
[SPOILER] Yodlekpet vs Denis Puric | ONE Friday Fights 17 by Yodsanan in MMA

[–]GO_RAVENS 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah the dude didn't go down, he just left himself in the most undefended position he could possibly put himself in. Nobody to blame but himself.

[SPOILER] Li Guozhen vs Jelte Blommaert | ONE Friday Fights 17 by Yodsanan in MMA

[–]GO_RAVENS 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Holy shit yeah it was, I thought I was watching a can crush match and then he starts those elbows and forearm shots.

My mom bought this antique wagon for a yard decoration. Any chance I could save the pan? by Superbeing43 in castiron

[–]GO_RAVENS -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Yeah but spell check still wouldn't have caught their mistake, so your point is still stupid.

You'd know that if you used basic common sense and did a quick double check before hitting post. It's not like you wrote a whole novel before posting.

My mom bought this antique wagon for a yard decoration. Any chance I could save the pan? by Superbeing43 in castiron

[–]GO_RAVENS 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Galvanization is not electroplating though. Electroplating is using electric current to deposit metal on the surface, galvanizing is literally dipping steel into molten zinc. Galvanized coatings are much thicker and more durable than electroplating, hence them using the term "poor man's galvanizing."

Just got laid off and thinking about what's next by MyPasswordIsABC999 in copywriting

[–]GO_RAVENS 2 points3 points  (0 children)

To answer your question indirectly, I'm currently in the process of applying to the post office. Writing is turning into a gig economy job and is feeling like less and less of a career. And that's not even getting into the AI situation that's wiping out writing jobs by the thousands before our eyes.

Content writing by iqra58 in copywriting

[–]GO_RAVENS 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Are you asking us to critique your copy for the copywriting job ad you're going to post, or are you looking for a copywriter?

Because I have some critiques and you definitely need a copywriter 😂

Agholor is down in Miami with Lamar by RRSC14 in ravens

[–]GO_RAVENS 5 points6 points  (0 children)

His new OC is currently having play dates with rookies, camp bodies, potential practice squad guys. This isn't the week where they go deep into the playbook and start scheming. This is literally the "Welcome to the NFL" week.

Lamar will be there next week. It'll be fine.

When your camo game is strong by Finn_Flame in nextfuckinglevel

[–]GO_RAVENS 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It's all in the cooking! They either need to be cooked really quick or really slow to keep them tender. The middle ground is very chewy.

When your camo game is strong by Finn_Flame in nextfuckinglevel

[–]GO_RAVENS 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Dude just thoroughly answered your question and deconstructed your argument and your response is basically a passive aggressive way of saying "Nuh uh."

The American dream is dead by kevinowdziej in WorkReform

[–]GO_RAVENS 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Me saying the sky is green is a fairly straightforward concept, but it's still bullshit.

Using price as a way to efficiently allocate goods to those with the most need for those goods. All else being equal...

That's all well and good when you presuppose "all else being equal" and the people who need things are able to afford them, but that isn't the case at all. Instead we get what we have now, which is the "Haves vs the Have Nots." The rich have far more they need, and the rest don't get their fair share. Prices are raised because the rich can still afford it easily, and the poor can't afford not to pay outrageous prices for necessities.

There are more empty homes than homeless people, corporate landlords dominate the real estate market, the rich have multiple homes, and an entire generation has been priced out of home ownership.

Food deserts exist in poor neighborhoods and food costs are increasing at 3-4x the rate of inflation, while the rich eat lavishly and businesses spend millions on food and catering where half of it is thrown away.

The rich get elective medical procedures likes cosmetic surgeries for fun and are able to travel the word for experimental or questionably legal procedures, while insurance companies routinely deny care deemed necessary by doctors.

That’s a Cold response by rashidi11 in MMA

[–]GO_RAVENS 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've watched every fight of his career and never paid the UFC to do it. The closest I came was buying food and beer from the bar that was paying to air the fights.

[Warren Sharp] A breakdown of the irregularities in the newly released schedule and how it favors certain teams over others. by 0ut0fTheWilds in nfl

[–]GO_RAVENS 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This isn't about tracking the total number of days rest a team has over a season, because that will always even out; i.e. lose a few days on one side of Thursday Night Football, gain a few days on the other. It's about the difference in rest in a given week compared to their opponent, added up across the entire season.

