard to argue with truly stupid people as they don't know they're stupid. Sorry that you have to deal with this.

[–]MeteryXofficial 209 points210 points  (21 children)

I heard that phrase years ago and it is still the most true shit a human ever said to me,

„people who are stupid will never know, it’s like being dead because a dead one does not know his status“

When I heard that originally it was in German: „Dumm sein ist wie tot sein, ein toter kennt seinen Zustand nicht“

[–]stejward 204 points205 points  (15 children)

Ricky Gervais said “Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid”

[–]yourmansconnect 93 points94 points  (1 child)

Just start calling him dunning kruger

[–]Antique-Doughnut-988 311 points312 points  (36 children)

It's most likely the father has some type of mental disorder that's affecting his personality. This type of behavior is similar in numerous mental illnesses.

[–]ItGobYeByE 166 points167 points  (25 children)

Most commonly types of schizophrenia, cause people to have conspiratorial thoughts like this when it's untreated, yes speaking from personal experience

[–]mittenknittin 196 points197 points  (31 children)

He thinks a little tinfoil is stronger than the MOON?

[–]SuperMafia 100 points101 points  (18 children)

Honestly, it'd be more hilarious if people just started to speak in a horrible Italian accent just to fuck with him if he's that much of a nutcase about eclipses. At least the Norsemen's reason for hating eclipses makes sense.

[–]salder66 37 points38 points  (17 children)

Save me from google and teach me a thing, please. What was the Norsemen's reason?

[–]Combat_Toots 62 points63 points  (12 children)

Not an expert, but they beleived two wolves named Skol (Scourn) and Hati (Hate) were trying to devour the sun, who they believed was a god named Sol. If the wolves ever succeed and the sun was eaten, ragnarock would start, which is the final battle at the end of the world.

[–]theWisp2864 26 points27 points  (9 children)

Also, if the dead people finish their fingernail boat. It's not actually clear how important ragnarok was in their religion because they mostpy wrote about it after they became Christian and got obsessed with that apocalypse.

[–]Idontevenownaboat 126 points127 points  (16 children)

once the moon went away

Excuse me?

[–]CatstronautCPP 219 points220 points  (14 children)

You see, the moon blocks the sunlight, so when it moves out of the way all of the sunlight that got backed up behind the moon gets released at once, killing everyone instantly. Hope that helps, and don't forget to wear your tinfoil.

[–]WASD_click 62 points63 points  (3 children)

Moon trying to hit us with the Kamehameha!

[–]Altruistic_Spell_722 129 points130 points  (6 children)

Does he know what an eclipse is? The moon doesn’t go away, it’s literally the thing blocking the sun.

[–]hoofie242 101 points102 points  (0 children)

You can't reason with a person with this type of mental issue.

[–]TheNerdFromThatPlace 55 points56 points  (0 children)

I mean, I was fully prepared to invade the Fire Nation, but it was cloudy, so I just went back inside. I'll get 'em next time, though.

[–]TheLadySinclair 9695 points9696 points  (620 children)

I'm sorry your step-parent is an idiot. Is he forbidding everyone in the house from going outside at all this week as well?

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 7332 points7333 points  (597 children)

He won't let my mother out since she is pregnant and also he won't go to work all week aswell

[–]metdear 5960 points5961 points  (170 children)

He called out "eclipse" from work? LOL

[–]jryan727 3265 points3266 points  (114 children)

What’s the point in even calling out if you’re assuming everyone without the foil is going to die?

[–]IWasSayingBoourner 2871 points2872 points  (63 children)

You can't logic someone out of a delusion they didn't logic themselves into

[–]jryan727 695 points696 points  (22 children)

Man that is some great advice right there

[–]pmMEyourWARLOCKS 161 points162 points  (5 children)

I believe the original is something like "you can't reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into"

[–]Erabong 103 points104 points  (2 children)

It’ll hold true too

[–]ConsistentClimate877 161 points162 points  (3 children)

My best guess, it’s just In case he’s wrong.

My second best: he sees it as just a polite thing to do.

[–]TheLadySinclair 829 points830 points  (226 children)

Is she okay with that? Or are you guys actually being held against your will?

