
Russian Foreign Minister arrives in Brazil to meet president, who made loud statements about Ukraine by NotGodEnough in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Do you expect everyone to just agree with you? Are you that used to living in an echo chamber that you can only handle people whom vehemently agreeing with you? This is sad. All you were asked is to demonstrate some evidence to justify your odd statement and that was too much for you to bear. Just go back to whichever hole you crawled out off.

US should stop 'encouraging' war in Ukraine, says Brazil's Lula by Plenty-Salamander-36 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Seriously? You’re quoting some no-name politician? Chomsky’s comments on Cambodia were pretty naive, but even he admitted to as much. I don’t even want to defend Chomsky, but the mastubatory way in which some redditors make their proclamations is just sad. I’m done with this.

US should stop 'encouraging' war in Ukraine, says Brazil's Lula by Plenty-Salamander-36 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

Nice cope out, bud. I personally disagree with Chomsky on a number of topics. But to dismiss him the way you did without anything to back it up, it just makes you look like a small loser who has never accomplished anything in his life. Just be more humble.

Collaborator sentenced to 11 years in prison for aiding Russian military by -Fuck-You-Charles- in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Are you a child that still believes in fairy tales of good vs evil? The discourse in this subreddit has reached kindergarten level.

Twitter: BBC objects to government funded media label by Kagedeah in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The government sets the price for the license and appoints the head of BBC. I don’t understand how you’re not seeing the government’s direct involvement here.

Twitter: BBC objects to government funded media label by Kagedeah in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Which is essentially tax since you have to have it in order to watch tv in the U.K. And I’m not sure if you’re aware but taxes are something we pay the GOVERNMENT.

French Diplomacy Undercuts U.S. Efforts to Rein China In by Pure-Investigator116 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Wow. This is a magnificently naive comment. I guess you think the reason U.S. speaks English too is a result of their “export culture” too? You sound like a high school student so I’ll just advise you to read a bit more before commenting.

French Diplomacy Undercuts U.S. Efforts to Rein China In by Pure-Investigator116 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

You do understand that the reason “English is widely spoken in the world” is a direct result of British colonialism and their erasure of local culture, right?

Looking for good video on Luhmann's system theory by [deleted] in sociology

[–]RekdSavage 7 points8 points  (0 children)

There’s a number of different ways. The typical way of doing system theoretical research is using Luhmann’s functional method as a comparative framework. We use theories to solve problems, but any single problem can have many solutions and, in turn, every solution will result in producing a number of different problems. Think of the saying “there’s more than one way to skin a cat” — this is how Luhmann’s system theory approaches all social phenomena. For example, Marxists will claim that the only way to solve inequality is to redistribute wealth through revolutionary means. The end. On the other hand, Luhmann’s theory can illuminate that, not only can inequality be functionally solved through other means, but also highlight potential new problems that may arise as a result of implementing said solutions.

Let’s look at a more concrete example of using Luhmann’s theory. We often hear today that the contemporary discourse in the West is becoming increasingly divisive and antagonistic, particularly in the United States. Popular theories today explain this seeming social fragmentation as a result of propaganda, poor education, willful ignorance, Otherism (racism, sexism, etc.), social media population, the demise of the public sphere, and others. But Luhmann’s theory is based on the principle that “successful” communication is a highly improbable event, so that misunderstanding is actually the norm and the growing fragmentation isn’t actually a cause of concern and isn’t fragmentation at all, but simply the fact that social systems cannot directly communicate with each other. Thus, today’s communicative misunderstanding should be viewed as the norm rather than the exception.

Looking for good video on Luhmann's system theory by [deleted] in sociology

[–]RekdSavage 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Luhmann’s systems theory is a theory of observation that is a theory of society — it is a framework for looking at the social system of society. We can observe many things that are outside ourselves, but if we decide that the object we observe is society then Luhmann’s theory enables us to “see” what we are observing, how we are observing it, and how does what we observe persist over time (I.e. reproduce itself). Luhmann’s theory is a grand theory in the sense that it is a theory that aims to explain all social phenomena. It’s quite a powerful experience to “grasp” Luhmann’s theory, because it often requires a complete reframing of how one views the world (particularly if you come from a Western culture). It changes everything.

There are unfortunately no introductory videos on Luhmann. It’s a real shame but Luhmann requires a lot of work, typically a few years. But if you understand him, you’ll understand modern society.

Lithuania bans Russians from buying real estate by Kimber80 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. Do people not realize there’s a difference between CULTURE and the ECONOMY or POLITICS? Like that’s so basic.

Biden tells Russia to release American journalist: 'Let him go' by Additional-Force-795 in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m a lil late to this whole war between Ukraine and the Ruzzians, but where’s the “3 day war” meme from? I’ve seen it pop up in a few places but did they actually say that was their plan initially? That would be hilarious if they planned to take a country the size of Ukraine in that short of time. Hell, it took the U.S. army 3 months to control Iraq. Where did Putin/his generals actually claim this?

Roam and Drinkwater.ai, ChatGPT running on your own knowledge base by Financial_Slide_7027 in RoamResearch

[–]RekdSavage 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m not really familiar with water (I just watched their YouTube promo). How do you think it could work alongside Roam?

Estonian Defense Minister: 'Russian army has not changed in 100 years' by KI_official in worldnews

[–]RekdSavage 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I’m from Poland and have no love for Russia, in fact I want the country to be broken up into a thousand independent republics. But the baltics always make me laugh, like you guys don’t matter in global politics at all. You’re like chihuahuas, just lots of barking.

New study explores why we disagree so often: our concepts about and associations with even the most basic words vary widely, and, at the same time, people tend to significantly overestimate how many others hold the same conceptual beliefs by giuliomagnifico in science

[–]RekdSavage 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You’re essentially correct, but just to clarify, “people DO believe that words have the same meaning”, and that’s the problem, which is what the study in question is asserting.

New study explores why we disagree so often: our concepts about and associations with even the most basic words vary widely, and, at the same time, people tend to significantly overestimate how many others hold the same conceptual beliefs by giuliomagnifico in science

[–]RekdSavage 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You’re essentially correct, but just to clarify, Luhmann would say that “systems can communicate, but the operation of ‘understanding’ is always carried out within the perturbed system itself, never by anything outside out of it (in the system’s environment)”.

Luhmann's "Disorder" - True To Your Experience? by apricotsareweird in Zettelkasten

[–]RekdSavage 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You know how sometimes when you use Wikipedia you can end up going down random rabbit holes for hours on end? Now imagine these rabbit holes weren’t random, but we’re all inter-connected and became even more connected the more you read and wrote. Over time a Zettelkasten begins to feel like taking a walk among you memories or ideas. It’s a second brain in the sense that the more inputs you make, the more generative function it will serve: random connections gain meaning, new ideas will spring up, and previously unseen gaps become visible. At least that’s how the experience has been on my end.

[Helman] Sunday emphasized something I think we already knew: Dak Prescott isn’t good enough to be The Reason his team wins. The brutal truth, though, is that I’m not sure there are more than 2-4 of those guys in the NFL. he needs more help. and that’s ok. by bryscoon in cowboys

[–]RekdSavage 1 point2 points  (0 children)

How many weapons does he need? He’s got a pro-bowl receiver, running back, tight end, a better than average o-line and one of the best defenses in the NFL. So with all of those weapons, plus Dak’s massive contract, you want to give him more weapons? Ffs at which point in time is Dak going to step up? I get it, fans are afraid, afraid of what might happen without Dak. I get it. But we just the saw the last pick in the draft arguably out play our $100 million QB. I’ve been defending Dak for 7 years. I’m done.