
What was once highly respected that is now a complete joke? by JBAnswers26 in AskReddit

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Sorry bud, 2 cents is below your minimum balance, you'll be charged fifteen dollars on your next statement.

How Gen Z close an argument with Boomers these days by Dry-Explanation9566 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Probably means "when pins fly", referring to darts, which are frequently airborne.

LegolasxGimli joke involving fantasies and AskReddit by [deleted] in lotrmemes

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Well, they say Quenya was heavily influenced by Finnish, so maybe try hooking up with a Finn?

Capitalism is the good guy in Fallout by VerbatimLog670 in Gamingcirclejerk

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You could have never played a single minute of the game, have memes as your only exposure to the Fallout world, and STILL know that Vault-Tec are the bad guys.

This is basically me. I don't play video games, so my only exposure to the Fallout universe is a few stray memes and generally being in the same room while my roommate played Fallout 4, and I still picked up that Vault-Tec were the bad guys.

Nirvana to Receive Grammys Lifetime Achievement Award by LarryPeru in Music

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Well Kurt definitely didn't have any brains by 27.

There you go.

What's a sound you heard when you were young that you no longer hear? by Ms_Mosa in AskReddit

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I live in Alberta and I remember back around 2010-ish when they were dropping support for analog cell service a lot of oilfield guys were pissed off that their old bag phones didn't work anymore because they had absolutely ridiculous range that really came in handy when you were 1000 km from the nearest town.

Mother Wants to Teach Son to Trust Cops, Autistic Son Arrested & Recives Brain Injury by GoreGuile in LeopardsAteMyFace

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sure, today he's walking away from someone yelling at him; but soon he'll be walking away from a drug dealer, with DRUGS in his hands. Then he's walking away from a corpse he murdered. I've seen it a hundred times, so it's good we nipped this in the bud.

Bilingual people, what is a thing that non-bilingual will never understand? by -PatkaLopikju- in AskReddit

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You know, it's also kinda funny when that doesn't happen. I know a guy who moved here to Canada from The Philippines when he was like ten, and he still has the accent now, like 25 years later. None of his siblings do though.

July 15, 1974 journalist Christine Chubbuck finished her show by pulling out a .38 S&W and shooting herself behind the right ear. by PrincessVanellopeVS in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 2 points3 points  (0 children)

What were they trying to teach with that video?

"Okay class, today we're going to learn about how human heads have a lot of blood in them."

BBC Radio told RATM they weren't allowed to curse during 2009s live Christmas broadcast. This is how it went by Aggressive_King5639 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Fortunate Son is especially egregious, because it wouldn't have been out of place to call out Donald Trump by name. Both in terms of the theme, and the culture at the time. Fred Trump was already a fairly well known millionaire slum-lord.

Then & Now by bangorma1n3 in ABoringDystopia

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Crabs. In the end, everything becomes crabs.

Then & Now by bangorma1n3 in ABoringDystopia

[–]DrDetectiveEsq 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Except they don't need customers. They need growth. They need the line to go up. Once we get to the point where the masses become obsolete, they'll just fabricate some excuse to push us to the margins and/or eliminate us and then they'll pivot their investments into purely speculative ventures.

Whether it's some kind of crypto-currency, or real estate, or just betting on clouds, they'll find a way to induce "growth" in their portfolios, even as the underlying investments and the money they represent become increasingly meaningless. The number is just a convenient way for them to sort themselves into a hierarchy.