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never thought i'd say this but mexico is making me want to give up

cerotoni 0 points1 point 4 days ago[-]

This is a big problem in Mexico, most people prefer to study non IT/science related fields.

Should I ask that my housemate's girlfriend start putting money towards utilities?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 6 days ago[-]

Well, internet speed will be divided by 3 so the same should be with the price.

Why aren't there more women engineers?

cerotoni 6 points7 points 18 days ago[-]

Engineers don't need to be great at math, but the math they need to know is too hard (ie lazy to learn) for the 99.99999999999% of the general population.

How, exactly, does one spend $5,000 at a strip club?

cerotoni 4 points5 points 26 days ago[-]

Maybe those friends took advantage of your husband drunkess and had a good time at his expense. They are really good friends or just "friends"?

How, exactly, does one spend $5,000 at a strip club?

cerotoni 2 points3 points 26 days ago[-]

Look, there are people in that are just financially stupid. That doesn't mean that he is a bad person, but if you end having kids with this guy you need to realize that you need will need to take control of the financial part of the family.

The Decline Of Google Search Quality

cerotoni 4 points5 points 28 days ago[-]

If you're using google chrome the add-on "Search Engine Blacklist - Version: 2.6.1" can do what you want.

What Predictions Would You Make About Future Technology?

cerotoni 1 point2 points 28 days ago[-]

Yes, i think this will be the norm. The bad thing: video ads everywhere!

The Decline Of Google Search Quality

cerotoni 7 points8 points 29 days ago[-]

I guess there are some topics where google search is getting bad, for example, i search a lot for pc & laptop repair issues (including specific model problems, etc) most of the time i need to exclude several word and website with the - term to avoid the junk that i get in the first page.

IBM Watson Jeopardy AI matches with Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter will air February 14-16

cerotoni -5 points-4 points 1 month ago[-]

I guess they should put some delay (250ms?) just for the show.

/r/technology is being successfully blogspammed by Redditor 'DimitriMar' (also known as Alexandros Maragos).

cerotoni 1 point2 points 1 month ago[-]

I see some value in people posting interesting things to reddit that otherwise would most likely not be submitted as long as they clearly attribute the source.

Its shit like this Whitmans Samplers or Fuck YOU Whitmans Samplers!!

cerotoni -13 points-12 points 1 month ago[-]

Aww poor lard ass fatty choco wiener is mad?

If you could get computer illiterate people to remember one thing, what would it be?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

Adware still bloated and slow? I remember like 2 years ago i used that program until new versions make it very bloated, i am using malwarebytes since then.

Incredibly hot girl dancing in her panties

cerotoni 2 points3 points 1 month ago[-]

noooooooooooooooooooooo its gone

If you could get computer illiterate people to remember one thing, what would it be?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

That is completely subjective.

Hey r/technology, I found this beast at a local flea market and thought I would share.

cerotoni 5 points6 points 1 month ago[-]

lol isn't all from gateway low end?

When did you realize you were old?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

No man, you just need to become multi billonarie and wait some decades until technology catch up, then you can be Batman.

When did you realize you were old?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

Age is just a number. I will realize i am old when i can't run, have sex, swim, fight, climb, lift heavy shit and drive.

Reddit. I'm LIVID. Just got engaged with the GF and consequently was "tested." Family involved, details inside.

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

I said that most come for some minor hardware related problem (dead fan, hard drive, psu, etc.) or upgrade (ram, video card) or want me to build a new pc for them. The funny thing is a lot of people that come with virus/malware problems actually have installed a paid AV with active subscriptions, the problem is they think the AV will protect them from everything even if they don't take 2 minutes to click update windows xp or vista to the latest service pack -_-

Reddit. I'm LIVID. Just got engaged with the GF and consequently was "tested." Family involved, details inside.

cerotoni 1 point2 points 1 month ago[-]

I don't think i am asking too much to the clients, the ones that come back, most are like after 6 month or more about some hardware problem or upgrade. I am not saying MSE is the best, but certainly does not suck and accompanied with good security habits from the end user it's pretty safe. Even the best paid AV suite is useless if the user is completely ignorant or lazy about basic security.

Reddit. I'm LIVID. Just got engaged with the GF and consequently was "tested." Family involved, details inside.

cerotoni 1 point2 points 1 month ago[-]

I think is not fair to compare free AVs with paid AVs. On client PCs i just install MSE, Chrome+Adblock or Firefox+Adblock, Sumatra PDF, Malwarebytes. Update everything and tell them to keep all updated and stop doing stupid shit like using IE or Adobe.

Reddit. I'm LIVID. Just got engaged with the GF and consequently was "tested." Family involved, details inside.

cerotoni 16 points17 points 1 month ago[-]


New contraceptive for men to move forward in the US: an injection that takes effect in an hour, lasts 10 years, is completely reversible, and is so far 100% effective

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

Do you know how much time those leftovers stay in the urethra or if they are gone after urine?

Just got a new laptop, help me customize it

cerotoni 2 points3 points 1 month ago[-]

Then search for updates and drivers in windows update, install MSE Antivirus, Chrome (If you like it, add adblock extension)

What is the worst trait to have as a person?

cerotoni 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]


Just have to tell someone. :)

cerotoni 1 point2 points 2 months ago[-]

Yea, until people try SSD for themselves they will see. I don't see the point in the X6 cpu that will be idling most of the time waiting for the slow HDD :(

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