
Gold management by Aurii_ in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 4 points5 points  (0 children)

On higher difficulties you pretty much have to do them, to be strong enough to beat the hand of the king.

The way I look at it, the reward doors are 60 kills per level without taking damage, doing 10 compared to that is pretty straightforward.

Gold management by Aurii_ in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, this is important, +100% vs some status is better than pretty much any increase in weapon level as long as you can inflict that status.

Gold management by Aurii_ in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The loot in time/kill doors is so much better than anywhere else, I always go for the 30/60 kills in the first two biomes, this usually leaves me with at least two very high level weapons/abilities. I only ever buy from shops if it's later on and a high level + good affix on an item. From there I just roll with whatever, from your third biome onwards, stats become way more significant, so as long as you are getting cursed chests your items almost don't matter much.

New to the game - what am I supposed to do here? by Karshe in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's actually possible with some level generation combos to be completely stuck, I have all runes unlocked but I got this tile set and the other parts of the level didn't have any alternative route, as this room was before the branches that led to the different exits. You may be able to make it with extra jumps from an amulet but it's just a bugged room.

These Mini Cooper rear lights by itissafedownstairs in DesignPorn

[–]pepe_le_shoe 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Tbh, anyone displaying flags conspicuously tends to be a bit mental.

What gives gunplay impact? by thebassjuicer in Games

[–]pepe_le_shoe 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, but you’re not going to keep moving as if nothing happened. If you’re in the middle of some movement, it might make you stop, if you get shot in the leg, you might move more slowly or start to limp, even if it was a clean shot and adrenaline is masking the pain for a bit, you’re not going to be able to run as fast as you were before.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The point is ions behave differently. Chloride is fine to ingest, we put salt in our food. Chlorine will kill you if you are exposed to any significant amount, it's considered (and had been used as) a chemical weapon. Chlorine and chloride are so different in their chemical behaviour that it's nonsense to talk about them like they're related in terms of safety for humans One is completely safe, the other is extremely unsafe.

Boys can't experience rape. by blademan9999 in insanepeoplefacebook

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ironic that the person who made that comment, definitely has never felt remorse.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I'm not a huge fan of beer to be honest, but for most of the world, it has a set definition that doesn't include rice. That's not gatekeeping. I also specifically said "lower quality by the standards of people who like beer", I never said objectively, I went out of my way to say that that is a subset of people, who have particular tastes.

You can move your turrets around now. by Anor_Londo-Archer-2 in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's been like this for a while. I think this was added in 1.0

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm just saying, most beer is bitter, and it's not because of abv. I'm personally not a fan of bitter beers, and can only really enjoy ones with lower amounts of hops in their recipe, or alternative drinks that aren't made with hops at all.

I'm not trying to be some beer purist, I'm just making the argument that you should drink what you like the taste of, but you can't cry foul when there's something with a particular taste which is inherent and central to its nature. Like, "eugh, this gin tastes like juniper, I hate juniper, someone get me gin made without juniper!"

Noticed that Youtube show 'Hot Ones' uses the recycle sound effect in one of their videos (timestamped 0:47) by [deleted] in deadcells

[–]pepe_le_shoe 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Doesn't sound like the one in dead cells, it's probably just an off-the-shelf cash register sample.

What do you think peeps? Be kind! by [deleted] in beards

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd have probably kept more of the sideburns, I'm a sideburns fan, but it looks good.

Surprised to see her on a bus in Guangzhou by Fatyokuous in shield

[–]pepe_le_shoe 8 points9 points  (0 children)

her vocals are good

I dunno, there's a lot of autotune, maybe it was unneeded, but still.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Still, your edit is still talking about chlorine, a completely different substance as far as the chemical behaviour is concerned, to Cl- chloride ions.

In Chemistry nature doesn't care that the english name of something sounds similar. It's all about the electrons the molecule has, different configurations of electronics, means different chemical behaviour.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 5 points6 points  (0 children)

To be honest I think they should be required to be labeled as "malted beverage" but whatever works I guess.

That would make it sound like they use malted barley. Surely a stricter labelling approach would mean they would have to declare the use of 'rice', or 'corn syrup'. The idea of being able to put an ingredient into a food/drink and not declare it is worrying, do they not currently have to list rice on their list of ingredients?

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 62 points63 points  (0 children)

Real talk, no beer is healthy.

It's beer.

Maybe some has more calories, or higher abv, but that doesn't make them more or less healthy, it's all just sugars and alcohol.

The issue of using HFCS is that it leads to a product which is of lower quality by the standards of people who like beer, and doesn't even fit the traditional definition/recipe of beer. If you like the taste of a 'beer' made with HFCS, then drink it, that's great for you.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 10 points11 points  (0 children)

In contrast, table salt is never broken down into its component chemicals. It just stays as NaCl. That's an important difference.

Actually in water it separates into Na+ and Cl- ions.

Elemental Chlorine is Cl2, and behaves completely differently to Cl- ions, which would not combine to form Cl2, because they are negatively charged and thus repel each other.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hops make beer taste bitter, you can get beer made using less hops.

Or you can drink something like mead if you have a mega sweet tooth.

MRW Budweiser spends millions of dollars bragging about how they don’t use corn by -WienerPoop- in reactiongifs

[–]pepe_le_shoe -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

But beer doesn't get made from corn, did they used to use corn in their beer?

Anthem is the product of shoddy craftsmanship. by kent_nels0n in pcgaming

[–]pepe_le_shoe 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm not sure I agree. So long as you correctly tag scenery that can be used as cover, there's no reason the system can't be generalised to larger areas.

And really, since this isn't even an FPS, it's a third person game where you have magic spells and can fly, then it's not crazy to expect some kind of innovation in enemy behaviour, from a AAA developer. They could, for example, have a system where if an AI unit gets hit by a large AOE spell once or twice, then they switch to a mode where they position themselves further away from the other enemies. That not complicated, that's not an outlandish idea that would be difficult to implement.

Anthem is the product of shoddy craftsmanship. by kent_nels0n in pcgaming

[–]pepe_le_shoe 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Beg to differ. Have a read of this: https://alumni.media.mit.edu/~jorkin/gdc2006_orkin_jeff_fear.pdf

It's a lot more intuitive and realistic than what most other shooters do. It's not hard to come up with these concepts, they aren't intellectually challenging, it's just that most devs don't choose to build their AI this way (or really at all.)

Anthem is the product of shoddy craftsmanship. by kent_nels0n in pcgaming

[–]pepe_le_shoe 26 points27 points  (0 children)

The AI would use player cues and the environment to make decisions like "Should I throw a grenade", or "should I jump over this cover and run to another point of cover", and so for example if you were hiding behind cover and hadn't shot at them for a while, they might throw a grenade to flush you out, or move to a different position, whereas if you were shooting at them they might make a different choice. I'm not saying this is particularly complex, but it's lightyear's ahead of what 90% of shooters have done in the years before or since. Many games simply have enemies that are just trying to walk towards you ignoring cover, or where enemies do make use of cover, they're often on a basic timing thing where they pop out, shoot, and then go back into cover, for a fixed or random time period, but they aren't making 'decisions' as it were.

The issue, as always, is that FEAR's AI actually made the game harder. There's no getting around that good AI that sees enemies taking sensible actions, inevitably makes a game more challenging than if the AI was just completely dumb and did things like exposed themselves from cover for no reason (like in games like CoD, where enemies will just leave cover randomly).