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Help, somebody just stole my local community bank!

HeteroSapien [S] 0 points1 point 5 hours ago[-]

To fill you in on the backstory, I live in a small town in California. I was a customer of Bank of America for several years and finally got sick and tired of paying all sorts of questionable fees for standard bank services, and having to call a 1-800 # to deal with any conflicts rather than talking to a live bank employee. So I switched to my local community bank, taking my money away from the international banking industry that has basically screwed citizens of every country on the planet. No more questionable fees, improved customer service immediately.

Now, my local bank has been closed by the FDIC, and sold to the highest international bidder, who has purchased several banks recently directly from the FDIC, NOT the companies that actually owned the insurance and property. Now the shares of stock that all employees had received in the past, in lieu of other compensation, are worth pennies. There is something wrong when those in power can seize local banks and force citizens to send their profits to international banking syndicates. At least sell it to another proven American bank rather than taking the money out of country.

Google says your only option will be a legal name change.

HeteroSapien 1 point2 points 5 days ago[-]

Now that we all just Googled ourselves, they have all our names. Oh noes.

I work for reddit. AMA

HeteroSapien 0 points1 point 5 days ago[-]

I see Reddit's mascot is an alien. Are all the employees of Reddit aliens? That would explain the telecommute.

I work for reddit. AMA

HeteroSapien 1 point2 points 5 days ago[-]

How did you defeat Ganon? Was it the arrows again?

TIL that it's illegal to film police in 3 states (MA, IL, MD) without their consent. Why are people not completely enraged over this?

HeteroSapien 0 points1 point 5 days ago[-]

Here in my hometown in California, the cops wear personal video cameras, with microphone, as well as dashboard cameras in their cars. I wonder if I can bust out my audio/video recorder and place it in my car, rolling. Or can I sue the police for recording me w/out my permission?

Made this shoes for my friend, what do you think?

HeteroSapien 1 point2 points 6 days ago[-]

I will send you a email soon, and tell my IRL friends. You are cooler than a polar bears toenails.

On behalf of the rest of the world... California, please pass Prop 19.

HeteroSapien 2 points3 points 6 days ago[-]

No, no, it won't spread like that. It will go in a circle, to the left.