
I'm still trying to make sense of this by noobArtist66 in shitposting

[–]chokolatekookie2017 1 point2 points  (0 children)

5+5 = 10 2+3 = 5 2+4 = 6 60 + 10 + 5 = 75

I don’t know what’s wrong with me…

4 people shot, including 1 fatally, in connected shootings in Midtown, police say by [deleted] in houston

[–]chokolatekookie2017 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The bus is less hassle than the airport. It gets you to smaller towns. You can do work while riding the bus. Buses are clean and safe. They are cheap. I’ve ridden the bus in the past year because flights and rental cars were too expensive.

I’m a professional, with a driver’s license and a car.

Every time I drive through Rice Village, I get a feeling of satisfaction seeing that they’ve been unable to release the location of the old Half Price Books going on several years now by hankhillforprez in houston

[–]chokolatekookie2017 26 points27 points  (0 children)

The owners of the real estate are perhaps taking a depreciation on the property and offsetting other gains. I’m not an accountant so I don’t understand it fully, but there’s some IRS shenanigans involved with empty real estate.

A boy can dream... by 3rd_atom in wholesomememes

[–]chokolatekookie2017 20 points21 points  (0 children)

This: I just kicked my boyfriend out Sunday because he refused to return my affection. I would hold him on my chest and play with his hair for hours whenever he needed it, but the minute I wanted affection it wasn’t reciprocated. He had no time for me unless he needed something and become indignant or downright shitty towards me if I wanted snuggles. Men will take all our cuddles and love for granted and call us cold and frigid once we realize they have no intention of truly loving us. Men: if you want this this find a woman you want to give back to first. Quit fucking around with our hearts and our time.

Can i survive a wolf with a knife or an axe? by [deleted] in Survival

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You could get a sheep dog as well as some mace. They are bread to fend off wolves.

Big boob problems by hqnnqnqs in PacificCrestTrail

[–]chokolatekookie2017 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love the pack. It’s comfortable and balanced. I have two backpacking trips with it and it’s still in great condition.

Yes I would. by Campfirecoverseddie2 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Religion is a stupid reason to vote for someone. So is lack thereof.

Religion, atheism, and agnosticism is not shorthand for political views. I’ve known hardcore atheist who are anti choice and racist. I would never vote for them.

Tell me what their policy positions how they are going to lead this nation. That’s the basis of my vote.

Looking for some romance control by ChaorainPrime in RimWorld

[–]chokolatekookie2017 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Keep an eye on how the married couples feel about each other in the social tab and if they start losing affection for one another, put them both on the night shift alone. Also try to check it before sending one of the spouses away on a quest and maybe sub another one in so the married couples don’t develop other relationships while they’re not chatting with their partner.

Also, if someone keeps hitting on your married pawn, try to keep that pawn on a different shift.

Avoidable crime in Houston - Avoid being victimized! by RealConfirmologist in houston

[–]chokolatekookie2017 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Putting the onus on law abiding citizens to “Avoid being Victimized!” is another way of saying it’s the victims fault. The problem, in my opinion, is the attitude that law abiding citizens should take extra precautions because criminals are going to target you.

The way to make it hard for criminals to commit crimes is not by creating a stressed out and overwhelmed population, it’s by not accepting this behavior. Even when crime was low, police would cram this kind of rhetoric down your throat when someone broke into your car. Anyone with that one criminal brother in law or cousin knows that this is the exact bs they spew when taking someone else’s valuables.

These posts are harmful even when phrased in diplomatic terms.

Avoidable crime in Houston - Avoid being victimized! by RealConfirmologist in houston

[–]chokolatekookie2017 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Have you ever met a thief or a criminal? This is their attitude. They don’t see what they’re doing as wrong because they rationalize the victim as being in the wrong. Perhaps doing some volunteer work with reformed criminals might give you some insight into how they justify their actions.

And yes, 100%, it matters that civil servants are motivated to enforce our laws. They are flawed human beings like the rest of us, but they are human beings with a sense of Justice that can be encouraged. They are also members of the same community you and I live in. If their attitude is that it’s the victims fault that crime is up—they will put these issues on the back burner. If they see their roles as making society safer so people can forget their cell phone in the car then they can help shape that future.

