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What 5k+ hours on MnK looks like

replied to QuizeDN

It was the exact opposite for me. I've played over 5K hours on both mouse and controller. Mouse came easy. I still can't beam like this on controller. It's so much harder to be a high level player with a controller for me.

The only thing that's easier on the controller for me is to beam people that make very small movements (like very small strafing in place) because aim assist honestly helps too much there. If they are moving in a straight line it might be easier on a controller too, but it's pretty close. Any variation in movement or movement larger than a micro strafe and the mouse is so much easier though. Flicking, single shot weapons like the wingman and shotguns, and long range recoil control and tracking are especially easier on a mouse for me.

Aim assist is OP in those situations where you'd normally miss a few bullets with an automatic weapon with a mouse because someone moved just slightly and your shot is just barely off target. The aim assist will keep you just barely on target unless they make a larger movement. Controllers will one clip targets more often that have a predictable path or small movements because you hit more bullets and don't miss those barely over the shoulder shots. That feels cheap after playing a ton with both inputs because you don't have to aim or do anything to stay on target. Everything else feels harder with a controller to me and a mouse feels so much quicker and more accurate overall.

Despite what people say though, there's a lot more to being good than aim. Movement and decision making can take you far on either input method.

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Error when trying to run Apex on Windows 7


Just out of curiosity and because I do dev work where I track analytics of different OS usage sometimes, why are you using a computer that still has Windows 7 on it? I always wonder why people are still using old tech like this. It's no longer supported by MS as of the beginning of this year, meaning it doesn't get security updates and is highly vulnerable to hackers and viruses. You can also upgrade to windows 10 for free, which is a much better OS in every way.

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This is a subreddit dedicated to discussing the champion Varus, from the MOBA League of Legends. All discussion should be based around Varus as a champion.

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The irony of recomended items

replied to Blakwulf

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

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Patch 13.13 Notes


@PhreakRiot, @Auberaun, @phroxz0n, I don't mean to bother you guys but I'm kind of frustrated and hurt right now. Could any rioter comment on the Varus change? I can understand nerfing the AP build, but this nerf is per blight stack, not per ability. That's an incredibly massive nerf when you do the math.

It may not seem like it matters, but please understand. I've played this game now since the beta. And since Varus was released, 90% of my games have been Varus, and almost every game where my team wasn't AP heavy I played AP Varus. The massive majority of my games have been AP Varus. I wrote an AP Varus guide that was pinned for years on the side of the VarusMains sub. For probably ten years now the sub banner has been Varus in a Deathcap partly due to my participation in the sub and excitement for the build.

I played AP Varus long before it was considered good or anything but a troll build and played through years of players abusing me for it - but it's never been basically removed from the game. There is one reason I'm still playing this game after all these years. One. Single. Reason. And I feel like you just removed it from the game, just as if you had removed a full champion from the game.

May I suggest adjusting the nerf to be 2% per stack instead of 1.5%? This is where it was for years and was considered a troll build at 2%. I still played it religiously and had a blast. I just can't at 1.5%. It's more than troll at that point. It was needlessly buffed to 2.5% and that's why it became viable and even powerful with the current items. Why give a champ a needless buff only to nerf the build to nothingness when it's too strong rather than just revert the buff? I've played through this happening so many times to Varus through all the pro play, but this is the first time my build has been unplayable and I've been tempted to straight up quit League.

Thanks for all you do and for all the years of fun. I understand it's your job and you're doing your best. This one just really, really hurts.

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Average master gameplay

This isn't necessarily accurate depending on what you mean.

Having a full squad and ratting, you're absolutely correct. You'll likely never reach Pred doing that every game unless you actually have skill anyway and you grind a ton.

But my experience is the moment one or two guys from a Masters team gets wiped, you might as well not even look for the third because they're gone. They might respawn by crafting banners, but if they don't have a full team they're not sticking around and they're ratting, and it's the smartest way to play even in Masters at this point.

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Is the game not working properly or is it a teaser for rev reborn


So the first time I read your title I thought it said "a teaser for my newborn"... And then I looked at the picture...

