all 47 comments

[–]Delicatefawn 188 points189 points  (2 children)

I can believe it. I’ve always assumed she turned them down because she doesn’t want to film a shower scene or have embarrassing moments filmed for the world to see because it would break the illusion of lies she’s maintained about her health and lifestyle on YT.

[–]Delicatefawn 112 points113 points  (0 children)

I’m pretty sure TLC reached out to every super morbidly obese YTer they could find back in the day. The Slaton sisters were on my radar before they were picked up by the broadcaster and they only had a few thousand subscribers at the time. They had to have known about Amber.

[–]Nonamebigshot 8 points9 points  (0 children)

They reached out to her directly and tried to convince her to do the show, they wouldn't have pushed the shower thing. She didn't even say they mentioned it she said she just refused because she "got anxious"

[–]DrXL_spIV 131 points132 points  (2 children)

So; amber is definitely enough of a trainwreck. She’s 600+ pounds, basically immobile, incapable of taking care of herself , and is not a contributing member of society so that’s bullshit.

So what I THINK happened, is that they contacted amber and big dumb hammy tried to make stipulations like “I won’t do the shower scene, you can’t film my binges, beggy wiping my ass or how it takes an hour for beggy to stuff me in a car.”

TLC retorted with “we can’t do that, it won’t reflect your life as enough of a trainwreck” and the big dumb ogres outhouse heard “your life is not enough of a trainwreck”, hence why she tells us that, she’s very manipulative with her words.

She makes a living unknowingly absolutely SHITTING on herself online, her life is ABDOLUTELY enough of a trainwreck

[–]IllsaywhattheywontI'm NoT tHaT tYpE oF gOrLy PoP✌🏽😗 50 points51 points  (1 child)

how it takes an hour for beggy to stuff me in a car.”

GORL☠️☠️☠️ the fact you just slid that in😂😂😂 I'm dying💀

[–]www-ihateithere-com 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Stop your gif is making me laugh 😂

[–]PossumJenkinsSoles 57 points58 points  (2 children)

I believe they contacted her, but I don’t believe the reason she was never on was because she wasn’t trainwreck enough. I think she just didn’t want help, wasn’t ready to lose weight and likely just ghosted whatever producer reached out to her.

It is incredibly on brand for Amber to walk away from good opportunities for assistance with weight loss. In fact, it’s the only thing I’ve ever seen her reliably do. Walk away when there’s something good in front of her and all she has to do is put in a little bit of effort on her side.

[–]Mean_Gur_2365 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It a matter of control. To go on 600 pound life not only do you give up control of her weight and her diet and her bodily functions as they are normally for her, she's given up control over the perception of herself, the (now filtered) image of herself. Any of these things would be too much for Amber, but I think not having creative control over how her own life is presented would be a big obstacle for her. She's both Truman in the Truman Show, but also the creator or God of her own show or how she wants to be perceived by her audience. She has her own narratives, false stories which frame her in a way she likes, and she gaslights (or tries to) her audience in order to achieve those goals.

You could even see Becky's character (a side character) as a sort of slave to Amber's self created God character in the show (what the kids call main character energy). Anyways I've gone too far, probably. She actually could've written becky or her other characters some good storylines or made them more integral in her show.

I'm surprised Boogie did it (a documentary, which shamed him), but he was desperate for the attention I guess. Maybe he has a shame fetish or something.

[–]ALordOfTheOnionRings 2 points3 points  (0 children)

*waddle away

[–]WhyYouSoCraven 23 points24 points  (0 children)

She doesn’t want to stop overeating and isn’t ready to commit to anything that would get in between her and binging so it’s a nonstarter.

[–]Kangaro00 17 points18 points  (0 children)

She's not gonna be train wreck enough as long as she has her youtube income. Just imagine for a second her losing youtube and having to move in with her mom and mom's bf. Consuming everybody's food, blaming pets, using mom's credit cards to order take out, etc. It would all go off the rails in a matter of weeks.

[–]Seamilk25go eat another chicken sausage you frickin weirdo 17 points18 points  (0 children)

She didn’t want to do the shower scene and would have had to have stopped vlogging because of the film crew.

[–]Sure_Championship_36 15 points16 points  (0 children)

She’s never been interested in weight loss surgery. There’s your real answer why she hasn’t gone on the show. What everyone else is saying is valid, but comes secondary to the fact that she doesn’t want WLS.

[–]Primary_Stretch2024 11 points12 points  (0 children)

She doesn't think she's as big or as bad condition as the other people on the show.

She is, but she doesn't think so.

