
What’s your H3 podcast unpopular opinion? by Final--Flash in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Bro this is my #1 and how long it's been happening with no acknowledgement/improvement??!!? Takes Ethan & Hila down so many pegs for me

What’s your H3 podcast unpopular opinion? by Final--Flash in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Completely. And I'm very sick and tired of even this type of comment being disregarded as "hate" when talking about women in content. VALID

What’s your H3 podcast unpopular opinion? by Final--Flash in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am really confused when people say this, it's really the H3H3 foundation and I don't think it makes sense for new folks to walk into that disliking it, thinking that's valid criticism?

Like WhispersOfOxenfurt has a totally justified and helpful opinion here, we should speak on improvements. But these topics are clearly what Ethan loves.

What’s your H3 podcast unpopular opinion? by Final--Flash in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh my gosh I never thought I'd see someone else say this, AND people be kind about it! The song means a lot to me and personally, does still embody their H3 feel.

Reminds me of a certain sub 🤔 by InjectXanax in AquariumMemes

[–]Caverness 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Totally. That's my number one gripe, egotistical garbage based on... anecdotal experience only. The other side of it though, is I often see people complain about this type of thing, meanwhile the people are "assholes" because the noob has done something flat out stupid- like trying to enter x hobby while still keeping total ignorance thinking that'll make it easy for them, and then ask why it went wrong. When they didn't bother to learn how to make it successful to begin with. I see this one more often than genuine and well-meaning beginners lately

I wish there were more, I really love talking to people in my hobbies and helping them learn things. A dying aspect of a lot of interests with so many internet resources now

Who can share their Toronto Public Library's monthly "Recommend a Title" allowance? by s5nga in TorontoArt

[–]Caverness 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey, try messaging the AskTO moderators about this as I'm sure it would get proper attention there- Rule 4 doesn't seem to be about this kind of thing, and they'd probably be happy to let you post it with the right wording

Help! Accidentally hatching California Giant Salamanders by ImaginaryAddition804 in herpetoculture

[–]Caverness 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't keep salamanders, but I thought I'd find you some links as someone constantly researching other herp pets - surprisingly little out there for these guys, but I think this page should have all you need to learn + continue caring for it. Salamanders are not unpopular pets, and can be pretty cool and low maintenance once you've got going.

If you have a question there's no answer to, look at other giant salamander species. There are some pretty close to that which are more popular as pets/better documented. As for the habitats, you're doing great! Check the average temperate of the water body where your kid picked them up, and as stated in that link they prefer running water. You also should try to imitate the water pH of their general area, this should be available online. In general after that, follow the guideline of any aquarium water and pick up some test strips or test kit. I assume you already have a filter for the water keeping it running, but if not your choices are 1) find a suitable submersible filter for the tank, this'll clean the water while keeping a current going or 2) build up a self-sustaining vivarium with plants and natural terrain, using a powerhead (tiny submersible motor to create aquarium currents) to keep it going. This obviously takes more work and effort, but it's super rewarding and could be an awesome project for your child if they seem into that aspect. Learning and tweaking with trial and error with my own reptile tanks and aquariums is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done! I only need to change the water twice a year - I just top it off and the plants and animals keep it pristine even with a filter turned off. It's a great idea to add smaller organisms like springtails (or similar - again imitate the habitat), snails, etc. to build up that equilibrium.

Depending on your state, you should look up if there's a list of legal/illegal pets, there's a chance they protect these salamanders since I've run into that in my province. Good luck!

Homeless man trashes entire neighborhood and resists arrest. OH by deuxmill_deuxans in bodycam

[–]Caverness -1 points0 points  (0 children)

People who need the most help are often not capable anymore of going about it the right way.

I think my brittle star is getting to large for my tank by Cautious-Ad-7166 in ReefTank

[–]Caverness 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you squint, that's actually just a brittle star don't even worry about it

Fousey Statement by Puffsdream in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 117 points118 points  (0 children)

He is so pure, I don't think I'd even care if he screws up- he's right it's only been at his own expense before and he's the kind of guy you can really absorb his authenticity and speaking genuinely from the heart. Family energy

What’s some moments in H3 history that have never left your head? by jacobvoigt in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Oh yeah. My following favorite moments being every time Love replaces his screen with Joji face

daith piercing by odetojun in piercing

[–]Caverness 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Don’t worry too much about “cleaning well”, the saline isn’t necessarily for removing all the lymph crust it’s for keeping the area more sterile. If it’s not all off and you can tolerate it the lymph can stay.

I actually run a bath as just clean water and soak in that. This came about because I had my nipples pierced at the same time as a bunch of ear stuff and it was too draining with other methods lol, but shocked me how effective it ended up being. It could also be done just with a Tupperware but it’s a bit awkward. I use as hot of water as is comfortable and try to keep them in for at least 10min

Also, this way any crustiness is now soft and much easier to remove without irritating the area.

Should I put my nose piercing back in? by [deleted] in piercing

[–]Caverness 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately I don’t have that piercing so no personal experience but try not to leave it open for too long, they close quick. A YouTube video from a piercer would probably have that info? Hoping some others can chime in here

daith piercing by odetojun in piercing

[–]Caverness 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It’s not infected, just irritation that is totally redeemable. Try LITHA a bit more, ditch the Q-tip and either warm saline soak or squirting it into the area. The other problem could be jewelry quality, if you’re aware of what this one’s is it may be worth upgrading.

My personal, very anecdotal and not endorsed method in perfect cartilage healing is frequent hot water soaks + LITHA. Saline has only ever caused me woes and I’ve had this successful with 7 piercings. Keep it on the back burner 🤷‍♀️

Should I put my nose piercing back in? by [deleted] in piercing

[–]Caverness 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Omg girl that is the Claire’s ear piercing gun jewelry - the absolute worst and a pushback should NEVER be inside your nose. Other than that the piercing looks pretty healthy so I’d try putting some higher quality and proper shaped jewelry in it - maybe a ring until the outside hole has a chance to recover from the tip embedding

Edit: I just read that it’s new, you need to go to a reputable piercer and have them assess & swap it out, no ring

FUCK SOCIAL REPOSE TW:sui**** by humblxdman in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Wait I don’t understand what’s going on here clearly, did he show his exact address for this purpose as a joke or just his area for something unrelated?

Did he know she was on the spectrum and definitely had different intentions to what it appears as? Without that I would be out of my gourd someone showing up like that

100% believe everything he did after this was pure garbage but this is a depthy event

The frozen pizza taste test has 500 dislikes lol by [deleted] in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I am not really comprehending why, my attempts would just be having a couple staff who are heating the food at the time it’s needed - if it’s a precooked dish, refrigerate and return it to the oven when needed. Or like above comments stated

Members when they can’t rewind to see the dildos: by chiefhuntrjr in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Could someone explain why this would get them striked? I see sex toys on monetized YouTubers all the time without issue, every other person being sponsored by Adam & Eve is able to show their products too

Dan and Ian trying to work around Hunger’s setup. by Rhys_L1ghtn1ng in h3h3productions

[–]Caverness 8 points9 points  (0 children)

This might be a stupid question but I always wondered why they didn’t contact some of the major people who use this janky button all the time for television / radio etc