For example:

  • A team playing a second Sunday in a row vs a team that played TNF the week before, they're at a 3 day rest disadvantage, so that week they get a -3.

  • The next week they play MNF against a team that played on Sunday as well, so it's a wash.

  • The next week they're playing on Sunday against a team that played the previous Sunday, so that's another 1 day of rest disadvantage, bringing the total to -4.

  • Then they get a bye week and play on the following Sunday against a team that played the previous Sunday, so they have a 7 day rest advantage, bringing the season total to +3.

[Scott Barrett on Twitter] Average rush yards over expected by buttholez69 in nfl

[–]GO_RAVENS 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was wondering why we weren't represented on the graph, but I forgot just how much of the season he missed.

Ojabo says he tried to switch to 55, but “Suggs not letting me, man.” Ojabo said that he discussed things with Suggs but joked that he wasn’t having it. by Bigtoes22 in ravens

[–]GO_RAVENS -10 points-9 points  (0 children)

Everyone in this thread is trippin hard. Sizzle ain't on the Ray Lewis/Ed Reed/Jonathan Ogden level. He had some great years in Baltimore and will always be loved, but he didn't redefine the position the way 52, 20, or 75 did.

Coming face to face with a bald eagle. Bald eagles can grow up to 3 feet in height and have a wingspan of close to 7 feet. by kirolossedra in interestingasfuck

[–]GO_RAVENS -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Don't give them too much credit. They're basically a giant pigeon seagull hybrid. They eat lots of trash and dead shit.

Jada Pinkett Smith's "Queen Cleopatra" on Netflix is the lowest-rated show in Rotten Tomatoes history by rustyyryan in entertainment

[–]GO_RAVENS -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Whataboutism is a logical fallacy used in making poor arguments. How is that a valid concern? It's not a concern at all, it's a fallacious rhetorical device. I don't even understand the point you're making. Yes, both sides of the spectrum can be authoritarian, but that doesn't mean that being authoritarian means they're similar in other ways.

Jada Pinkett Smith's "Queen Cleopatra" on Netflix is the lowest-rated show in Rotten Tomatoes history by rustyyryan in entertainment

[–]GO_RAVENS -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Lol I'm not giving you my opinion. I'm sharing with you the fact that academia and political philosophy have largely discredited and disregarded the horseshoe theory. You can, of course, disregard that fact at your own discretion.

Jada Pinkett Smith's "Queen Cleopatra" on Netflix is the lowest-rated show in Rotten Tomatoes history by rustyyryan in entertainment

[–]GO_RAVENS 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Horseshoe theory is argely discredited and disregarded in academia. It's basically just a fancy "whataboutism" and "but both sides!" fallacy that focuses on a few anecdotes (both killed jews, used propaganda, and installed class hierarchy for example) to say things are the same while ignoring many drastic differences.

Authoritarians are going to authoritarian. Racists are gonna racist.

This part is absolutely true, but you can't say two authoritarians are the same just because they're both authoritarian. That's where horseshoe theory falls apart.

Android vs Apple phones by SinjiOnO in TikTokCringe

[–]GO_RAVENS 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I switched off Samsung years ago for the Pixel line and I won't go back. So much less bloatware than Samsung phones.

In the three seasons since signing his $96MM contract in 2019, Michael Thomas has played in 10 total games and caught 3 TDs. by [deleted] in nfl

[–]GO_RAVENS 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Nah, this subreddit abandoned the "quality" in "quality shitposts" a long time ago. Now they're all just shit.

no words for this by felix__baron in clevercomebacks

[–]GO_RAVENS 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I always call bald eagles "pretty seagulls" for the same reason lol

What television series had the biggest bullshit finale? by Halloween-365 in AskReddit

[–]GO_RAVENS 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Yeah that was a great show. I haven't thought about it in a long time, might go rewatch it.

no words for this by felix__baron in clevercomebacks

[–]GO_RAVENS 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Not just otters, much of nature is reproduction by rape.

Ever heard of the "rut" that deer and moose and other such animals go through? It's an innocuous word we use instead of "the males go into a hormonal rage and try to kill each other, don't eat, and chase the females until they're exhausted and then raping them."