
WOAH WOAH WOAH!! Back off Bethesda, I'm not THAT kind of casual! by Mike__O in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nah, it's just the automod YouTube spam filter. Some people don't realize how fast this place would fill up with "YouTubers fishing for simps" if we turned it off.

What can ruin men's lives if they don't catch onto early? by MISTAX1995 in AskMen

[–]PaulJP 4 points5 points  (0 children)

In the context of the question, it can be insidious too.

Start with a high activity job where you need a 2000 calorie lunch just to maintain as a skinny dude, then "good job, here's a promotion with a couple desk jockey responsibilities", where the intake still matches close enough that the gain isn't noticeable. Few rounds of that and you're at a desk 8+ hours a day like "wait, where did this 40lbs come from"?

Commuting too - if you have a long one that can be another couple hours a day forced to sit on your butt.

The Glorious Return of an Old-School Car Feature: Automakers are starting to admit that drivers hate touchscreens. Buttons are back! by SuccessfulOperation in technology

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Porque no los dos?

Smartphone bluetooth-only means supporting it too, or forcing consumers to use specific whitelisted phones with their vehicles, which may go out of support over the life of the vehicle. Also phone storage needing extra capacity to store the downloaded update to push it ("but just stream it from the cell network to the bluetooth" -> "just turn on your wifi hotspot"). Also means hanging around the vehicle for the duration of the update, which isn't always fast.

Plenty of multifunction chips from Qualcomm and the likes would get you both as well so it doesn't even really need any extra hardware engineering.

The Glorious Return of an Old-School Car Feature: Automakers are starting to admit that drivers hate touchscreens. Buttons are back! by SuccessfulOperation in technology

[–]PaulJP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wifi with background downloads

No need for a phone and the user can just tap an in vehicle button to "install now" when they park for the night.

Where can I get this outfit? by WallOpen8662 in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Didn't it come with SwaggerSouls voice lines, like the liberty prime power armor?

A warning to my fellow devs by KnedlikTrain in gamedev

[–]PaulJP 6 points7 points  (0 children)

In discord in particular, don't give kick permissions unnecessarily either.

There's a "prune" feature that can kick users that have been "inactive for x time". Last I checked anyone with kick permission can use it, and the minimum time can be set very low. Seen horror stories of things like a malicious mod going "kick anyone that's been inactive for more than 5 minutes" at 3am on a Tuesday and decimating communities.

Everyone’s build once june patch drops (aka ammo drop nerf) by Life1989 in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Can't pin other people's comments, so:


just saw this in another thread

KNOWN ISSUES While fighting through Daily Ops and Expeditions you may notice contextual ammo dropping in increments of 4 only. This is a bug that we are aware of and will have resolved in a future iteration of the PTS.

Hundreds of pounds of steel and it doesn’t even spin… not a big fan by PatPetPitPotPut in DiWHY

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd be worried about lift. Pickup would at least block some of the wind with the cab.

Hundreds of pounds of steel and it doesn’t even spin… not a big fan by PatPetPitPotPut in DiWHY

[–]PaulJP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Could be a magnetic license plate holder (composite blades, metal center), but I'd be surprised if moving it like this was somehow easier or more cost effective than using a courier box truck or a pickup.

Don’t think I’ll open this one… lol by [deleted] in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

I removed this to help prevent more people from seeing your address, but you'll want to delete it on your end too (the post might still be available to other platforms or through other links until you delete it).

Post itself was fine, just don't want you getting doxxed because of it. Feel free to reupload with all identifying info blocked out :)

It's really cool how Vegas and West Virginia have Fallout paraphernalia in their tourist spots as a result by SuperAlloyBerserker in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, in the past 2 weeks it's been over 90°F and sunny, and under 20°F and a blizzard. It's normally pretty stable during the winter and summer, but a game in the between seasons would be excellent. Throw in a rad-nado or two also.

It's really cool how Vegas and West Virginia have Fallout paraphernalia in their tourist spots as a result by SuperAlloyBerserker in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Really need New Orleans, Chicago, and somewhere cold (I'm partial to Minnesota).

I wanna see radioactive cicada broods, and a blizzard during my nuclear winter.

PBS Joins NPR in Quitting Twitter Over State-Backed Label by [deleted] in news

[–]PaulJP 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Not sure about the generating new accounts bit, but there are tools to manage cross platform communications like you're suggesting.

The trick is to get small-town USA, with their one computer from 1987 and a couple cell phones to know the tools exist, and see enough value in them to actually implement them.

Harry Potter by Balenciaga 2 by Federal_Penalty5832 in woahdude

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

When you blink so hard even your sunglasses blink.

What are you doing step-turret? What did the ammo converter or moo moo ever did to ya? by 10sameold in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Every so often I come back to A.T.H.E.N.A. just going to town on a radstag stand near my camp. Always gotta thank her for providing a meal while she babbles about birds :D

The 9 most common camp types by ChromedDragon in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My main is #9 (cabins by Monongah).

Secondary is #2 (cabin on that lake by the bear on the map).

My floating camps are generally built off the edge of cliff so it looks like a normal house, but then you find a door to a basement full of meat and bone chimes.

I love creating characters in Fallout ☺️ by HevsCreations in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 10 points11 points  (0 children)

It's kind of a gut check video by video and based on user history for what's allowed regarding YouTube, so it isn't always OK.

You've actually interacted here which is more than most YouTubers, and it's not click-baity, so it's been approved for now. We'll see how the community responds and go from there :)

The theme does slap tho by Phixiately in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You could spend most of the session staying safe, moving from bush to bush

Or just do the "ski-splat" photo pose facing a cliff on the road to Monongah. Right in the "no man's land" of two teams having a fire fight. Explosions and lasers everywhere.

That or standing in the middle of a field doing the confetti photo pose right in front of the entrance to an enemy team's camp.

Came in 2nd in both cases :D Nuclear Winter was great.

So what? So let’s dance! by johnnotdan in funny

[–]PaulJP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, the Weapon Of Choice one caught me off guard because it looked like Walken was the one spliced in due to the lighting.

So glad this subreddit exists! by CatPotatey in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Occasionally a game comes along where that happens. Astroneer comes to mind.

A lot of the turmoil comes from being the main place though. If someone has a complaint they'll get to the main spot before finding the offshoots - a bit like how reviews are generally biased negative because the people that are happy are less likely to leave a review.

I don't envy the main sub mods - as much stuff as we see I can only imagine what they get.

So glad this subreddit exists! by CatPotatey in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yeah, name came about from a thread calling ourselves filthy casuals elsewhere and someone was like "screw it, I'll make a sub".

So glad this subreddit exists! by CatPotatey in fo76FilthyCasuals

[–]PaulJP 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They will need a casuals sub to get away from all that.


TIL: A sex toy maker agreed to pay customers up to C$10,000 each for selling a “smart vibrator,” which tracked owners’ use without their knowledge. Two hackers had demonstrated the company was collecting information about users, including device temperature and vibration intensity. by theotherbogart in todayilearned

[–]PaulJP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I run my own mail server, so all of the email addresses I give out are aliases to the actual address.

Always great when I get that scam and their "proof" of their hacking skill is that they "recorded my password and logged in to [my] account to send it from [my] email"... that doesn't actually exist.