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 1348 points1349 points  (221 children)

He doesn't really care about me so I could die for all he cares but he won't let my Mother out all week and my mother just accepts it

[–]TheLadySinclair 1097 points1098 points  (22 children)

Well, that is sad. And sickening. Again, sorry.

[–]JustABizzle 389 points390 points  (12 children)

And dudes about to be fully responsible for another human life? Crazy.

[–]Alternative_Elk_2651 110 points111 points  (0 children)

Sometimes I really get all kinds of in my head about how my childhood sucked, and how my life sucks, but like... damn at least my parents weren't like this. Poor kid.

[–]MoGraphMan-11 365 points366 points  (19 children)

Sounds like your mother needs help. This is essentially a form of abuse, and if he's this controlling about something so dumb I can't imagine what other shit he's doing/done. Get your mother out of there and some help if you can

[–]tossawayforeasons 72 points73 points  (5 children)

Get your mother out of there and some help if you can

A lot of people don't really understand what these relationships are like, and they are quite common. A spouse with narcissistic tendencies and a powerful, overwhelming personality controls the family unit, and the other spouse is a timid, meek or submissive weakling who has no self-esteem and locks in with their abusive partner like two broken magnets sticking to each other. The narcissist feeds on the scapegoat partner who gets to feel like a victim and thus never has to change his or her life situation. Every conversation will be the same "I couldn't leave, I'm too scared what they would do." Then you offer help, plans, options and they keep finding more and more excuses to not leave, to not change.

The sad truth is they want to be there. Not because it makes them happy, but because they have become addicted to the dependency and victimhood, it absolves them of responsibility for themselves or anything and they never, ever leave.

I went through all this with my own mother and my narcissistic monster of a father, I tried to get her out many times, brought her to my house, she had a meltdown, then went back to him. Over and over.

Eventually she did get out. Unfortunately it meant me signing for her life-support to be turned off. At least she's free.

[–]Morningfluid 57 points58 points  (5 children)

This is outright false imprisonment. I'm legit surprised at all of the lax and jokey comments.... Considering it's clear the step-dad is mentally ill, and based on his actions I wouldn't be surprised if his behavior escalates further and more dangerously.

[–]ZzCoryzZ 555 points556 points  (51 children)

You're about to get told by a lot of people to cut your family out of your life asap.

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 547 points548 points  (29 children)

Believe me many people have said that to me

[–]a_pepper_boy 163 points164 points  (3 children)

I ain't saying cut em off, just find independence ASAP. You'll know peace like you can't imagine. Good luck bro, that dude is a fuckin lunatic.

[–]DenverBowie 364 points365 points  (0 children)

Those people are correct.

[–]Opposite_Zucchini997 58 points59 points  (1 child)

Maybe you should whenever possible, though understand if not

[–]nerdiotic-pervert 197 points198 points  (66 children)

Why are only the crazy idiots having kids?

[–]Important-Actuator35 106 points107 points  (10 children)

🎶Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding, the cretins cloning and feeding🎵

[–]TartHot6215 94 points95 points  (2 children)

This is disturbing...

[–]NoDontDoThatCanada 3226 points3227 points  (145 children)

This is a new level of batshit for me. I saw the eclipse and all l got wa

[–]Cock_-n-_BallTorture 1189 points1190 points  (80 children)

Lol right imagine you're so paranoid that you think the moon covering the sun is somehow going to ki

[–]acespacegnome 369 points370 points  (15 children)

I know this is clearly a reddit joke, but I looked at the eclipse and I'm totally f

[–]feedyoursneeds 166 points167 points  (10 children)

Back in my day it only happened when you talked about candlejack, funniest sh

[–]AccomplishedRush3723 401 points402 points  (48 children)

I can't believe how much you're overblowing this. It's not watching the eclipse that kills you, it's TALKING about it that ge

[–]Foodie_love17 261 points262 points  (44 children)

See!? See!? He knew the

[–]DesKolate 213 points214 points  (42 children)

Lmao I really love this su

[–]Disastrous-Rips 167 points168 points  (35 children)

Oh come o

[–]Sailed_Sea 146 points147 points  (31 children)

Really n

[–]Nuze_YT 107 points108 points  (26 children)

I don't belie

[–]Horror-Impression411 83 points84 points  (25 children)

It can’t be that ba

[–]epiclara 73 points74 points  (24 children)

You guys are just making thi

[–]thedepressedmind 38 points39 points  (2 children)

I just looked at it! Oh sh

[–]Cainga 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I could understand without the eclipse glasses you can easily damage your eyes so the event could be bad if people looking at the sun. Guy is nuts like some ancient prophecy before science.

