
i tried by genuinelytired in Eminem

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dude, it's an amazing drawing and the fingers look fine. Why do people always find something to criticize, especially things that take a lot of time and skill?

Girl enjoys being arrested by tefunka in PublicFreakout

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's just how it is. Sometimes life is the way it is without explanation. If I was that police officer, I personally wouldn't feel violated, but some men would, as they should. But a lot of men wouldn't. If the roles were reversed then it'd be more likely that the woman would feel violated, and the perpetrator would probably get an extra charge.

That's just how things are.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Damn, to win that many games and have him turn on you like that. I don't know what's the deal with some people. It's a game based on teamwork, "kill stealing" shouldn't be something to get mad about. If I shoot at an enemy and my teammate gets the kill, I'm just glad, not angry. I wonder why your former friend changed his mindset like that, lol

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lol for real. Next time I'll stop and ask permission to engage the enemy.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm just very confused with this guy. He says I was hugging my teammates and that I should stop shooting at the enemy if my teammate is already shooting at them.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I keep close to my teammates, as in the general location where they're at. Hugging implies I'm literally next to them at all times. When we engage the enemy, I shoot at the enemy like any regular person would do. And when I messaged the guy it was to say "gg." At that point I hadn't even thought about any "kill stealing."

I never claim my clips were good. I even was the first to admit they're average, lol. It says it in the title.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I usually keep close to my teammates. I thought that was how you were supposed to play this game. No, I did not maliciously steal my teammates kills, nor was I aware that I was supposed to stop shooting at the enemy if my team is already doing it. That sounds like something a bad player would do. And I'm glad you were able to discern my skill from 2 clips I posted here. Not everyone is a pro like you.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I wasn't hugging anything. Do you have a video of the match to see how it went down? I was just engaging the enemy, not like I kept close to him in order to steal his kills. You have a very odd outlook on a game that's supposed to be about teamwork.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

some trigger discipline and not shot at the person he dumped a mag into.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like good advice. If I do that, I open the door for that person to survive. No half measures.

And you haven't played with me or seen me play, and yet you're saying I'm not a great teammate. All because I did not stop shooting at an enemy. Don't you think that sounds kinda ridiculous?

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I never said the Havoc kills in 2 shots. And if I "stole" 4 of his kills, is that really reason to whine? And why are you calling me a bad teammate? you don't know anything about me lol. I revived one of them twice and helped win the match.

To be honest you sound kinda toxic like him.

"taking all my kills" by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's a team based game.

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Dude, he ended with 1 kill. You're telling me I stole all 9 kills and that he's twice as good just because he shot at the enemy and failed to bring them down? All 9 times? Lol.

And no, I didn't notice because I was using the Havoc with Turbocharger. The TTK seemed normal to me

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I mean I'm not thinking about who gets the kill as long as we win, which we did. He stood back and used the Charge Rifle while I pushed with Bloodhound. So I'd say we did good as a team, but he does not think that way

Is stealing kills a thing in this game? by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Long story short: He ended up with 1 kill but 1800 damage. I ended up with 9 kills and 900 damage only. He messages me after I say gg about how I stole his kills. He kept messaging me calling me trash and even his friend chimed in, whom I revived twice lol.

I was not aware of what I was doing, I was just playing the game, sticking with my team and shooting at the bad guys.

Drop your stats by TaeJoonPark in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What did he say? If it's negative don't listen to him. This game ain't about KD, there's other ways to help your team

"taking all my kills" by [deleted] in apexlegends

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He had 1800. But it's a team based game, he's crying that I stole his kills after he ended with 1 kill. It's not like I followed him around waiting to take his kills lol

I need help finding out what’s wrong with my Xbox by zman_guy in xboxone

[–]SpitInMyAss [score hidden]  (0 children)

Your Xbox is just refusing to play that piece of shit game. Try something good

S03E05: The Whistleblower (Karen Silkwood / Robert S. Kerr) by SwindledPodcast in swindled

[–]SpitInMyAss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Aside from the occasional joke/comment, pretty much everything in the episodes are presented with factual evidence. I don't see why you he's being biased

Solo dolo by Alghabrah in WingsOfRedemption

[–]SpitInMyAss 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The fact that he treats his viewers like this and people still donate will always boggle me. Like, wtf?

"Top contributor of tonight will get to name the spider behind me." by SpitInMyAss in DSPDiscussion

[–]SpitInMyAss[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

So I just looked it up because I couldn't believe he'd do that. Is that man insane?