
My guy had one opportunity and he took it by LookinForTruth760 in Genshin_Impact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Agree with everything you said, but it would be nice if the community were a tad less eye-roll-worthy, just in terms of attracting new players and not turning them off immediately from the thirst. Or maybe that's just the nature of anime gacha games.

I accidentally got aponia, should I build her even though I have a full gear Mobius? by keq1 in HonkaiImpact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't like Aponia either and am skipping her even though she'd be good for my account (don't have SW or Mobius)

According to people who are a lot better than me, SW is not worth it anymore for several reasons:

  • S0 Aponia is roughly equivalent to S2 SW in terms of performance on bosses that they both do well on
  • Most people who pulled on SW's first banner have S2 because of the bonuses they received only available then, not on reruns - you would be competing against them in Abyss with S0 SW
  • new Herrscher has a strong possibility of being ice so SW might have even fewer bosses if that ends up being true
  • in general backpulling (pulling for things from previous patches) makes this game way more expensive, you should just get new things if you can help it, missing some things is fine unless you're aiming for Nirvana

wait who of you actually support fascism? by No7763 in YoujoSenki

[–]FarewellToChangAn 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Oh I didn't mean to highlight it for fascism. The other guy said he's centrist and Realist Hero's nation state is definitely centrist / rules-based liberalism. Obviously things are pretty simplistic but it's still cool to see that in fiction even if just in broad strokes

I accidentally got aponia, should I build her even though I have a full gear Mobius? by keq1 in HonkaiImpact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 4 points5 points  (0 children)

@OP: you fucked up. Don’t build pity in gacha games

With that said: It’s fine to build her, she doesn’t share bosses with Mobius. (She’s more a Silverwing powercreep than anything).

But since you’re f2p you’re kind of in trouble because she needs her weapon and she needs Eden to have her weapon.

Focus on getting Eden’s weapon since it has a guarantee. Get Aponia’s weapon in the future

Games Leaving 6/1 by Jesus_Faction in XboxGamePass

[–]FarewellToChangAn 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I got pretty far (past the second major event that you have to prep for), but ran out of money a short while later. Is it worth restarting to see the end or did I already see most of the content?

(I thought it was kinda nice and in-universe-appropriate to lose for budget reasons lol)

How's this game doing relative to AoE4 in terms of long-term health? by FarewellToChangAn in aoe3

[–]FarewellToChangAn[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Wow yeah, expected a bigger gap, a bit over twice as many players but impressive that aoe3's kept its core playerbase

How's this game doing relative to AoE4 in terms of long-term health? by FarewellToChangAn in aoe3

[–]FarewellToChangAn[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sounds like AoE4 kind of flopped then... Do you know if Aussie Drongo is still planning to stick with it long term? I know he was a bit pessimistic about it back when he had covid but haven't kept up with his opinions

How's this game doing relative to AoE4 in terms of long-term health? by FarewellToChangAn in aoe3

[–]FarewellToChangAn[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Ouch that's worse than I thought, figured they'd be ramping content up soon

How's this game doing relative to AoE4 in terms of long-term health? by FarewellToChangAn in aoe3

[–]FarewellToChangAn[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah fair enough, I just checked aoe3's stats and was impressed that it basically has kept a stable unchanging playercount for like 9+ months. It's not high but it's decent. How are queue times for ranked? (I was like 1100 ELO before stopping)

+3 accuracy or 15% graze to hit? by zippykeno in projecteternity

[–]FarewellToChangAn 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The way it works is if you multiclass you unlock the skill tiers more slowly, so you end up with the last two tiers of skills unavailable at max level. So if for example you really want a priest or wizard that has the final tier spells, you're better off mono-classing.

But pretty much anything else, multiclassing is extremely strong and absolutely worth it with any classes. Usually it's the sub-classes that determine if a multiclass is good or excellent, but you can't really go wrong with anything. There's just more flexibility across the board.

(Cipher + Trickster Rogue is my favorite, unkillable in endgame, lots of debuffs, and respectable damage)

2.7 Update Will Be Postponed by OsirusBrisbane in Genshin_Impact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 11 points12 points  (0 children)

This is false: China is reporting mostly asymptomatic and mild cases, in line with omicron outbreaks in every other country.

I walk weirdly. How do I fix it? by ShadowIsPro in Posture

[–]FarewellToChangAn 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Ah man it was half a lifetime ago but I had friends in high school point out to me that I walked weird so I know how this feels--awful! I second-guessed my gait for years. (Eventually I figured out it's because I was compensating for poor hip strength and I'm mostly normal now like 1.5 decades later lol).

First of all, don't feel bad! You can work on it, and people won't judge you over it.

Second: in my case, I wish I'd seen a physical therapist earlier. I don't know anything about what might be causing your head movements, but I'd recommend that.

If you can't see one anytime soon, then hold off until college when you'll probably have school medical insurance. In the meantime, just find a gym routine, figure out the proper movements, and overall strengthen your body/core/etc. in a balanced way.

(Note: I'm not an expert, I'm just some guy on the internet lol. But that's what I would do.)

New battle pass changes by gremoryh in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]FarewellToChangAn 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The BP in Honkai gives *way* more value than the one in Genshin though. And it wasn't always the case, it's improved a lot. Hopefully they do the same here.

The $20 BP is super worth it in Honkai too, in Genshin I even forget it exists.

Convinced that HoS is a "must have" but is it worth pulling for her here or should I wait for a better banner for her? I also have AKA so maybe getting her set might be more worth it? by TonTonJames in HonkaiImpact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Meta slaving in Honkai is way more expensive than Genshin btw. But if you’re going to be a meta slave, find better sources of info than reddit cause you got a lot of out-of-date advice here

Convinced that HoS is a "must have" but is it worth pulling for her here or should I wait for a better banner for her? I also have AKA so maybe getting her set might be more worth it? by TonTonJames in HonkaiImpact

[–]FarewellToChangAn 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The pinned comment in #beginner-help of the official discord says not to pull on this banner because you're better off waiting for a banner with just HoS so you guarantee her. HFS is great but she's not necessary, not important early like HoS is, and since the new Herrscher is coming soon she might fall off in the meta.