[–]imisscrazylennyEasy Open 26 points27 points  (4 children)

Hell, I stared right at th

[–]PCAudio 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Oh, I know this game. All you have to do is not say Candleja-

[–]HeftyLeftyPig 11.5k points11.5k points  (742 children)

I cannot believe people this stupid exist

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 6477 points6478 points  (571 children)

I showed him what the eclipse really was and he would not even listen to me he would just tell me to stfu lol

[–]buqr 3145 points3146 points  (428 children)

Sorry to hear you have to put up with that, sounds difficult :/

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 2975 points2976 points  (426 children)

He's always been a a-hole with me so I don't care anyways

[–]KoleSlaw-_- 2842 points2843 points  (331 children)


here is a picture i took just for ur dad!! 👍

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 1716 points1717 points  (214 children)

I will freak him out with this 😈

[–]astasodope 1661 points1662 points  (111 children)


Here you go, give him a good scare 😈

[–]Gaby5011 1365 points1366 points  (73 children)


Here's 1 more I took!

[–]RolesG 202 points203 points  (4 children)

Ooh I can see the nifty solar prominence in this shot

[–]solarssun 686 points687 points  (30 children)


Here's mine lol

[–]AlGekGenoeg 202 points203 points  (2 children)

Best one I've seen, thanks for sharing ❤️

[–]jordi1232 81 points82 points  (4 children)

Eyy pinhole camera gang

[–]astasodope 27 points28 points  (7 children)

Was this with a camera? Telescope and camera? I am so in awe of this photo it's amazing!

[–]Gaby5011 38 points39 points  (6 children)

Phone only! Galaxy S23 plus with max resolution and 30x zoom

[–]Fuckreddit696900 222 points223 points  (12 children)


The Apocalypse is COMING! /s

[–]ilikemyjojo 151 points152 points  (70 children)

[–]AdornedBrood 1429 points1430 points  (67 children)

[–]SlickOK 253 points254 points  (4 children)

Nothing rivals this magnificent picture

[–]GlumpsAlot 262 points263 points  (1 child)

That's the "we have eclipse at home" picture.

[–]NewPin8359 93 points94 points  (8 children)

A tortilla eclipse

[–]patryder07 80 points81 points  (0 children)

This is straight up the most clear picture I’ve seen of the eclipse yet!! Look at that detail

[–]SuckMyAssmar 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Op show this to your dad

[–]EmberTheFoxyFox 28 points29 points  (3 children)

I don't think an eclipse has ever looked this appetising before

[–]slinkymart 330 points331 points  (43 children)

Here I took this one in totality :)


[–]Throwawayguy8080 88 points89 points  (1 child)

Looks like my cat’s eyes when I pick up a bouncy ball xD

[–]PinkGlitterGirl55 296 points297 points  (44 children)

You can see some cool pics of the eclipse, all over the internet. It’s quite beautiful. Hope you have a better time after this passes! 🫂

[–]Throwawayguy8080 131 points132 points  (14 children)

The NASA livestream was super cool

[–]H_G_Bells 67 points68 points  (4 children)

I misread it and thought you said "after HE passes" 😆 I was like, harsh but true.

[–]Answer-Key 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I saw a video someone took of the eclipse from an airplane, it is quite something. The way the shadow sweeps over the clouds is wild.

[–]IGNISFATUUSES 73 points74 points  (7 children)

He's also a fucking idiot. He must be a conspiracy theoriest.

[–]FamIsNumber1 80 points81 points  (1 child)

I'm worried for the step-dad's safety! All that tin foil on the windows, is there any left for his hats?! 👀

[–]isitaboutthePasta 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Super curious at what he thinks the eclipse actually is? And I hope he saved enough tin foil for hats.

[–]PoopyMcFartButt 226 points227 points  (34 children)

What is his reaction now that it’s passed and there are not any reports of mass deaths across the country?

