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4 points Ā· 13 days ago

How old are you? My ENT wouldnā€™t remove my tonsils due to me being 27. Told me it was too risky at that age due to ā€œbleeding complications.ā€

Every single day I wake up with a sore throat. My post nasal drip is insane. I canā€™t do anything for relief.

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Op3 points Ā· 13 days ago

Im 22 sorry your ent is rejecting it. Recovering from it was brutal for me. Hurt tremendously. But my tonsils were enlarged and effecting my breathing, nasal drip, stones, throat was alwaysā€¦ sore just everythingā€¦

Try advocating for yourself again as long as you are careful during recovery (avoid sharp/hard foods that would break the scabs) you should be good.

2 points Ā· 12 days ago

Iā€™m going to have to discuss with them again to see if itā€™s possible. I canā€™t keep living this way.

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Op1 point Ā· 12 days ago

Good luck! Sorry about that

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ā€¢Posted by1 month ago
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3 points Ā· 1 month ago

I actually had a really hard time finding stuff to use for making a basking area, but this should do the trick. They come with 4 egg crates 8 by 11 inches, I believe. Depending on what size your tank is, you may need to order more than 4. This is what I used for mine, and he loves it!

You'll just need the egg crate along with zip ties, and you should be all good to go!

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Op2 points Ā· 1 month ago

Thank you so much and nice set up! Thankfully I have that ready and someone suggested I use pvc pipes since my turtles r heavy gonna try that!

10 points Ā· 1 month ago Ā· edited 1 month ago

Egg crate bottom with reptile carpet. Used zip ties to attach carpet and ramp (also egg crate). I added a couple of flat rigid stainless steel pipe ties from the pipe section of Lowes to the under side of the egg crate to help better support the turtles weight. These had holes already, so I zip-tied those in after cutting to fit and they run the width of the tank and get support from the tank lip.

Top cage is wood made of 1x8 boards on 3 sides and a 1x2 on the front (at bottom). Its all painted with rubberized spray paint to protect against water intrusion. Added metal mesh for top and font. Mesh is attached by 1/2ā€ staples. This allows you to see your turtle bask but the mesh is also wide enough to not block a lot of the UV.

Size is 24" x 18.5" x 7.5" and sits on half of my 75gal tank. Total cost was around $85 in materials.

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Op6 points Ā· 1 month ago


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Kishiloh commented on
ā€¢Posted by
1 point Ā· 2 months ago

Use wipes. I also put some in my bag before leaving the house too

Kishiloh commented on
ā€¢Posted by
4 points Ā· 2 months ago

Here is some info about cohabitation:


What's better than one turtle? šŸ¢
That's right - two turtles šŸ¢šŸ¢ šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž

Just not in the same tank.

Cohabitating aquatic turtles is a bad idea. They are not social animals, don't need friends, and don't get lonely. Living with another turtle generally causes them stress, as there's now competition for food, basking space/heat, and more. It also creates a higher bio-load on the tank & filtration, which can lead to substandard water quality & cause stress/health issues. Bullying and passive aggressive behavior are common, and often go unrecognized or mistaken for "cute" and "friendly/cuddle-y" behavior. Make no mistake, no matter how long they have lived together "peacefully", they have merely tolerated each other. This is a ticking time-bomb, and can change in an instant, often without warning (example). Eventually... violent aggression/attacks are not only likely, but a near-certainty.

There is no safe combination. Male + Male is highly dangerous. Male + Female = potential breeding aggression (Example, Example, example), but females may also attack males (example). Female + Female is still risky (example). Age doesn't matter (Example, Example). Different breeds does not necessarily negate this problem (example, example). Even the biggest of tanks is not a guarantee either (example).

There is no evidence, to date, of benefit to cohabitation (for the turtles), and ample evidence (including anecdotal) of risk and harm. As such, cohabitation is not worth the risk, and should be avoided (as is reflected by most reputable husbandry guides & experts).

Cohabitated turtles should be separated to their own enclosures immediately. Waiting to separate until seeing signs of aggression is a bad idea; we do not watch our turtles 24/7 (fine when watching, attack after leaving). It is easy to miss something, and things can turn bad at any moment.

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1 point Ā· 2 months ago

Nice reply! Gonna save this actually

Kishiloh commented on
ā€¢Posted by
1 point Ā· 2 months ago

I mean. V day is also about just giving love in general. I made cute little gift bags this year for my mom and brother. Try it out it feels nice.

Kishiloh commented on
ā€¢Posted by
2 points Ā· 2 months ago

Tbh id snag the sakura miku and learn how to repaint the eyes

Kishiloh commented on
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Op-315 points Ā· 2 months ago

I just wanted to give a final update on the situation. As of right now we are not planning to do anything with the money in the fund. I sent my daughter another text apologizing for not telling her about it, and she "thumbs up" reacted to the message. My wife and I have both agreed to wait a few years before looking into having it transferred to her cousin (as she herself suggested), in case our daughter decides that she wants it. We agreed years ago that we would not be contributing to either of our children buying homes, so our daughter would be free to use the money for other living expenses. We do not plan to give her any more than what her brother received. He has not participated in this discussion at all, he is currently very busy and we see no need to involve him in unnecessary family drama that doesn't even directly concern him. Thanks everyone for your comments and feedback.

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2 points Ā· 2 months ago

Give her all of the money. Itā€™s not yours. Do the right thing. Yall fucked up by not being good parents. Just do this one thing for her.

Kishiloh commented on
ā€¢Posted by
1 point Ā· 2 months ago

Been able to 36* since 1.6. Switch around the teams depending on each chamber, get 3 stars, restart, take your time to build energy/ults for the next chamber, and repeat.

Ive been using the same comp or some variation of rational and ayaka freeze for a year straight now, works every time. Occasionally, I have to use weird teams. For the wolflord this time I used raiden albedo yelan and kokomi. Good luck!

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