
Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Wow, great story. Remarkable creatures. I left the box of games out and they completely took care of everything, move all their stuff out and left no trace. All the games still work too.

Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Hell yeah. Hero and Megamania are my favorites in this particular box. (I more elsewhere - ant-free!)

Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 12.9k points12.9k points  (0 children)

Thanks for all the tips folks, but the ants took care of everything. I just left it out all day and they packed up all their shit and moved on. No trace left, all games work. Result.

Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Megamania is the best game in the box (apart from maybe Hero), like a more advanced space invaders with changing alien patterns each round. Gameplay here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8v-wtcDGpo

I commented elsewhere - Ants cleaned up and moved on themselves, all games work!

Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 888 points889 points  (0 children)

It was in a suitcase in a garage. The ants were freaking out enough, I just left it open and they packed up their shit and moved on. The next day there was no sign of them. No ant harmed, all games work, great job well done.

Ants built a nest in my Atari game collection :( by rain-is-wet in gaming

[–]rain-is-wet[S] 1380 points1381 points  (0 children)

This is exactly what I did, they cleaned it themselves better than I ever could and not an ant was hurt. Also, the games still work!

You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying? by Joshhagan6 in AskReddit

[–]rain-is-wet -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I am living in a different world, yes. I've been living in it for 10 years and have more faith in it than ever.

You're right 99% of people equate Bitcoin with Crypto, that's a fact, which is why I make an effort to decern the two. Ever since Bitcoin stopped being laughed at there have been a gazillion copies, scams, rugpulls, heists, it's the wild west. But I will point out that not one of them has been because of a flaw in the bitcoin protocol. It has 100% uptime and has never been hacked. And you can regulate it all you like, you can even ban it, but all that achieves is kicking yourself off the network, the network trucks on regardless for everyone else, producing a block every 10 minutes like clockwork.

You can laugh all you like but take a look at what's happening in Africa with Bitcoin, particularly Nigeria. Bitcoin wasn't really made with people with stable currencies and accessible banks and markets in mind, but anywhere with hyperinflation and shady banks gets it immediately. It's up to you if you want to laugh it off, but it's 14 years in now and bigger than ever, everyone was laughing at the internet too not that long ago...

[Daily Discussion] - Thursday, January 05, 2023 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]rain-is-wet 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yes I agree with all that - still, saying "no one who bought and held for 4 years ever lost money" was a nice tight, and true statement that you could say to someone to convince them to invest long term. Now if you say that, some pedant will point out that it's not technically true, which is precisely what just happened to me while defending Bitcoin on another forum. So I had to suck eggs and say, well yeah... you've got a point... 5 years ago today it was higher... whoops.....

[Daily Discussion] - Thursday, January 05, 2023 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]rain-is-wet 21 points22 points  (0 children)

On this day 5 years ago the bitcoin price was higher than it was today - we used to be able to say that no one who held for 4 years ever lost money, now we have to say 6...

So another record broken gentleman! And a buy signal if ever I saw one. :)

You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying? by Joshhagan6 in AskReddit

[–]rain-is-wet -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

You're absolutely right! In fact just over 5 years if you bought the 2017 top you'd be down - though there were only about 10 days where the price was higher than today's price, but there's got to be one poor sod out there in the red. I've lost track as I've been holding since 2013. Everyone freaks out during bear markets, I've seen this play out so many times now, each to their own but I'm buying some more right now. The Bitcoin system is technically stronger than it's ever been, and regulatory clarity is clearer each day, people look at price instead of fundamentals and give up. Bitcoin is an entirely different thing to Dog themed meme coins and crypto scams, this will become obvious in time...

You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying? by Joshhagan6 in AskReddit

[–]rain-is-wet -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

If all these crypto kids weren't desperately trying to buy 'the next Bitcoin' and bought Bitcoin instead and just held it they would be fine. No one - ever - has lost money by holding Bitcoin for more than 4 years. Right now is an excellent time to buy (just don't keep it on an exchange - self custody is the whole point!)

EDIT: technically 5 years lol, we have a new record. For about 10 days in 2017/18 the price was higher than it is now.

You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying? by Joshhagan6 in AskReddit

[–]rain-is-wet -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

If all these crypto kids weren't desperately trying to buy 'the next Bitcoin' and bought Bitcoin instead and just held it they would be fine. No one - ever - has lost money by holding Bitcoin for more than 4 years. Right now is an excellent time to buy (just don't keep it on an exchange - self custody is the whole point!)

You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying? by Joshhagan6 in AskReddit

[–]rain-is-wet -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

Bitcoin is 14 years old and not going anywhere. If all these crypto kids weren't desperately trying to buy 'the next Bitcoin' and bought Bitcoin instead and just held it they would be fine. No one - ever - has lost money by holding Bitcoin for more than 4 years. Right now is an excellent time to buy (just don't keep it on an exchange - self custody is the whole point!)

Bitcoin backed mortgage. Bad idea? by whyisthisabadidea in UKPersonalFinance

[–]rain-is-wet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Interested in an update on this if you don't mind. Did you go through with it?