[–]connoratchley2 127 points128 points  (31 children)

My whole work was outside looking up at it and we are in the total darkness area

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 79 points80 points  (13 children)

That is so cool did you take any videos?

[–]connoratchley2 97 points98 points  (10 children)

I do, my camera didn’t do it justice at all it looked like it was 10pm but it was 3pm


[–]Throwawayguy8080 36 points37 points  (14 children)

It went so dark here! Where I’m at in Indiana, we had about 35 seconds of totality

[–]Assassiiinuss 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Obviously the tin foil worked great!

[–]Mediocre-Meringue-60 60 points61 points  (4 children)

The good thing is- we want our kids to be better/ smarter/ higher critical thinkers than us… think you proved that.

[–]Longjumping-Grape-40 98 points99 points  (2 children)

You should really fuck with him and tell him there’s an eclipse every night when the earth blocks the sun

[–]MuckRaker83 294 points295 points  (24 children)

With 15 years of experience treating patients in the hospital, I can confidently say that if you ever wonder if people could possibly be stupid enough to believe/do X thing, the answer is always yes.

[–]Zealousideal_Sir_264 63 points64 points  (16 children)

Every single one of you has a "thing found in someone's butt" story that nobody else has.

[–]MuckRaker83 36 points37 points  (13 children)

That's...not inaccurate

[–]ComprehendReading 17 points18 points  (11 children)

My good MuckRaker, we are surreptitiously asking for YOUR unique butt-finds.

My sister is a paramedic. She collected a frequent flyer who had used a remote control to change his channel.

[–]MuckRaker83 36 points37 points  (8 children)

Oh, in that case, recently, a whole series of D-cell batteries, and a stack of LEGO bricks that separated when they attempted to remove it. A little further back, a respiratory flutter valve and a pool toy called a "Toypedo"

[–]MillenniumNextDoor 80 points81 points  (2 children)

This is like tweaker level paranoia

[–]Tashreshout out to Seagram's® gin 254 points255 points  (21 children)

They exist, they procreate, and they vote.

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 374 points375 points  (13 children)

He wishes he could vote

[–]ssbm_rando 91 points92 points  (0 children)

The fact that he can't vote is the only joy I'm getting from this thread

[–]BTPoliceGirl_Seras 195 points196 points  (0 children)

Now thats fuckin funny 😂😂😂

[–]ChildhoodLeft6925 46 points47 points  (6 children)

I cannot believe people this stupid exist and are married.

[–]DroneSlut54 1388 points1389 points  (124 children)

It’s weird. I don’t remember any of the weird conspiracy theories, rapture garbage and other hysteria that surround this eclipse during the last eclipse in 2017.

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 817 points818 points  (46 children)

Maybe this time is different he spends most of his free time listening videos about conspiracies in Facebook anyways

[–]Puzzled-Cranberry-12 257 points258 points  (19 children)

Don’t tell him there’s a conspiracy sub! I’m in it for fun and the theories on the eclipse have been wiiiiild all week🫠

[–]MeMeWhenWhenTheWhen 188 points189 points  (4 children)

My sister earlier today was like "WHY on every news cast of the eclipse does the video cut to black whenever it starts and ends??"

and I'm like girl... they just gotta change the camera filter or lens or whatever so we can actually oh idk SEE IT ON CAMERA??

[–]leeryplot 67 points68 points  (0 children)

People love to use their brain for anything but thinking critically lmao

[–]Leading-Summer-4724 224 points225 points  (22 children)

I was pregnant during the 2017 one, and in the “mommy groups” there were all sorts of other pregnant women hysterically warning that none of us should go outside into the eclipse or it would harm our baby to the point it would turn out “mentally damaged” in some way. Apparently there is an old wive’s tale in some communities that say the woman must wear red and have an iron pin on her clothing in order for the eclipse to not affect the baby. Of course I went outside without that, and to this day whenever my son starts acting silly, the joke is made that I shouldn’t have gone outside.

[–]You_Pulled_My_String 130 points131 points  (10 children)

One of the neighbor's teens is pregnant. (Parents don't believe in birth control, don't even get me started. 🙄) She's friends with mine. She came over two days ago freaked out, asking me questions about "what the eclipse would do to her baby". She said it was all over TikTok, plus her Mom was telling her she had to wear the red ribbon with pins in it(?) to protect the baby.

