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Master Race in Skyrim by JestinMaskin pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And all the mods you never thought you wanted but turns out you now do

[Spoiler] Oliver has encountered things Barry wouldn't believe... by 7BitBrianin arrow

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well we know he spent time with Tatsu Yamashiro during those 3 years. So Outsiders? Maybe he's met Magus.

Activision openly sensoring YouTubers on Advanced Warfare by Hardiskin gaming

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I also remember you could c4 onto the roof of that hotel and then people would moan thinking you glitched into the hotel. Very different type of glitching

Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that DICE actually put a freakin bipod knife in Final Stand by ErmahgerdErndresin battlefield_4

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I remember those videos video's during BF3 (not kept up to date with them though). That's quite a cool thing to add to the game then.

2016's Battlefield Will Return To Military-Style Roots by BlueberryCentralin battlefield_4

[–]Dreolic 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Then don't buy it. Currently am not getting hardline cause the idea doesn't interest me. If the idea of the future doesn't interest you, don't get it. A lot of people want a new version of 2142 myself included.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that DICE actually put a freakin bipod knife in Final Stand by ErmahgerdErndresin battlefield_4

[–]Dreolic 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't hate on me but what actually is the deal with the bipod knife? Am guessing it's some sort of in joke but I stopped playing many months ago, so may have missed it. Anybody care to explain.

Now they are just mocking us. Ubisoft fixes the microtransactions first INSTEAD of fixing bugs and performance! by GuardianAngel16in pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As a pirate game is was amazing. But not as an assassins creed game but it kind of felt it knew that as well. The character clearly cared more about gold then the assassin/templar plot thing.

I know for me I was more interested in been a pirate then an assassin. First game I collected everything (every single little tressure chest I could). Got to get that gold etc.

PCMasterrace getting home from work by ItsNyxxin pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Currently only have true. It's November, so to cold to be that makes, so just replace with joggers (sweet pants) and a bath rope.

Just played Red Dead Redemption for the first time. This is probably the greatest moment in gaming history. by theodork69in gaming

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The same ending happens in FF7: Chris Core but instead of fighting X amount then you die, you fight never ending bad guys until you eventually die. So the better you were at the game etc the longer it took to kill you but you always died.

The dirt's gotta go somewhere... by DJFluffers115in pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I might have to go back and play BF4 again then.

The Myth of the Silencer in Video Games by RagnarUlricsonin gaming

[–]Dreolic 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Now all I want is Tetris with 4k resolution and photorealistic textures

The main issue of becoming a PC gamer with peasant friends by Epic_Shmepicin pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 4 points5 points  (0 children)

..... I am so glad I live in the UK. That plan is crazy expensive.

I pay £13 a month (which is $21) for a few thousand min, a few thousand text (more then I ever use) but more importantly, unlimited data with no fair use policy (which I abuse). Yeah I have call and text cap but I have internet, so it doesn't matter. Need to call or text, use skype or facebook. Saves me a lot of money (and obviously just buying a phone outright)

You can't see above 24FPS by bornokipjein pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well all I can say is, TIL 'feet per second' is a thing. It makes sense for it to be a thing but I have never come across it before (am 27 years old).

Notch Understands. by stin23in pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And how much it costs having to pay for xbox live every year. How how much more a new game costs on console. Could go on but I think we all get the picture as far as cost goes.

Can we introduce a second spoiler tag for the comics? by EmotionalRefugein arrow

[–]Dreolic 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I would agree. It wouldn't be to hard to do, either a different colour/shade for tv/comic spoiler. or have text saying what type of spoiler it is.

and for those that are using Laural as an example that it doesn't mater. Maybe it doesn't for her, she is kinda obvious. But if you don't know the DC universe, you won't know who Ray Palmer is. Which am guessing will end up been a thing. Which just show watchers props don't want spoiled for them etc.

Arrow Annotations is back! Here's all comic references and Easter eggs from "The Calm". by hoffer175in arrow

[–]Dreolic 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Did anybody else pick up on the helicopter on the roof reference...ish thing.

Ray Palmer saying he parked his helicopter on the roof and if they do validation. and in this months GA comic, GA #35. considering the writer cross over, seemed kinda like a very subtle cross over joke thing.

For when the peasants start acting up. (x-post r/funny) by superrope95in pcmasterrace

[–]Dreolic 1 point2 points  (0 children)

One might call it a form of .......Cyber sex....

Archeage is neat. by TheyCallMeQuesoin gaming

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I played both Old Republic and Warhammer online when they launched. There was ques but no where near the scale of Archeage's. I never waited more then 30mins on a que before now.

Another gaming habit. by haydar1994in gaming

[–]Dreolic 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Then you sir have missed out on the amazing joy that is the 'Pulse Rifle' (excluding DS3's version). Honestly the pulse rifle is so underrated.

That is a suspicious amount of gold by Davipbin gaming

[–]Dreolic 4 points5 points  (0 children)

But this doesn't account for city-state resource. This method only tells you the amount you can trade, not the amount you have. aka you may be getting 3 dye total (2 from your own tiles and 1 given to you by a city-state) but you can only trade the 2 from your tiles. Therefore you can trade both of your dye without loosing happiness. But the trade screen will only show your 2 dye, not the actual 3 total you have.

Before Lego Star Wars, this was the best reason to play this game by TheOneTrueLokiin gaming

[–]Dreolic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I never played the Dreamcast version, what were the actual Playstation problems. I never remember it having any problems (apart from been hard at parts but difficulty never bothered me)

[Season 4] Characters that didn't feature at all in Season 4 by theaussiesamuraiin gameofthrones

[–]Dreolic 1 point2 points  (0 children)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Yeah but they could have had her in scenes in regard to Baelon