I was like, "Wow. Now that's one seriously dark humor title right there!" 😳

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Discussion with my friend


Masters level player here. Your friend is very, very, very, very wrong. You played that all extremely well. People feel like you should "get in the enemy's face" because they see streamers do it, but streamers only do it because they know they're significantly better than almost anyone they will face and they can get away with that. Go watch a pro game just once where they're against players their own skill and you'll know how stupid it is to say you played bad because you didn't get in someone's face or be more aggressive. They play much more similar to you. I have a Pred teammate that you'd have to drag off the high ground kicking and screaming before he'd move and rarely gets in people's faces. He's an extremely good player. He just plays for the win rather than style or fun and crazy movement.

Things I saw wrong were very minor and I'd say you have impressive game sense and aim for the most part that could take you very high. Here's a small list:

  1. Always have your shields pre-selected instead of syringes ahead of time so you can quickly heal without switching

  2. When you were up top waiting for them and the caustic ran by, you should have already been ADS'ing looking at the hallway so you could have started shooting the moment the Caustic ran by. You could have knocked him and the fight would have been easier if you were ready for him. I probably would have had my re45 out instead of the scout as well at that range.

  3. You probably should have used your phase after punching the Valk and gotten to the middle area behind cover to heal. You knew there was no opponent that way and if the Valk chased you know she'd get shot in the back (it would even bait the Valk into putting her back to your opponent). You were very low and couldn't heal where you were without risking getting knocked at that point. Small thing but probably the right call (although it might have gotten you killed in this circumstance because of the second team, but I don't think you knew there was a second team in advance)

  4. You should have shield swapped off the boxes most likely instead of slow healing after the first fight

  5. In the second fight, I'm not sure if it was an accident but you shouldn't have dropped off top and should have held your spot of advantage up top there - a.k.a. have been LESS in their face. Once you did drop off though you played it very smart to instantly phase out. If you're up top still, that pressure would stop any rez attempt and you'd force your opponents to be looking up at you when your teammate arrives or look away and let you easily kill them. You also likely wouldn't have gotten so ripped.

  6. I'm watching on my phone so I couldn't tell if you had a clear vision of the rez at the end. If you did, you should have cancelled the heal and swapped to your scout and shot at him, forcing him to either stop the rez or get knocked himself, either way being an easier target for your approaching teammate as he would have less health. If he ever looked like he was going to return fire though you would instantly stop shooting and heal behind cover. Your main objective would be to stop the rez and possibly soften him up for your teammate while not getting knocked yourself, and there would be no reason to trade health when you were so low. If you did get knocked, even though you were very unlikely to lose the fight overall at that point, you never know if another team would show up before you got rezzed.

If you couldn't see them but knew they were rezzing, you made the right call to finish the heal (one of the biggest mistakes I consistently see in lower elos is not healing often enough).

I don't necessarily agree either with the other comment that said staying in one place is a bad thing. If you have the position of advantage, you do not give that up unless there's a reason to, and being wraith, if a reason popped up you could probably phase out. You should always be looking for the high ground, and again, another huge mistake I consistently see in lower elos is people dropping from the high ground or giving up their position of advantage when they shouldn't. The only reason you would change positions would be if the position left you vulnerable from an angle that you couldn't cover and thought they could rotate to, if you were trying to surprise or flank them, or if you were out numbered and likely to get overwhelmed by multiple opponents at once (why you see a lot of streamers move a lot since they try to take on teams by themselves).

I was especially impressed with:

  1. your restraint, such as not chasing the caustic that was one hp out the door and getting shot in the back of running into his barrels and knowing not to shoot when the second team was together and waiting for someone separated and in the box to shoot,

  2. your understanding of the importance of advantageous high ground and holding it,

  3. your correct use of cover with using the edge of the high ground as you look down and not revealing more of yourself than you had to.

In general, I would say the biggest thing I saw that you could improve on is speed and comfort with the controls. You should have instantly ADSed at the Caustic running by and probably knocked him but didn't start shooting until he was halfway across your screen. Your healing was slow, clumsy, and delayed with lots of pauses (this gets you killed as getting one more cell off will often be a difference maker). Your looting is way too slow and you picked up things you didn't need like ammo for other guns that will slow you down farther later when you have to drop or swap it.

In general though, keep playing exactly like you're playing and ignore your friend and you'll likely go a lot higher than him unless he's much more mechanically skilled and uses that as a crutch.

