
With Darth Vader, less is more, according to the screenwriter of Obi-Wan Kenobi by inthetownwhere in television

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I disagree. We know their relationship, we don't need to step out of the story to see stuff that we all already know and have seen. The audience of this show is people that know these movies.

That being said. I wasn't into their first interaction/meeting either. I get the subversion. You expect there to be this big building moment; a meeting of the titans toward the end of the season, then WOAH, not that at all, he's running around afraid for his life and outmatched. I get it. However look at TLJ... that whole movie was a subversion of what we expected and the result was us realizing that we just want we expect (maybe with some slight tweaks).

Star Wars is the heroes journey after all. It's Greek, it's Shakespeare... we don't want subversions/unexpected takes. We want huge, epic, classic storytelling.

A look at The Passage author Justin Cronin’s writing routine: "If you write 1,000 words a day, in 100 days you’ll have a novel." by beats-rhymes-lists in horrorlit

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Idk if you're just being cheeky but this is good practice and pretty common among authors. You can generally hit that mark in 2-3 hours of work. I think Stephen King does like 3-5k a day. Which makes sense.

'The Boys' Season 3 Review: Still The Perfect Antidote to Marvel Fatigue by MarvelsGrantMan136 in television

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

But it's still superheroes; being the antithesis of something is still being that thing you're trying to step away from.

Ukrainian drone dropping munitions on Russian soldiers by ricka_lynx in CombatFootage

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah well, I was in Boston when two dickheads turned something you cook chicken with into a a large grenade. They'll figure it out.

California is the first state in America to address proposal / detailed plan of reparations for descendants of enslaved people in the United States. by NELA730 in CaliBanging

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Agreed, also, my parents immigrated here in the 50s. Why should my taxes go to something that never involved anyone in my blood line?

The First Gotham Knights Trailer Is Here by klutzysunshine in television

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just don't know who the audience for these shows is... 12 year olds? Teenage girls? Wine drinking, drama loving 30 year olds?

Woman With Handgun Stops Mass Shooter With AR-15, Where Is The Mainstream Media? by Vertisce in Libertarian

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Civilians should not have to be the ones to stop an active shooter; but I'm glad they're able to.

Ukrainian drone dropping munitions on Russian soldiers by ricka_lynx in CombatFootage

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

These drone bombings are so fascinating... however. What is stopping people from doing this in like, a city for example? Or a park, now that losers on the internet know it's a thing.

Who thinks he'll visit Yoda? by 21Bkyber in starwarsspeculation

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Possible. But why not the former? Gives us a great reason to go back.

A man disguised as an old women in a wheelchair threw a cake at the Mona Lisa painting in Paris. by bendubberley_ in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 6 points7 points  (0 children)

World wide coverage of the fine he'll have to pay (and or jail time) for smearing cake on bullet proof glass.

A little uncalled for, but OK..... by 5_Frog_Margin in massachusetts

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Yo totally. Wicked annoying. It goes the other way too... I live in CA. When I see someone with MA plates or like a bruins hat I go: "What part of MA are you from?" "Boston." "Buddy, we're all from Boston. Where are you from?" "Scituate." "Thank you."

First Look at [SPOILER] in Obi-Wan Kenobi by swordoftheriver in starwarsspeculation

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

well that was like 10 years after Obi Wan. So maybe in the ten years between Obi Wan and "Solo" he started to become more prominent.

First Look at [SPOILER] in Obi-Wan Kenobi by swordoftheriver in starwarsspeculation

[–]Moonwatcher_2001 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Seems like Vader is still very much in the shadows. Known in the upper ranks of the empire but isn't like a figurehead (he wouldn't be on a propaganda poster).