
What traumatic experience still haunts you? by ScrambledMesh in AskReddit

[–]fostermom-roommate 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I work for Child Protection. I can’t point to a single incident that traumatized me (though there have been some notable incidents), overall, the job has traumatized me. I still work, but I know I need to get out, or I’m risking developing PTSD.

AITA For not lying about my sisters whereabouts? by [deleted] in AmItheAsshole

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

NTA. You gave her warning that you wouldn’t lie again. It would be one thing if she was in a dangerous situation (such as Family Violence) and needed a safe place to be. But that isn’t the case here.

Good luck with Thanksgiving!

Literally the last thing I expected this morning when I logged on was my villagers excited about a dude that committed genocide. WTF Nintendo? by grandpacatdad in ACPocketCamp

[–]fostermom-roommate 13 points14 points  (0 children)

And it’s EVERY villager at the campsite and cabin. It’s would be bad enough if it was a one-time thing, but it’s a HUGE cringe every time I speak with a villager 😞

AITA? For making my wife return the $900 necklace she bought for herself using my money? by Throwem709___ in AmItheAsshole

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

NTA. She stole from you, and you asked her to return it, SHE gets mad? And two weeks of cold shouldering your spouse? Yikes.

What's your username smell like? by sometimesisleeptoo in AskReddit

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Depends on the day. Today was spit up and chocolate chip cookies.

What's your username smell like? by sometimesisleeptoo in AskReddit

[–]fostermom-roommate 65 points66 points  (0 children)

I’ve already done that 9884 times. I’m not falling for that again.

What food do you hate with a burning passion? by adorkablegiant in AskReddit

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)


Especially in baked goods. THEY DONT TASTE LIKE ANYTHING. So, it’s like eating <insert baked good> with little hard lumps of NOTHING.


Halifax Millenial Women's Meet-Up Group by princesssquid in halifax

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would be interested! I’m 29 years old and have one doggo. I work downtown, but can’t get around quite easily.

Ok, so hear me out… by sonofdurinwastaken in DunderMifflin

[–]fostermom-roommate -1 points0 points  (0 children)

My theory is that his fascination with strangling began in Costa Rica, when he BROKE HIS NECK and lived. He lost control of his life, returned to his dead end job where he’s under appreciated, and so, he takes back some control by inflicting the same torture that he endured.

He returned to speak with Skub at the prison because he did think there could still be some doubt about his innocence and Toby didn’t want to leave any loose ends. By getting Skub to strangle him (allegedly), all doubt is removed, putting him in the clear.

People age 23-40, How do you plan on buying your first home? by Clapya100 in PersonalFinanceCanada

[–]fostermom-roommate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’m so fucking lucky. My best friend and I bought a small house back before the housing boom (2016). Now we will stay together until the market levels out. Good thing we don’t hate each other yet!

Landing a plane in a parking lot... by Piritosh in thatHappened

[–]fostermom-roommate 3 points4 points  (0 children)

There was a recent local story about a man who landed a helicopter in a Dairy Queen parking lot, and went inside to buy an ice cream cake.

He was charged with dangerous operation of an aircraft.

AITA for telling my husband he isn’t as good of a dad as he thinks he is? by aitanotsogooddad in AmItheAsshole

[–]fostermom-roommate 4 points5 points  (0 children)

NAH. Child custody situations are one of the most emotional situations to endure. I know there is a lot of information missing here, but it really doesn’t matter. Your child didn’t decide to be separated from their mother. You didn’t choose to have PPP. Child’s father didn’t decide for you to have PPP and raise him single-handedly. But here you all are, and everyone is doing their best in a shitty situation.

Children often have negative reactions during transitions between parents, regardless of the situation. It’s natural and doesn’t reflect on the parenting of OP or the father. Father is making the best decision based on his knowledge (and love) of his child and the situation with OP. OP is doing her best to mend the hurt.

I would suggest choosing kind words, because you are both going through your child’s life together. Best of luck.

Emergency psychiatric care by sang-freud in halifax

[–]fostermom-roommate 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Thanks for the clarification. I’ve never worked with anyone who has gone past the 72 hours, but I also know it was based on the patient’s competency, so it didn’t sound right they would let someone go after 72 hours if they were still at risk.