You need a video of gameplay my friend, even just some gameplay on YouTube. Maybe it's just day one so nothing's been created yet. I'm honestly interested, but I'm not normally a fan of tower defense games, so I'm hesitant to purchase without a demo or even a video to get an idea of what the game is like.

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I play Apex to relax these days and listening to morons that might explode at any time doesn't do that for me. That's why I only play ranked if I know the other two players and I play the other modes without a mic. I might turn it on if the other players sound mature.

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Quest leak via ???

replied to Gredinx

I think the new rework is going to be incredible? Leaping around and sticking to walls sounds so fun to me. And how are you calling it the worst rework in the history of gaming when we haven't even seen it in action or even know if it's final yet?

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Quest leak via ???

replied to Bugs5567

And I think they're significantly better. I might even main him now. I think people just don't understand how cool and well his new tactical and passive will work together. He's going to be like Spider-Man, leaping from wall to wall.

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IT department refuses to let me install Python and other programs/languages I need for my job.


...that wasn't microsoft.

This alone would be a huge red flag for me.

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So ThordanSmash said him and iLootGames have access to play test and this is true leaks, he also said will see if this comes on as the final product, but for now this is his new build kit for rev, and not looking good very bad ult


Honestly I feel like this kit could be amazing depending on the speed and height of the jump and whether there are any tweaks to his passive. Imagine being chased by someone and you run into a room and leap up onto the ceiling and cling on, wait for people to run underneath you, and then drop. That's the original promise of Rev's character. Or imagine climbing half way up a wall and leaping off of it to another wall! A fast enough and tall enough leap could be the best escape in the game even, and it could synergize really well with his passive. I honestly can't think of a better tactical to go with his passive if done right.

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Diablo 4's bringing big changes to its endgame, but a 'significant majority' of players haven't even finished the campaign yet

Yeah, I feel like the hardcore grinders are the most vocal, but they'd get much more benefit from fixing some of the things that make people not finish the game to begin with, like:

  • the enemies are too one dimensional. Almost all of them are just "run at you or attack from range in mass" with no other variation.

  • most abilities aren't designed around using them strategically or situationally. The vast majority are either spam as much as possible, press every time it's off cooldown, or intelligent combos... that you do over and over again off cooldown against every group of mobs.

  • the progression system is mostly stats math with a couple forced predesigned playstyles per class, rather than giving you a lot of choices that actually make much difference in how the gameplay feels or let you build your character exactly how you want. Due to the auto scaling nature of the enemies, you don't even feel the stat changes much.

  • there's so much to the build system and most don't even come online or work well until you're high level. They're also just math and very solvable if you have the time to put into it. As a result of all this, instead of a game where people customize their characters the way they want to play and create something that feels unique and theirs and fun to them as they go, everyone just looks up a YouTube video and builds what they're supposed to.

  • items are a mess of stats that take too long to decipher what's better, and again, it's just math rather than meaningful options that change how the game feels to play.

You combine all the above and despite having a gorgeous game with an amazing foundation, it feels repetitive and button mashy way too fast and not rewarding enough to design and grow your character.

For example, you should be excited to get every ability point, and every ability point should make a noticeable difference in your gameplay. Instead I've found I often ignore ability points completely for like five levels at a time! Most make such small changes that, combined with auto scaling enemies, I often don't even feel a difference in the gameplay. And new abilities are exciting for about an hour and then it just feels like I'm mashing them off cooldown without much strategy or situational difference and fighting yet another pack of 10 to 20 enemies that spawn every ten feet and do nothing but run straight at me. I love the game but it just gets too repetitive.

In my opinion, improving some of these issues would go a lot farther than focusing on issues people are hitting at the end game.

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Squarespace acquires Google Domains

replied to y-c-c

.dev is bad because before they created the domain it was used in some circles to reference development servers within internal networks, similar to ".lan".

.mov and .zip are much worse though. That was just absolute ignorance and greed.

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Squarespace acquires Google Domains

replied to SigmaHog

The fact that Google made .dev a domain extension is enough for me to be glad Google domains is dead. Should have never been a domain.

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I want to try and build a first person puzzle game. What would be the best engine?