Avoidable crime in Houston - Avoid being victimized! by RealConfirmologist in houston

[–]chokolatekookie2017 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Here’s one—don’t get mad at the victim. Don’t let police get away with being lazy just because someone is forgetful or stressed or dealing with life struggles some dipshit on Reddit can’t comprehend. These posts emboldened criminals and give civil servants an excuse to be indifferent to enforcement of our laws.

I’ll bet hard money countless thieves justify and rationalize their crimes because so many people have attitudes like OPs. Society needs to quit policing victims and start condemning crimes.

I am in desperate need of some advice by Competitive_Look2230 in legaladvice

[–]chokolatekookie2017 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Your aunt is being abused. Here is the link to Adult Protective Services in Texas. Depending on her health and mental state, she can get an attorney to help her with evicting her son and she may be able to get a protective order against him depending on what he’s done and what she believes he might do based on his actions.

What’s the difference between this and a girlfriend? by Capital-Dimension809 in Tinder

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Alas, we do not live in an ideal world. Plus that shit happens fast. One day you’re both having a good time and then the next thing you know it happens—and there’s no undoing it. The heartbreak is unavoidable.

Texas judge rules that disarming those under protective orders violates their Second Amendment rights by zsreport in law

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’m not sure about your states process, but I would hard disagree that Texas Protective Order Process is dubious. The standards are clearly delineated as is the burden of proof in both the temporary order of protection for 20 days and the 2 year. So as a matter of process, Texas process is not arbitrary.

Texas judge rules that disarming those under protective orders violates their Second Amendment rights by zsreport in law

[–]chokolatekookie2017 13 points14 points  (0 children)

That’s a fair point. I think it would be a prior restraint on speech and we have case law that, assuming the courts respect, should be able to offer guidance on teasing out what a judge can issue an injunction on insofar as speech. But defamatory statements are demonstrably less harmful to a victim than a gun can be. I think the state has a more compelling case to infringe on gun rights in this context.

Texas judge rules that disarming those under protective orders violates their Second Amendment rights by zsreport in law

[–]chokolatekookie2017 284 points285 points  (0 children)

Oh God! People are going to die. This is honestly shocking.

A right can be taken away if someone is given due process of law. A protective order is issued in accordance with the principals of due process and the restrictions placed on a person under these circumstances has had their day in court and the person requesting protection has met their burden of proof.

There’s also a time limit (20 days and up to 2 years) so it’s not even a permanent deprivation of rights.

What’s the difference between this and a girlfriend? by Capital-Dimension809 in Tinder

[–]chokolatekookie2017 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Because people get attached when they sleep together for a prolonged period of time. Someone’s heart is going to get broken.

So true by Unknown_1326 in Feminism

[–]chokolatekookie2017 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I had a date with a guy who showed up with not very many fingers and pockmarks. His photos did not show his hands and his pockmarks were photoshopped out. The dealbreaker was that it seemed like he wanted someone to raise his young kids so he could focus on work.

Mom speaks out after 14-year-old daughter was denied arthritis medication due to abortion law - ABC News by shallah in TwoXChromosomes

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There are some atheists and agnostics out there who believe this stuff. Incidentally the ones I know personally are misogynists. Unfortunately, religion doesn’t own misogyny—but misogynist find a great ally in religious people.

Did devs forget to restock natural resources in the last update? We typically get more... by 1000tinyJesuses in outside

[–]chokolatekookie2017 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I’m running a solo game as well. It makes things exponentially harder than teaming up with another player. But trust me when I say be careful who you team up with. Having the wrong companion can drain resources slow your progress down immensely.

Especially watch out for players with greedy or jealous traits. Greedy won’t pool resources with you, but expect you too pull most of the weight. Jealous players make grinding difficult especially if you want to be anything more than support for their game goals.

What’s the worst excuse for cheating? by Shinfekta in AskReddit

[–]chokolatekookie2017 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My ex husband claimed a woman put a curse on him. Like an actual curse on him.

He came at me with this after getting sessions from a man charging him money to remove said curse and also told me there was a curse put on me.

Fun fact: My ex has still never apologized or taken any responsibility whatsoever for the affair.