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The AFR View


Virginia submarine

JAUKUS shows Australia is seeking security in Asia

Ironically, turning AUKUS into JAUKUS would move the pact closer to satisfying the national strategic interest test formulated by its chief Australian critic, Paul Keating.

  • The AFR View

This Month

No hard data to back more costly supermarket regulation

The review represents a welcome move to contain any potential regulatory overreaction while also playing along with Labor’s political diversion to blame the two big supermarkets during the inflation outbreak.

  • The AFR View
April 3, 2024

Israel must listen to its friends, not defy them

Israel has to show that it is better than the terrorists of Hamas. That means being accountable for its own behaviour.

  • The AFR View
Ken Henry, right, says politicians like Jim Chalmers must avoid a “tragedy” on tax reform.

Tax review to avoid an ‘intergenerational tragedy’

Incremental change is a waste of time. Ken Henry says someone has to grab this thing and get on with it.

  • The AFR View
Coalition going down the wrong aisle on supermarkets.

Dutton’s slippery populist slope

The opposition leader should be challenging Labor’s bad ideas, not adding one of his own.

  • The AFR View
Incoming governor general Sam Mostyn

A first governor-general from the business world

Sam Mostyn’s instinctive promotion of progressive cultural policies will now be cloaked in a vice regal role that should remain above politics and controversy.

  • The AFR View
A shuttle bus at last year’s NATO summit, provided by the Lithuanian hosts, had a clear message for delegates.

As NATO turns 75, Ukraine war remains a test of wills with a tyrant

Supporters of Ukraine must act quickly, lest the 75th anniversary of the key Western alliance instead marks a collapse of will and capacity in Ukraine.

  • The AFR View
Rooftop solar adoption has taken off.

Solar fantasy gives industry policy a bad name

Australia does not have a great record at industry policy. Creating a bucket of government money for solar panels in the midst of a global subsidy war looks even less likely to work.

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Matt Comyn defied his comms team to talk tax.

Bank bosses who speak the truth on reform

Tax reform is the cornerstone of rebooting national economic performance because its benefits are so pervasive. Business leaders are rightly taking up the conversation.

  • The AFR View
Asking the right questions at the 2024 Banking Summit.

We have to get the balance right in banking

Over-prescriptive and risk-averse rules on lending are not just a problem for bankers. They hobble the whole economy.

  • The AFR View
Australia’s big four rely heavily on mortgage markets.

Australia’s banks must rise to the challenges of the next decade

The underlying financial strength of the big four got them through a turbulent decade just gone. More competitiveness is needed to get them through the next 10 years.

  • The AFR View
Jim Chalmers is now spreading the message on Australia’s need to act in the next decade.

A competitive Australia needs more than words

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is now asking the right questions about Australia’s future, even if he needs to find better answers.

  • The AFR View
US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell Fed talks of “a bumpy road” to describe signs of stalling disinflation.

Jobless rate shows RBA right not to rule anything in or out

The near 50-year low of 3.7 per cent should silence those who want to suggest that the Reserve Bank’s 13th cash rate increase last November was some sort of monetarist mistake.

  • The AFR View
Donald Trump has taken a swipe at Australia’s ambassador to Washington, Kevin Rudd.

Labor’s home-grown foreign policy storms ambush Wong

No other Australian foreign minister has had to deal with a former prime minister - and reforming Labor legend no less - publicly second-guessing the government of the day’s foreign policy.

  • The AFR View
Michele Bullock expects progress on inflation to be bumpy

Bullock’s nagging fear for ‘the last mile’

The governor’s failure to give firm guidance on interest rates in her press conference reflects genuine uncertainty about the end of the inflation fight.

  • The AFR View

Greens’ farming ‘crisis point’ is rubbish

The Greens are using farmers as allies of convenience to pursue their left-wing populist campaign against the supposed price and profit gouging of Coles and Woolworths.

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Federal Court judge Michael Lee.

Lee rebukes TWU’s monopoly

The court cases involving Uber and Qantas raised different questions about legalised business and union monopolies.

  • The AFR View
Aged Care Minister Anika Wells. Labor’s review has come down against adding another ad hoc hypothecated impost to Australia’s already over-complex taxation system.

Review points in the right self-reliant age care direction

Credit to the government for not simply ruling out making better-off Australians with healthy superannuation balances contribute more towards the cost of their care.

  • The AFR View
Treasurer Jim Chalmers needs to look at the whole tax system.

GST system is paying for lost principles

The GST formula was meant to take the politics out of the system. Now we should be asking if the incentives were wrong in the first place.

  • The AFR View

Rock star economists are prophets with nothing to say

This week’s sharpest economic analysis came not from left-leaning economists on tour in Australia, but from BlackRock global strategist Wei Li at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit.

  • The AFR View