The simplified answer is Unreal if you're going to focus on high-detail gorgeous graphics and don't mind a little more complexity (probably not from your title), Godot if you want the simplest and most enjoyable process without super fancy graphics, and Unity for something in between. Don't use Godot for right now if you want to use a bunch of assets from an asset store (they're building a nice one now but not released yet) or release on Playstation or Switch (they're working on a solution but not supported yet). If you're not planning on having fancy graphics though, most people that have used all three feel Godot has the nicest and most enjoyable development process and is the easiest to learn. Unity has a great community with lots of tutorials and a large asset store and while not quite as easy to learn or enjoyable to use as Godot, it's still pretty good and usually preferred over Unreal in those categories.

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This is a subreddit dedicated to discussing the champion Varus, from the MOBA League of Legends. All discussion should be based around Varus as a champion.

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LoL Dobby - Top Varus Main in KR Grandmaster


I feel like I should comment on this video as I think a lot of people will miss why he is doing a few things and why this works, which will lead to bad decisions in other games.

To be very clear, maximizing W first on Varus is almost always mathematically incorrect and inferior and shouldn't be done, even on AP Varus! People always want to scale the ability that scales with AP if they're going AP, but unless leveling changes the AP scaling percentage a ton, that makes no sense. The strongest skill to level first would be the strongest no matter what you're building. There is a small AP percentage scale on W but nothing that will compare to the base scaling on Q or E, especially with how little AP you'll have at first and how little health people have early. This is the key reason people mistakenly think AP Varus has a weak early game.

So why is a Korean Masters player maxing it first? Specifically because it plays into a very specific strategy he's using here against very specific opponents. He's winning by specifically countering his opponents behavior. He knows that the game plan of a bruiser is to get what CS they can until they have a good moment and they will all in. He takes bone plating, barrier, and maxes W because he knows that way he will survive their all in longer and be able to auto attack more - which is the one circumstance where W might actually out damage Q early. Additionally, he knows that since he's ranged against a melee, he's going to be harassing a lot with auto attacks. So he's actually taking W first for the base auto attack scaling rather than the AP scaling because he knows he's going to be able to auto attack these opponents significantly more than normal, and you would probably still level the W first even if you went AD in this very rare and specific circumstance.

Long story short, if you're against a ranged opponent or one you don't think you're going to be able to auto attack them freely like an assassin or champ with a lot of poke, don't max W first. Only max W if you're against a bruiser that can't punish you for auto attacking them constantly without going all in, and then always take the bone plating and usually the barrier unless you have a good reason otherwise.

Second, just so you are aware, the key issues with Varus top are that many opponents will all in you (which this solves) and that you're highly immobile and will get targeted for ganks (which this will not solve as much). Again, this is why bone plating and barrier are good here (ghost could probably be an option as well), but it's key to keep this in mind. Try to let the wave push to you and freeze it close to your turret. Be very careful about pushing up without vision or knowledge of the enemy jungler and roaming champs. Buy vision and put it deep. Think about the enemy jungler before choosing this (for example, you're going to get punished hard against like a Zac or Nocturne).

Congratulations! It looks absolutely fantastic to be honest! I think your trailer would be even better though if you took out all the text. "50 quests" is the type of thing that doesn't sound as impressive as it really is, especially when a lot of quests these days are "kill 10 rats". It sounds like you don't get as much for your money as I'm guessing you really do by the impressive quality of the gameplay. And the rest of the text sounds generic and doesn't add much ("help towns people!" Well, yeah, I would expect to do that. Every game like this does that). Besides, your game shows very well in my opinion just by the gameplay alone and I like the name a lot.

Instead of just taking out the text entirely, you might think about changing it to something that intrigues the viewer with a bit of mystery and that hints at the hook of your game. Something like:

"What if..."

"you could never be quite sure..."

"if all those many side quests..."

"would become the real adventure of a lifetime?"

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What are some harsh truths that r/webdev needs to hear?


And that's absolutely fine. That's actually a really good reason. Now that you mention it, I also disable JavaScript sometimes when I get annoyed at pay walls on news articles that come up in Google search results. Maybe I was too aggressive in my language (a stupid online habit). I was just trying to express that we shouldn't go to a bunch of extra work to support such edge cases that are either exceptionally rare or the circumstances warrant expected drawbacks. When you turn off JS, you understand what you're doing when you do that and the trade offs you might face and the problems you might run into. That's the expected consequences. We shouldn't expect the web to work without JavaScript at this point or we're just holding the web back in my opinion.

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