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Posted by3 days ago
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1 point · 3 days ago

See, that takes talent to be able to get the detail that fine on such a small item. Was it 3d printed? Still does not take away from the talent if it was 3d printed, since you still had to draw that out. It at least looks hand painted.

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Op2 points · 3 days ago

Thanks man. I appreciate the kind words 🥰. So, they’re enamel pins. Basically, it’s a flat piece of metal with recesses in it. The recesses are then filled with coloured epoxy. The runes on the leviathan axe are screen printed on, though. The recesses would be too small to fill with colour if I tried doing it the regular way lol.

1 point · 2 days ago

Yeah that is why I kinda thought there was some 3d printing or something going on. Since those things are like what? And inch long? lmao. Either way impressive :)

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Op2 points · 2 days ago

Thanks man. I appreciate it. 🥰

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PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
-12 points · 11 days ago

I used to really like Louie CK. After the whole scandal and the way he handled it, I just couldn’t bring myself to listen to him anymore. I’ve lost all respect for him, which is a shame, because some of my favorite bits- his whole thing about Pig Newtons, or getting a blowjob from a miner- comedic gold!

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6 points · 11 days ago

What are your issues with how he handled the scandal? Don’t know much about the aftermath, but I’m curious.

PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
20 points · 13 days ago

Mezco Batman 89' and Mr. Freeze. It's been almost 3 years

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2 points · 12 days ago

Same here man. I’m really looking forward to that mr freeze especially. But mezco is taking their sweet time.

3 points · 15 days ago

I’m so sorry man. I wish I could help in some way. And honestly, idk how they can lose something like this. It’s not like it’s a tiny box. That thing is huge. Blows my mind that fedex is still in business with shit like this constantly happening.

PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 18 days ago

All three lord of the rings movies.

PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 25 days ago

Must have been a nice surprise lol. How’s the figure, assuming you’ve cracked him open?

PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 1 month ago

I was loving it until after episode 39 or so (you know which event I mean if you’ve watched it)

After that I had to take a break cuz it just felt like padding.

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1 point · 28 days ago

I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the series. Not sure what episode 39 is (been a long time since I’ve seen it) but the second half felt a little padded to me too. Like tenma wasn’t really making any progress.

PizzaMonster93 commented on
Posted by
2 points · 1 month ago

In the PH, ML costs 50, while Mafex cost 70. So just a few more we can get better quality.

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2 points · 1 month ago

Yeah, if they’re that close in price, the decision is pretty much made for you.

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Just some dude who likes to draw and make pins.
Cake day
November 7, 2016

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