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Win10Useless commented on
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1 point · 7 days ago

Can the world please acknowledge that people like other source control systems than git and github? As an SVN user, it literally feels like the Jessica Jones / Kilgrave meme when I say I don't use or like git

Win10Useless commented on
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1 point · 2 months ago

I will not get annoyed at customer requests

Win10Useless commented on
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3 points · 2 months ago

Ach, java isn't so bad. It's the design patterns, that are annoying. When you have an AbstractConfigurationFactory ...

or, on the other hand, when using reflection ...

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1 point · 2 months ago

My biggest gripe with Java, an C# and a few others like it is the insistence that everything must be in a class.

I'm a big fan of languages, like C++, that can do OOP but don't force you. So if you wanted to code C in a C++ environment to use a certain feature of C++, then you can still code in a procedural way and you aren't forced to do any OOP stuff.

17 points · 2 months ago

So im new tor “real” coding. I had learned some javascript for Unity years ago and am now learning C# for work. My buddy and i were talking last night, he looked over my code and i had this exact situation. About 15 Elseif’s running down the page. Now he has shown me how a switch can handle the same functions. Coding is crazy sometimes it seems.

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5 points · 2 months ago

ad learned some javascript for Unity years ago

Honestly I used to do this, it was only when a friend showed me about what I now know as "guard clauses" that I really started using them

We all start somewhere

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Win10Useless commented on
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19 points · 2 months ago

Then just spam the "ding ding ding motherfucker" voiceline

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10 points · 2 months ago

You’re also forgetting that this would apply to the DoT on ignite too, so 30 chance to crit on ever DoT pulse

1 point · 2 months ago

This would be absolute cancer on spells that apply lots of damage instances like Ink Swell. Also Maledict, you’re basically guaranteed to crit on Maledict

Win10Useless commented on

Watch Dogs®: Legion Steam page is up
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337 points · 2 months ago

Honestly can't think of a ubi game I'd rather buy less than this.

Original Watch Dogs was a solid base to build from, WD2 was - imo- a fantastic game, great (albeit cheesy) characters and a beautifully realised open world. Then they shat out this...

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7 points · 2 months ago

For me personally I really enjoyed them both. Both had great storylines although I felt like the first one tried to be a bit too dark whereas the second one really came up with a storyline that fit the characters.

I haven’t brought myself to play Legion, a friend told me not to play it because it ruined the franchise for him and that “it feels like a tech demo to show of a cool engine and they forgot to actually finish the game”

Win10Useless commented on
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1 point · 3 months ago

Yup I have this too, the Game Coordinator updated as I was about to play and now there's no update but it says "Game client out of date"

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Win10Useless commented on
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1 point · 3 months ago

I play this game in real life

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