I explained it was an old wives tale. Don't stress. You'll be fine. And don't believe everything you hear on TikTok.


[–]ilovemusic19 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Her parents screwed her up

[–]grilledcheese2332 45 points46 points  (1 child)

For real. Do they not remember nothing happening the last time? People have lost their damn minds

[–]TThhoonnkk 74 points75 points  (6 children)

There was an eclipse not even a year ago! That's what's most baffling to me.

A different kind of eclipse, sure, but one nonetheless.

[–]Bones_The_Crusader 300 points301 points  (14 children)

I made this


Show him this please

[–]bumblefoot99 46 points47 points  (2 children)

This made me laugh so hard. I hate an absolute shit day too so thank you.

Edit : *had (see what I mean!?!)

[–]ToastetteEgg 532 points533 points  (19 children)

What is his answer for everyone else continuing to live?

[–]AggroGoat 128 points129 points  (4 children)

They either move past the conspiracy and ignore it, or they do some more mental gymnastics to find a way to explain it and/or tie it into another conspiracy. BS like, "the eclipse increased the effects of 5G on everyone's minds, that's why X or Y is happening or why X or Y is going to happen." Think of how just about every older conspiracy over the years like "new world order" all kinda merged together to form Qanon. Endless rabbit hole of insanity, literally never ends, I swear.

[–]arrowroot227 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Yup. I still remember how many people told me I was going to turn into a government drone/android and/or die from the vaccine in 2020. I wonder when that’ll happen.

[–]BiGuyInMichigan 236 points237 points  (2 children)

He's right! We all died out here because someone hoarded all the foil

[–]Punchy-gaming 444 points445 points  (17 children)

Chuck McGill, is that you?

[–]Eternal_Bagel 390 points391 points  (66 children)

hows he going to deal with the fact that it hasn't killed anyone?

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 387 points388 points  (63 children)

He doesn't care if people die or not he is going to keep going with his own beliefs and there is nothing I or anyone else could do to change that

[–]PocketBuckle 279 points280 points  (50 children)

But, like...he's wrong. Demonstrably wrong. Nobody died, and the world keeps moving on. How does complete, irrefutable proof that he was wrong about this not change his mind?

[–]pottsygotlost 368 points369 points  (4 children)

Facts didn’t create this situation, facts won’t fix it lol

[–]wosmo 81 points82 points  (0 children)

I like "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into". But I'm stealing this one too. Really sums up the last decade in a nutshell.

[–]Electro_Llama 60 points61 points  (4 children)

The response for this kind of thing is that "people did die, the government just covered it up as heart disease or fabricated the statistics," and they'll point to the "real" statistics that somebody made up and put on Bitchute. Evidence doesn't matter when they believe all evidence is a cover-up.

[–]BarnacleMcBarndoor 169 points170 points  (7 children)

Is your step dad a Werewolf Vampire hybrid? That’s the only logical reason to fear it.

[–]CityKay 117 points118 points  (6 children)

It's going to release Dracula's Castle, and his pending resurrection.

[–]LobsterNo3435 171 points172 points  (13 children)

Mentally ill.

[–]leahlettinloose 69 points70 points  (4 children)

This sounds like schizophrenia with paranoid delusions..

[–]The__Toast 48 points49 points  (2 children)

I'm surprised that apparently no one else is thinking this.

This kind of behavior goes way beyond someone being dumb and crosses well into the territory of a serious mental health issue.

[–]DrNicotine 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Yes absolutely. People calling this person an idiot I guess might be right but this sounds to me like a person with serious psychotic issues fully losing their grip on reality. Very very worried for OP and this family....

[–]WRX_MOM 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Therapist here. This post is terrifying. I’m worried that OPs stepdad is unsafe. He’s extremely paranoid and controlling. And OPs mom is pregnant…

[–]HowFunkyIsYourChiken 163 points164 points  (15 children)

They say the animals go crazy during the eclipse…

[–]-m-o-n-i-k-e-r- 78 points79 points  (0 children)

They do! During the 2017 one I was in the desert and the coyotes lost their minds. It was so cool but also I felt bad for the little confused babies.

