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itsjevans commented on a post in r/CryptoCurrency
Clockwork_Elf 2 points

No we don’t...

itsjevans 2 points

Yes we do,,,

qwoiueiwqry 3 points

Brit here. Using decimals pisses me off, it doesn't make sense.

itsjevans 3 points

Brit here, Using decimals pisses me off. it doesn't make sense,

itsjevans commented on a post in r/nanocurrency
johnTheKeeper 2 points

Can I ask what you would propose as a solution that isn't a fork?

I'd rather devs be more proactive in resolving this, they could recover 15m XRB from the 220m they sent to the burn address by replaying that transaction and getting 51% of the nodes to vote on it. This would repay the victims.

Also do you comment here just to post FUD?

FUD is means Fear Uncertainty Doubt. I'm not fudding am I - I'm just here until this issue is resolved and I can put the chapter to rest on my life and move on away from this project and community.

Also are you taking legal action against bitgrail?

No it's going to waste 5 years of my life through court and if I did I'd want to sue both the devs and bitgrail because I feel they both have caused this.

itsjevans 1 point

I was about to say 'erm, it's a burn address those are burnt' but thought about your comment re: 51% - could be a good idea actually

But would deflate the value of the currency by increasing supply

krovopokrivac 15 points

To be honest, I still have no idea how to choose a rep (based on what exactly? It's not like I know any of those people? What are their responsibilities? How will I know what they are going to vote for when it comes to voting?).

To be even more honest, I tried searching the "for dummies" posts on running a rep node to familiarize myself with that in general, but wasn't very successful.

Maybe I'm the minority... Or are there more people who find this quite an uncharted teritory and don't really know what to do, and how?

I would however appreciate any constructive and practical help / pointers! :)

itsjevans 1 point

You don't really actively 'vote' on things - the node just decides if a transaction is valid or not

itsjevans commented on a post in r/nanocurrency
ZerohourX3 -25 points

They already added ripple. Why do they need nano?

itsjevans 1 point

The two are two completely different coins with different use cases, teams, technology, supply so not sure what relevance this comment has

AvailableRun 2 points

Smell of desperation isnt attractive, thats what i will say to this topic.

Sad that nothing is happening with the coin, other than spastic posts about some shady as fuck no traffic sites maybe taking nano, and lets not forget the key to adoption twitch donations (the begging coin).

Cant wait to exit.

itsjevans 3 points

See ya

itsjevans commented on a post in r/Bitcoin
affirmed_78 16 points

Bitcoin has a strong community of users/investors that really believe in the core principles of sound money. Altcoin investors just buy if prices are going up. There's no use case to date for a single altcoin other than speculation.

itsjevans 1 point

Sweeping generalisation

frenchhorngod 0 points

Generally, sweepers are brittush and dick van dyke.

itsjevans 0 points

Terrible teeth to boot

itsjevans commented on a post in r/nanocurrency
itsjevans 1 point

Would you be able to post an image we can flash to an SD card?

zendream 1 point

I would post an image of the rai_node binary compiled for arch Linux Arm 64 bits But you must first install the prerequisites described in my post.

Could you advice where I can upload it?

itsjevans 1 point

Havn't done big boy file transfer in a while - what about Mega/Mega upload? Is that still a thing?

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itsjevans commented on a post in r/nanocurrency
Badly_Shaped_Beret 1 point

Icx is way more important than nano on Bitthumb guys.

itsjevans 2 points

This is however the Nano subreddit

itsjevans 1 point

How are there so many people asking for BTCP in response to that tweet

itsjevans commented on a post in r/Bitcoin
Bitcoin-Yoda -8 points

Warning - To all Conbase users, please, do not come back here to complain about Conbase, You were warned so many times to NOT use Conbase but you ignored. We are not here to clean their shit, please post your Conbase issues on r/FuckCoinbase or r/Coinbase.
Coinbase is using their own chain, as a fractional reserve. They never make it available the proof of stakes.
They function exactly like a bank: take 10 bucks from depositors and give 100 (fictional) bucks to others, inside their wallets system. When this lie will blow up it will be really bad... really bad.
Coinbase is a bank, created and funded by the banksters (BBVA) and will act always like a bank (aka fuck the users). Their goal is NOT to help people to get into Bitcoin, but to register them, track, monitor, seize, "share" their personal data with "3rd parties" etc. It's a banksters tool to keep almost all BTC users in control.
Recently even a federal prosecutor join the board of directors of Coinbase, so imagine what's next...
Almost all CB users will end up fucked by CB like these ones.
Conbase was even sued for misconduct in managing people's money
Conbase did not implement Segwit and is losing people's money

Reminder: Satoshi's papers, stated: Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
BTW, I never saw the proof of stake from Coinbase users funds on the real blockchain. I suspect that they use a some kind of fractional reserve with people's money... that means... what you see on your CB balance are not real BTC, but just a promise (IOU) to pay you those BTC...
A "MtGox case" can happen anytime with this Coinbase shit.

-->Here is a list of exchanges<--
And here is a list of wallets
Remember The Golden Rule of Bitcoin so choose wisely your wallet, this is the only one important thing that make difference between wallets.
Bitcoin = Be your own bank, so act accordingly (don't watch too much porn with the same pc you are dealing with btc, or don't play those stupid mobile games on the same mobile you have a btc wallet)
Mobile wallets = for managing small amount of btc
Desktop wallets = for managing medium amount of btc
Paper/steel/hardware wallets = large amount of btc, that you just hodl and do not move for long time.
Steganography wallets = insanity, paranoia about security :)
Online/custodial wallets = black hole of your money, use on your own risk. Those are against The Golden Rule of Bitcoin

itsjevans 5 points

Source on Coinbase practicing fractional reserve banking?

itsjevans commented on a post in r/bananocoin
Arz0nist 1 point


itsjevans 1 point


As I already gave 300 to the person before you I now only have 30 left. May you have them

Army49091 1 point


itsjevans 1 point


You had 0 bananos so as the spartans only had 300 men, you now have only 300 bananos

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itsjevans commented on a post in r/BinanceExchange

This suggests that API database on Binance was hacked and everyone who had API Keys was compromised. This would explain why there isn't one root program causing this - it is widespread.

itsjevans 3 points

I had and use API keys but no issues so far, I have 2fa enabled

kinnadian 1 point

API circumvents 2fa though.

itsjevans 1 point

But setting up a new API does need 2fa (which I think was the attack vector) Credentials phished - API key created

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