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Modmail, Criticism, and Broad Brush Time! Modmail, Criticism, and Broad Brush Time!

Hello everyone! The mods at r/Politics got back to me about the removal of my essay (makes more sense to call it that than a mere "comment"), and this is what they said:

Now this is coming from the r/Politics mod team, not the reddit admins who censured me for "Promoting Hate." It's still possible that their condemnation came as a result of mass report abuse as I suspected. It definitely arrived at their attention because of it.

In any case, I'm not fussed about it and neither should you be, nor am I saying it's justified. This is merely the way the internet works on large platforms like reddit, and when things get frontpage attention the rules are different. Yes, people say the same or worse every single day on r/Politics, r/Conservative, and nearly every political subreddit you can think of. There's also a positive correlation between the amount of attention a given work receives and the amount of scrutiny it draws. I didn't set out the other day to write an op ed in the New York Times, or even make a viral reddit thread! Regardless, it resonated with tens of thousands of you because there is a deeper truth that is recognizable, but not yet refined. That said, I want to take a moment to address a common criticism that it's received:

This essay paints conservatives with a broad brush, and does not include enough nuance.

Yeah. Duh. I'm talking about roughly 100 million people in the Unites States alone. This is broad brush time. That's the right brush for the job.

There seems to be this idea from both well meaning critics and bad faith trolls that if I don't say something comprehensive then it is not correct. According to my word of the day calendar this is balderdash.

Let's lean into this, though. How much nuance is necessary? Apparently in order to avoid the wrath of the mods all I need to do is say the magic words, "Not all conservatives necessarily think this way," and all is well, easily done. But don't we already know that? Isn't a little bit of nuance implied? Is it too much to ask that I assume a certain amount of intelligence from my audience, such that the concept of exceptions to rules isn't a foreign one?

Let's say I can't. Am I obligated, as some critics say, to mention exceptions to the rule? If so, how many? What about the fiscally conservative but socially liberal? Whatabout the libertarians? Whuddabout green conservatism, pragmatic conservatism, right wing populists, Reagan Democrats, the Nativists, the "small-c" conservatives, the--

You get the idea. Grouping people together based on identity is infinitely multiplicative, and that's an idea I got from Jordan Peterson of all people. (Just a fair warning, that interview is one of the most truly unhinged and scatterbrained things I've seen in a while, so only watch the whole thing after you've mainlined a bottle of Nyquill and want to just feel your soul leave your body for a few minutes before being rushed to the emergency room. If I didn't know better I'd say it was four interviews spliced together but apparently he just talks like that?? Anyway...)

Suffice it to say, groups are groups because they share things in common, and it's okay to talk about those things in broad terms so long as you're not being discriminatory towards people for their immutable characteristics, such as race, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, etc. That's what the r/Politics and sitewide rules are for.

However, the reddit rules go further. One cannot attack another group based on "Identity," which isn't really defined, and could be defined by any characteristic, immutable or not. Likewise you can't attack an individual because that's harassment. There's no clear standard for what the difference is between an attack and a criticism, and therein lies the trapdoor we stand upon. Anything you say can and will be used against you with a report function.

Reading my original words above, it doesn't even expressly demonize conservatives. It certainly doesn't demonize "all" conservatives, because I never used that word either. All of that is in the admin's head, who is making inferences based on their best, but ultimately human judgement. I'm not mad about it, but I want to clarify this:

I don't think it makes someone a bad person to not want a better world for everyone. If that's not something that motivates you, it's not up to me to force you to be different. Most conservatives do operate on a completely different moral spectrum than we do, and that's okay. When one is advocating for and enacting policy that causes undue harm to others, violates their civil rights, and erodes the fabric of this nation, that's when it's a problem. That's an ideologically neutral litmus test that can be applied fairly to anyone. If an admin extrapolates that value judgement differently, that's on them. For my part, this is the last I'm talking about this moderation incident. More important work lies ahead.

Finally, I will address one other very common criticism:

The essay wasn't civil, and it paints conservatives in a bad light.

There is a difference between being civil and being nice. I'm not nice. If some performative markers of civility are needed to keep my content up, so be it. To be clear, after five years of "Own the libs" and "Fuck your feelings" I don't owe them civility either, but to you I do, because these ideas are worth developing, spreading, and percolating in the minds of the persuadable. I need your help to do that.

Until then, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. I will be back next week.

I have over fifty followers and no idea what to do with them. I have over fifty followers and no idea what to do with them.


Welcome, everyone! Welcome and thank you all for the truly tremendous outpouring of support from an r/politics comment that turned into an amateur think piece. Words cannot express how floored I am at the resonance this has inspired, and I'm usually pretty good at words. I think you noticed.

So, a little bit about me. I am not an academic, a researcher, or professional intellectual of any kind. I don't even have a bachelor's degree. I'm just some guy who has watched a very good video series, done some extra reading, spoken to quite a few conservatives in my life, and gone out of my way to expose myself to their point of view. Then I banged out a high effort post on a lunch break. Now we're here.