[–]ProgressRetortBIG CHERRY🍒👑 54 points55 points  (2 children)

She’s train wreck enough but she didn’t want to do the shower scene which is 100% reasonable, I think the production crew are weird for that. She also didn’t want Dr. Now exposing her and “being mean”. She says her blood pressure isn’t high and a doctor said she was “healthy but obese” but she obviously has more wrong with her than sleep apnea and a fatty liver. She’s also a whiny baby and Dr Now would tell her to grown up and she wouldn’t want to hear that.

Maybe when she becomes broke and people stop watching she’ll do it.

[–]Present_Rub_3436 32 points33 points  (0 children)

You’re not even required to do a shower scene, the people on the show just get paid more if they do a shower scene. If what she said was true and she was contacted, she likely pitched a fit and wanted the extra money without having to do the shower scene. She’d also have to show her LAYGS on camera which we all know she won’t do.

[–]Mean_Gur_2365 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Amber vs Dr. Now would be an unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Haha, well I don't know if Dr. Now is an unstoppable force but it would be entertaineen to see him have a go at Albert's bullshit. We saw how she operated/her level of bullshit with her weight loss team/therapist.

[–]Character-Spinach591 22 points23 points  (0 children)

My 600 pound life contacted me, but I don’t want my laygs on TV, I can’t control the angles, you’ll see what I actually eat in a day, see my ruhl weight, that I’m an abusive toddler, you’ll see I don’t shower or wipe myself, and I wouldn’t be able to vlog, which I lurve shoooo much! Oh, and sometimes I lie.

[–]Steve_Cage 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Financially it wouldn't make sense, she makes more from youtube annually than TLC could ever pay her. It's all about the money. The Slatons went on the show because they were basically broke at the time, BIG AL will have to be close to broke status for her to even consider my600lblife.

[–]tyrannosaurusregina 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Slatons wanted the free medical care as well as the (fairly low) paycheck. Amber doesn’t give a rat’s ass about medical care.

[–]barelyaboomer61 5 points6 points  (0 children)


[–]valleyoftheballstwinkie starr stan ⭐️ 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I don't believe they turned her down. I believe she turned them down because she didn't want to be presented the way they do other patients, and they wouldn't allow her to control the narrative.

[–]MembershipAny1804waddle waddle 🦆 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I believe she was looked at to be on the show, but that she was rejected because 1) they knew right off the bat she wouldn't lose weight, and 2) she's not entertaining enough to watch failing.

[–]istillhatesteve 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I definitely believe she was contacted about being on a show, just don't think it was "My 600 lb Life." Pretty sure the same people that contacted the Slatons and ended up making "1,000 lb Sisters" contacted her. IIRC they reached out to several obese YouTubers about potentially being on a new show. Amber talked about having several conversations with them but they ended up choosing Tammy & Amy.

Pretty sure candidates for "My 600lb Life" reach out to the show, not the other way around. I think Amber considered it and possible contacted them. But she ultimately won't give anyone else the control being on that type of show requires. She has to control the narrative and she wants to do things her way. (Dr Now doesn't know nutrition like she does, guys!) I don't think she'd ever show her laygs to the world - much less strip down for that shower scene they film. Think she made that whole train wreck crap up just to make herself look better.

[–]HopelessHelena 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Of course not

[–]brwn_eyed_girl56 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Old news. She has said this multiple times. They rejected her the first time because she refused to do the shower scene and her defiant attitude.

[–]tyrannosaurusregina 2 points3 points  (0 children)

she couldn’t do 600 Lb Life because they wouldn’t let participants do social media and she had no other income than YouTube

[–]buzzcut_lizzymental things are…is scary 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She's train wreck but it's not obvious right away, that's the problem. You have to watch for awhile to start to pick up on the weird lahs, the hypocrisy, the cycles, etc...

Amber is good at showing her good angles. TLC wants "I'm not on a mattress, I'm on a bleepin couch! Burp." And those don't happen all the time.

[–]QueenofThorns2022 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think they contacted her but she turned them down because she didn't want to show her legs and she didn't want to abide by TLC's social media rules for YouTube.

[–]sarasan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She didn't want to do the shower scene

[–]HollyMackeral 3 points4 points  (2 children)

I doubt she ever would go on. They require nudity. Also there arnt any casting calls yet for next season. They're usually out by now backstage

[–]tyrannosaurusregina 0 points1 point  (0 children)

she has said it several times through the years

[–]louiselovatic 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nope lol she’s too train wreck if anything.

[–]Bravadu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have some thoughts about this topic omg.

