
250ug tested gel tabs 👾 by galexyrunner- in Psychedelics

[–]slow_br0 1 point2 points  (0 children)

what are the advantages of gel tabs compared to tickets or drops?

Wotlk Classic 2v2 Arena Tier List Wrath of the Lich King PvP by julian88888888 in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 0 points1 point  (0 children)

but why they didn't give glad titles or weapons for 2v2 players when the meta is as diverse as you say? I thought they had balancing problems in 2v2 that's why they excluded it from access to weapons/glad title?

the RNG gods have blessed me! by michaelr_d in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

if they finally fix the botting problem and make the PVP gear scale with phases as it did in the original vanilla then I am definitely down as well.

the RNG gods have blessed me! by michaelr_d in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean if they really increased it you should be able to see that from auctioneer data not?

[f21] Ich arbeite als Escort, AMA! by [deleted] in de_IAmA

[–]slow_br0 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Was zahlen deine kunden im Schnitt für eine Woche Urlaub mit dir bzw nur an dich?

M/21 Arbeite bei einer chinesischen Firma in Moskau by [deleted] in de_IAmA

[–]slow_br0 0 points1 point  (0 children)

die UN sind ja die OBJEKTIV guten, vergesst das nie. deine eigene seite ist immer im verstärkten verdacht auf der guten Seite zu sein anyway.

M/21 Arbeite bei einer chinesischen Firma in Moskau by [deleted] in de_IAmA

[–]slow_br0 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Alle kriege die nicht positiv in tune sind mit dem imperialismus der USA = sehr böse. Alle anderen relativ irrelevant oder teil des heiligen kreuzzuges der guten seite.

why suddenly do most people think about cutting shapes instead of Melbourne shuffle when talking about "shuffle" by slow_br0 in shuffle

[–]slow_br0[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Did you ever watch melbourne rockers or new caste rockers? Their style are all very different and much more diverse than anything you will ever see on the internet. They dont do cutting shapes at all. Its 100times more easy to learn shapes and look like a copy of these ig influencers then to copy any of these classic melb. Shuffle legends like brenton from new castle rockers for example:


SEB Mckinnon Doubles Down by mtgdealhunter in magicTCG

[–]slow_br0 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The more i read in this subs the more i get the feeling that wizards is in strong support of virtue signaling in general.

If the Season of Mastery is just the first of many seasons, what sort of changes/features would you like to see in subsequent seasons? by MyDads19 in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 0 points1 point  (0 children)

you could farm mc with full naxx gear and all wbs just for maximum godspeed feel lulz on classic era at any time. in SOM the bosses have higher HP so I wouldn't recommend it anyway because they will fall slower anyway and you feel less superior.

alternatively, you could just go outside and burn ants with hairspray and a firelighter for a maximum of superior god of destruction feels. :D

If the Season of Mastery is just the first of many seasons, what sort of changes/features would you like to see in subsequent seasons? by MyDads19 in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Doesnt matter if you just design it in a way that matchmaking depends on the average rating of all players in the group…

If the Season of Mastery is just the first of many seasons, what sort of changes/features would you like to see in subsequent seasons? by MyDads19 in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Speed is relative. Even without wbs you can have a guild that aims to be faster then everyone else. If someone dies he can use an addon that will stop him from using his highest rank spells for example. Voila you have back your punishment for dying in a speed run and everyone gets whats he wants.

If the Season of Mastery is just the first of many seasons, what sort of changes/features would you like to see in subsequent seasons? by MyDads19 in classicwow

[–]slow_br0 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Arena in general. and more open world pvp goals like the arena in stranglethorn vale.

Some kind of hitman/bounty open world game thing where people can earn money by killing other popular or specifically hated players or guilds or something like that. For guilds especially this could lead to a lot of fun around worldbosses. I guess it could even establish more balance when one guild is farming the worldbosses to heavily for example.

Give a guildwide diminishing bonus for worldboss kills like for example mark of azuregos for frost resistance or kazzak for shadow res. or some nature res. mark from the dragons.

Balanced server population btw!

Got REKT by a $2000.00+ Guy by BunnyVincent in freemagic

[–]slow_br0 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Edh is not really a format. There is no balancing that aims at a diversified meta. Just play for example duel commander instead where you can finish 1st in huge tournaments with a deck budget less than 100usd but instead bringing your skills.