This September will mark twenty years of my political engagement as a consumer of news, part time activist, and utterly insufferable dick on the internet. September 11th happened when I was 13 and I wanted to understand. January 6th happened and I knew I needed some better answers fast. The mainstream paradigm has us locked into certain patterns of thought that suits the needs of partisan fundraisers quite well but has done a disservice to those of us who want solutions. I don't have those just yet. However, I think I'm getting closer.

One of the most magnificent things to come of this is is many people, including some of you, have come forward with your personal stories, perspectives, and resources for further study. I'm including a reading/watching list below both for my own reference and yours. This kind of feedback is critical in refining my hypothesis. (just fyi I haven't curated any of these, I'm just putting a list together based on the avalanche of rec's I've been getting) If you've got your own, let me know and I'll pile em' on there.

Recommended Media

The Reactionary Mind by Corey Robin

Dead Right by David Frum

Up From Conservatism by Michael Lind

The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives - Jonathan Haidt TED Talk

THE RED AND THE BLUE The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism (NYTimes soft paywall)

"Loving Your Enemies." by Martin Luther King Jr.

Spiral Dynamics (oh gods what even is this)

Bob Altemeyer’s The Authoritarians (have read, would 100% recommend)

Jean Baudrillard on the society of the spectacle

Divine Morality Theory

Don’t think of an elephant! by George Lakoff

Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think

"Introduction to the Narrativist Framework" or "How the GOP accidentally turned itself into a doomsday cult"

The Society For The Defense of Tradition, Family, and Proprty is an ultra-rightwing Catholic group and boy that's some wild stuff in there, and apparently googling "Heralds of the Gospel" gives some choice crazy as well.

Finally, I cannot recommend enough the Alt Right Playbook by Innuendo Studios. I stand upon the shoulders of giants due to Ian Danskin's brilliant work which makes up about 80% of my original post.

Where do we go from here?

I genuinely have no clue and I feel like someone oughta tell me at this point. A good friend of mine IRL suggested that I make this into an article on Medium, and I'll have to look into that. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. And again, I cannot express how grateful I am that this has resonated so hard with so many people, enough such that one kind redditor even donated to the ACLU in my honor in lieu of giving reddit money. That truly made my day.

Anyway, thanks again for following me. I honestly don't know what to do about it. I guess I'll just make... content? Yeah. I guess so.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Vance? A communist?



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Russian soldier might have thought has well-hidded from a Ukrainian drone but didn't know a drone was there and was just waing for someone to show up

I am once again begging you to do some basic game theory as to what would happen if they tried that.

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Never change Dismas


That's a mood.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The democrats should just let Biden run, as replacing him risks ruining the careers of anyone else on the bench since they are still likely to lose to Trump

She's not authentic. She comes off as fake. Almost Hillary Clinton fake.

Even if she didn't have this general vibe, she wouldn't be able to overcome the fact that she was close to Joe Biden and didn't level with us about his mental and physical health. Joe, likewise, has destroyed his authentic credibility with voters because he has also been dishonest about his health. You can't carry Pennsylvania as an obvious phony; Dr. Oz learned that. Mitt Romney learned that. The Democrats have learned nothing.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Which will be the October surprise of this election cycle?


It will not be any of these. It will be something dumber.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Recent New Hampshire Libertarian tweet compilation (PART 1)


The libertarian to fascist pipeline in real time.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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What does Vance bring to the table?

replied to fredinno

Deliriously out of touch hack trying to make a name for himself in a rust belt state? Yeah. Absolutely an Oz.

I'm sure the people of Ohio will love the fact that they were being used as a stepping stone to higher office and power all along. Vance isn't there to serve them, it's the other way around. He made his contempt for the common people clear in Hillbilly Elegy.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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What does Vance bring to the table?

You're not wrong at all.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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What does Vance bring to the table?


He wrote a book which was turned into a movie. He's a successful media guy, and therefore, Trump's kinda guy.

I honestly feel stupid for not having seen it earlier.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Well at least it can't get any worse


It's a lot in one place, isn't it?

There's a superstitious part of me that wonders if Trump isn't burning through all his good luck early, only to get smacked with a 2016-esque October Surprise.

yes, this is me literally wishing for a miracle, but weirder things have happened.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Rep. Petersen (CO-7) becomes Number 20

replied to Cuddlyaxe

I don't have to answer questions about myself unrelated to the topic at hand. Google is free. Go use it and maybe come back with something more interesting to talk about.

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Rep. Petersen (CO-7) becomes Number 20


What exactly is a whisker gurdian?

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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The place to share political maps and join the community. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. It's a very serious addiction. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. “The Election Mafia” -Red Eagle Politics

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Rep. Petersen (CO-7) becomes Number 20


Fetterman was doing that in favor of Biden staying in. I want that same energy for someone telling him to gtfo.

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