
The population in D2R feels very low. Where are most of the players at? by armakez in Diablo

[–]maple_leafs182 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They aren't going to make any major changes with D4 so close. D2 is probably a patch or two away from never seeing another update.

RnR Family Restaurant on McPhillips Street shuts down* by wickedplayer494 in Winnipeg

[–]maple_leafs182 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Didn't even know this place existed and I drive by it all the time

The perfect sponsorship doesn’t exi….oh. by atrimarco in golf

[–]maple_leafs182 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Kraken rum sponsored the Seattle Kraken hockey team.

*FREE HAT GIVEAWAY* by jacobsever in GoodGoodMemes

[–]maple_leafs182 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Its cool, I'm a jets fan, fuck the leafs

Anyone else absolutely love their puppy first thing in the morning? by dajb123 in puppy101

[–]maple_leafs182 4 points5 points  (0 children)

My 3.5 month old likes waking up early, but every morning we spend 30 minutes on the couch cuddling, it makes up for the early mornings.

If only my childhood was like this by No-Apartment-6158 in wholesomememes

[–]maple_leafs182 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Socializing a dog means trying to get them comfortable in any situation. I would say it is the same for humans. It's not about making sure your kids are always having fun, it's putting them in new and awkward situations and making sure they still feel calm and supported.

Distribution of grey and red squirrels in the UK by Money_Astronaut9789 in MapPorn

[–]maple_leafs182 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Here in Winnipeg I usually see red. I was surprised to see so many grey when I went to Toronto.