
Will Ukraine ever be a NATO member? by SmokeSinseLoud in RussiaUkraineWar2022

[–]triplehelix_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

if that were the case sweden and finland would already be in instead of waiting for hungary and turkey to ratify their accession and turkey wouldn't be able to play hardball looking for a payoff for their vote.

Accession to the alliance is governed with individual Membership Action Plans, and requires approval by each current member.


Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

like the thousands who were arrested for protesting? like the ones chucking molotov cocktails at recruitment centers? like the hundreds of thousands who fled at the first movement of invasion, and the hundreds of thousands fleeing now? like the thousands beaten and dragged into conscription?

you choose to ignore them so you can justify your dehumanization.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

yes, saying those who aren't on the front line or commanding them have no need to dehumanize themselves or the enemy, that they shouldn't completely abandon empathy for other humans is mentally unstable.

do you even hear yourself?

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No I sure as shite do not get off on war.

your comment history is full of you wanking to it from the safety of your house.

Enjoy your security and not having to make tough decisions that may mean the loss of your life and those you love.

you don't know shit about me or my life so don't pretend you do...champ.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

i'm too old and was told i wasn't needed back in march.

how about you mr armchiar general? why aren't you? because you are too pussy and know you would shit yourself?

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

you aren't at war. you are a western tragedy tourist getting off on the pain and suffering of other humans from your comfy couch safely half way around the world. there is no need for you to dehumanize anyone because you will never have to kill.

you can, and should separate the people and the government and retain your humanity and empathy or you are no better than putin.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -2 points-1 points locked comment (0 children)

you are one of those pathetic individuals that thinks they are a super tough guy, who gets off on watching war from their comfy little couch, who would piss their pants and run away if put into an actual conflict.

you are a pathetic piece of garbage getting off rooting for death and pain as long as you aren't impacted by it in your little safe house half way around the world.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -14 points-13 points  (0 children)

this guy isn't the government. this is a human being likely forced into the position he's in, who knows he's about to die saying goodbye to someone he loves.

i'm half ukrainian. how about you mr comfy couch commander?

fucking wanna be, tragedy tourists make me sick.

The Russians are now using World War One era shovels, that’s how bad of a position they’re in. This is an MPL-50 Model 1917 shovel, iconically used in the game Battlefield One. by HistoricalSomewhere3 in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

that was my first thought. you want to point and laugh at the rusted out AK's, go for it, that shit is pathetic.

a steel shovel in good shape with a solid wooden handle is going to move dirt today just the same as it did 100 years ago.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -23 points-22 points  (0 children)

the absolute loss of humanity and empathy this sub i turning to is disgusting.

fucking armchair warlords. comfy couch commanders. pathetic.

Surrounded occupant breaks down calling his woman (transcript in the comments) by post_scriptor in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ -21 points-20 points  (0 children)

you know you look really unhinged and mentally unstable when you type in all caps and bold right?

what you have to say is no more important than what anyone else here is saying.

Russian rapper commits suicide because of mobilization. Video of his last message. by Ory_rory in UkrainianConflict

[–]triplehelix_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)


its a modified hellfire with 6 12" blades that deploy right before impact.

Will Ukraine ever be a NATO member? by SmokeSinseLoud in RussiaUkraineWar2022

[–]triplehelix_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

there is no official requirement of a NATO applicant having no hot war ongoing, or no disputed territories. its all just a vote requiring a unanimous yes vote by all member states.

in reality there won't be a unanimous yes vote for an applicant with a hot war or disputed territories because it would effectively be a yes vote for all of NATO to go to war, so the practical result is the same. just wanted to clarify there are no actual requirements that would need an exemption.

German MP calls for stripping Russia of veto right in UNSC by dl_friend in UkrainianConflict

[–]triplehelix_ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

the USSR named russia as its continuation state regarding UN membership and security council seat in the Alma-Ata Protocol. some but not all ex-soviet states signed, and it was accepted by the UN, but there was never any vote.

German MP calls for stripping Russia of veto right in UNSC by dl_friend in UkrainianConflict

[–]triplehelix_ 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Soviet successor state

succession state yes, continuation state probably not.

succession state would have to go through UN votes for membership and such, continuation state would not.

US hits Russia with sanctions for annexing Ukrainian regions by Successful-Lynx82 in UkrainianConflict

[–]triplehelix_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

you sound like a russian troll trying to shit on the US to sow division.

Israel will disrupt the plans of the Kremlin: the IDF issued a directive. Article text in 1st comment by Dazzling-Ad4701 in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 6 points7 points  (0 children)

i have no idea who specifically was involved on the US side, i just know they didn't ship a bunch of incompatible munitions to UA and tell them to see what they can figure out.

And in Brussels, just like anywhere on earth, Russians are not welcome by Sabotinekes in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 5 points6 points  (0 children)

this is the type of shit that will get this sub banned.

be better.

⚡NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg on Ukraine`s NATO Application by priyankesh in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 8 points9 points  (0 children)

its not up to stoltenberg at all, and UA "can" get into NATO in the middle of a hot war the same way i "can" teach myself particle physics and build a cold fusion reactor in my garage.

technically possible, but its not going to happen. as soon as UA repels RU and reclaims its territory, i'm sure membership will be fast tracked, but its not going to happen before that.

⚡NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg on Ukraine`s NATO Application by priyankesh in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

they've been squawking for months that its NATO they are currently fighting.

⚡NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg on Ukraine`s NATO Application by priyankesh in ukraine

[–]triplehelix_ 3 points4 points  (0 children)

nobody gets voted into NATO during a hot war or with contested territories. period.