[–]CLEMADDENKING1980 99 points100 points  (5 children)

They do. I live in a slightly wooded area and the birds were going nuts leading up to it.  Once we got totality and complete darkness, a huge eagle or something came flying out of a tall tree and circled our yard for the whole 4 minutes of darkness.  My dog was going nuts too.   Crazy, but fun as hell.

[–]brightdoorknob1 89 points90 points  (1 child)

They don't "go crazy", rather, everything rushes to wrap up their day (or start it, depending on the species) as they genuinely think night has fallen. We had flocks of Mourning Doves rush to their nighttime roosts, and Woodcocks begin their nocturnal courtship displays. IMO, the "crazy" ones are the hairless apes screaming with protective eyewear as it happens.....and I'm proudly one of them

[–]Epsilia 28 points29 points  (0 children)

... And it really was just them getting a little confused because the day was shorter than expected.

[–]nononsenseboss 82 points83 points  (0 children)

That’s actually really sad. I hope he gets the help he needs, sorry this is happening to you.

[–]NOS4A2-753 408 points409 points  (10 children)

You should post this in the religiousfruitcake subreddit

[–]Own_Speaker_1224 79 points80 points  (9 children)

No way! I’m off to see that crazy.

[–]Doctor_Salvatore 86 points87 points  (14 children)

Tell me you were still able to go see the eclipse

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 183 points184 points  (11 children)

I've still gotta go to school and the school was kind enough to let us see the eclipse with them glasses and everything but I live in Montana so not much was seen (and just to make sure no one died)

[–]Tentacled-Tadpole 59 points60 points  (1 child)

A shame that he is too delusional to understand that you are still alive and well after being exposed to the eclipse. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he started believing that you got replaced by the magical eclipse a la body snatchers.

[–]WarmMoistLeather 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Jesus! You weren't even in totality and he lost his shit?

[–]stangAce20 40 points41 points  (3 children)

Well, it’s over, so are you dead? Lol

[–]Benjisummers 37 points38 points  (9 children)

What does he think happens when it gets dark every night? Or do these things go up every night at dusk? Lol

[–]DarkSharks4219[S] 65 points66 points  (8 children)

Most likely he thinks the sun rotates around the earth

[–]Arcwaree 37 points38 points  (2 children)

I hope he left enough foil to make a hat out of.

[–]Capable_Victory_7807 29 points30 points  (2 children)

we gotta block that blocked sunlight OR WE DIE!

[–]This_Mongoose445 138 points139 points  (39 children)

My daughter’s an elementary school teacher in North Texas. Half the school called in and by 11:am 130 students were picked up early. The main reason given was fear of the eclipse. Parents thought the kids would come to harm if the sun touched them.

[–]graft_vs_host 82 points83 points  (8 children)

A lot of schools around me in Canada were closed because I think it was just too tough to manage hundreds of stupid kids and make sure they don’t look at the sun without glasses.

[–]MurphysLaw4200 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Yes, that's the reason my kids here in PA, US had a half day. I made viewers out of cereal boxes and we actually did catch a few good glimpses when it broke through the clouds, but I wouldn't trust my 6 yo daughter to not just look at it.

[–]banshee_matsuri 30 points31 points  (2 children)

technically correct! they would indeed be harmed by contact with the sun 😂

but jokes aside, what a shame ☹️

[–]kowell2 41 points42 points  (2 children)

Most public schools here were closed because the government was too afraid of being sued by stupid parents.

They were probably right (the gov, not the stupid patents)

[–]SnooPaintings3102 26 points27 points  (5 children)

Ugh, sorry to hear that your dad has some paranoia, I’m assuming it’s mental health related. My mother used to have some wild conspiracies and beliefs too, so I can understand.

[–]Ok-Blueberry5575 18 points19 points  (0 children)

keep your chin up, OP. asshole step-dads are the worst. it gets better, mine is in jail now LOL

[–]piratesbooty 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Someone needs to call CPS, this man is not fit to raise anyone if he's going to lengths to not let you go outside and thinks you'll be burned alive without tinfoil covering the windows. 100% honesty.

[–]PooPooPointBoiz 17 points18 points  (6 children)

How the fuck do people this stupid exist, and function, and get with women.

How the fuck did he get with OP's mom, wtf.

[–]No_Reflection_8326 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yo dad is a touch crazy.