
[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, April 04, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Friendly reminder that this is a trading sub

Duh, just suggesting that your trade wouldn't get filled waiting for 54.

Kraken CEO says SEC is forcing them to shut down certain "products" by rlking125 in Monero

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe the margin trading they offer U.S. residents through the 28 day you-bought-it-but-pay-us-later loophole..

[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, April 04, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You and everyone else. We should all know how that tends to go. I hear there's still people waiting for $42k from a month ago.

[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, April 04, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 1 point2 points  (0 children)

any counterview to 'balance on exchanges' continued decreasing trend being ultra bullish?

2.4M BTC

Only a small fraction of that being dumped could destroy the price.

assuming Eth solves gas/POS issues, is there anything that it can’t do better than Btc? by low-freak-oscillator in CryptoCurrency

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yes true. but Alta Vists also eventually died off.... and MySpace is now no one’s space

And few these days even know what betamax was.

[Daily Discussion] - Thursday, April 01, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I really don't get how we haven't blown past $60k yet

Lots of profits to take

[Daily Discussion] - Thursday, March 18, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well, shit. Seems like this news is being somewhat underappreciated.

[Daily Discussion] - Thursday, March 18, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

this new fund gives REAL BTC exposure


I was pretty sure it was just a basket of tradfi stocks like MSTR, MARA, RIOT, Square, Paypal, etc.

Nothing I'm seeing in news articles the last couple days says otherwise..

Realistically to be wealthy working minimum wage? by [deleted] in CryptoCurrency

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yeah, for sure capitalize on that compounding BTC interest. BlockFi's the safest imho and fwiw I've got mid-6-figures, like 20% of my btc + a decent pile of cash in stablecoins on deposit with them.

With your, no offense, small amount I'd probably put it all in there and maximize your stackage.

I'll be upping my allocation to BlockFi after I see them survive whatever bubble pop we get (and when I'm done using a chunk of my coins as collateral to trade the run up this year).

Keep your DCA going. If we bubble then in a year or two start getting to like half the bubble top price, or certainly less, see what you can do to up your DCA or lump sum something in if you hit a windfall elsewhere.

[Daily Discussion] - Friday, March 12, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Out of the last 10 candles - 5 are green, 5 are red.

Out of the last 15 - 9 are green, 6 are red

Out of the last 20 - 10 are green, 10 are red

Soooo predictable ◔_◔

Realistically to be wealthy working minimum wage? by [deleted] in CryptoCurrency

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Better than not putting the money in.

But 2 ETH and 0.02 BTC will never be enough to retire early on.

Even at $10M/BTC you're only talking about less than half a million $, and that's assuming ETH not only keeps up but somewhat out performs BTC in the long term.

Man this Credit Card can’t come fast enough! by AirDoc90210 in blockfi

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How does one “estimate” what you earn each month when the crypto is in an exchange where you don’t own the wallet?

You use the price of the crypto at the moment is was paid to you/your account.

BlockFi does that once a month, so it's pretty easy. The lending outfits that pay out daily will take more paperwork.

The lender should provide you with a statement that shows the fiat value for each interest payout.

Want a real unpopular opinion? ADA is over-hyped by mybed54 in CryptoCurrency

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It doesn't matter whether or not they can open it though, they can seize it from you and deprive you of it

If I had a back up of my seed words and they got access to it, then they could "open" it.

What is this scenario you imagine where they can't access my wallet but can still deprive me of it?

You're not talking literally about a wallet.dat file I assume..

2.0722 Bitcoin by Wit2020 in Bitcoin

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

add a "," after the $9,000. It will make sense.

Then the rest of that sentence from OP makes no sense.

Go read it again with that comma in place..

OP is full of shit and can't even get their numbers straight

Want a real unpopular opinion? ADA is over-hyped by mybed54 in CryptoCurrency

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 10 points11 points  (0 children)

How can they seize 12 words I have memorized?

M.I.B. Neurolyzer?

[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, March 07, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Not you personally.

Just that people are getting real frothy with their absurd PA lines and expectations.

Dip buyers rewarded yet again, but that only works until it doesn't.

The people with enough money to bury everyone here want the plebs good and eager to buy yet another winning dip. It's gotta happen a few times to get everyone good and trained and thinking they'll get another win.

Personally, I don't think this is the "it doesn't" dip either and I'm as long as LongStrongHopiumDong.

But the rate it's been going is unsustainable for much longer, and $100k overhead is coming up fast. Thinking price blasts through that up to multiple hundreds of thousands in a matter of a few months is a fantasy. Traders beware.

derp derp derp

[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, March 07, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Longer than most ppl here I'll bet but if you don't think the music will stop at some point, yeah, HFSP.

Or everyone keep thinking that white line no one wants to redraw that goes to $1M in a few months will hold lmfao total delusion

[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, March 07, 2021 by AutoModerator in BitcoinMarkets

[–]glurp_glurp_glurp 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Gotta train everyone enough times before you can do the big cash out with them all falling over themselves to buy your bags.

What, y'all don't like that idea? Think there won't be a pop with a >50% draw down that doesn't bounce back up within the month, or quarter, or year?

lol, good luck with that. This time is different™