I think she really was contacted. I think she even did the audition, probably with the big-headed ego monster confidence of someone who already felt entitled to being on TV. She’s only in her early 30s, has a bit of name recognition, and would genuinely be a good candidate for a heartwarming success story on the show.

And honestly… I think she was turned down because she lacks relatability and just wouldn’t be an interesting person to feature. She lives a fairly comfortable middle-class life, doesn’t have to work, doesn’t really have friends or family to feature, has no personal goals to work toward, and even lacks the kind of personality that could get a wide audience to root for her. She barely even has an audience that likes her on YT.

And to be FBI frank, only her Cameralynn persona would be good for a TV audience. Real ALR would just be rage bait. She’s mean and haughty and rude and spoiled. She won’t even follow through on her own promises and backtracks plans the same day she makes them, which would undermine the whole point of the show. Plus, the show is shot over months — sometimes years — and has a hefty contract attached to it, too. That requires dedication and legally enforced cooperation, which ALR just does not have the capacity for at this point.

And really, the show isn’t about “trainwrecks” as ALR puts it. It’s about extremely normal people who have ended up in abnormally dire straits. There’s a good amount of sensationalizing, of course; but generally, the tone is more serious. She sees the people on the show as trainwrecks, which is projecting if you ask me. She talks about it like it’s The Real Housewives or something,and that is a totally disingenuous comparison.

But all that said, the big thing is… I really think the people on the show who are successful are the ones who are humble. They aren’t necessarily excited about the process, but they’re successful because they’re willing to put their trust in the doctors who want to help them. Holier-than-thou ALR could neverrrrrr.

[–]Traditional_Pea_5583 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If she wasn't enough of a trainwreck for the show then why would they contact her to begin with? It's just more nonsense from our gorl

[–]phreakzilla85 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Our gorl is now the heaviest train wreck in ALL of Gorlworld!! We did it!!

[–]DowntownBeautiful316 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think she was trying too hard to have control of the whole thing and they didn’t want to deal with her annoying ass. I bet she asked them not to use the money shot freak show angles because she’s toooooo dainty. She also has no real family or long time partner/spouse to add to the nonsense. Plus she’s a pathological liar and wouldn’t want them filming her eating what she doesn’t show on YouTube.

[–]NefariousnessKey5365Pluviophile 💧 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]Promptographer 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No way. She was absolutely train wreck enough.

If M600PL has contacted her, they didn't agree about the contract, conditions or what they wanted from her. Like she didn't like the pay, she didn't want to do any shower scenes or show her legs (I fully believe that she thinks showing parts of her body, like her legs without pants on, warrants a HUGE paycheck), or having to stop being on YT while filming.

People also speculated that M600PL might've found her to be too toxic to work with, cause she might be a diva who has to have everything go the way she wants it, and her follower base being largely negative could be problematic too. The question is also how would they portray her? They could paint her in a positive "I am a victim" light, and gorlworld would disagree. And I dunno if they would portray her as the villain that she is. She might've tried to put things into her contract that prevent them? I dunno I have never watched the show so I dunno how they portray the people.

[–]phreakzilla85 1 point2 points  (0 children)

She’s actually happy with her life. I truly believe that. Once she suckers another tomboy into wiping her ass and driving her to Trader Joe’s, she will be totally content. She will continue to hover between 500-600 pounds for the rest of her life and never take any responsibility for herself. It will be Groundhog Day, every day, until she doesn’t wake up one morning.

[–]UncleBendersi’m lidurally starveen 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They don’t contact you lol. You contact THEM.

Which I’m sure she did but there’s zero chance they would be interested in her. They would know she wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret because of her channel and they can see full well that she’s not ready to try anyway.

The producers would have taken one look at her channel and thought nope. She’s way too demanding and controlling, she’d be fake for the camera instead of genuine just like she is on her channel and people can tell,especially producers who probably have hundreds of people who wouldn’t be saying “you can only film me from my neck up, I’m not showing my laygs, I’m not doing a shower scene, etc etc”

Pus there’s no way she would stop her channel for the length of the program when she can make more money not doing that.

[–]Sqatti 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes I believe it. She was kind of blowing up around that time. I can also believe she wasn’t train wreck enough.

[–]BirdieRoo628 -1 points0 points  (1 child)

[–]BirdieRoo628 8 points9 points  (0 children)

That is, they may have contacted her. That is likely. She didn't want to stop doing YT for the year + they'd require, she didn't want to show any laygg. It wasn't about not being dysfunctional enough.

[–]XeonProductionsMarried to Orange Chicken 🍊🍗 0 points1 point  (0 children)


Apathetic FaxX made a great fake episode.