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BePositive_BeNice commented on
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Had 3 crashes in a row before I stopped trying.

Let’s see if they can fix it before cross save comes to Destiny next week, that would be when I stop playing NMS anyways.

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Have you changed to the "Experimental Branch" on Steam?

If not, do it and give it another run. In case you are still having issues, disable the Multiplayer. I hope it helps.

BePositive_BeNice commented on

Did you tried to find a cave or sea?

BePositive_BeNice commented on

Damn, that's gonna take me 12 hours to download.

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That's on console, we don't know for sure the size on PC. Console updates normally are bigger than pc updates.

BePositive_BeNice commented on

Definitivamente. Meus amigos são Designers ou Programadores Web focados em Ui/Ux e Identidade Visual e eles tiram uma boa grana, no minimo umas 5x acima de um cargo formal. E isso através de plataformas como Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, que pagam em dólar. É a melhor forma de adquirir experiencia, fazer poupança e depois você ainda pode usar toda essa experiência e portfólio para conseguir um cargo melhor em uma empresa futuramente.

O pulo do gato é ganhar em dólar através dessas plataformas ou com clientes internacionais diretamente.
Caso já tenha uma bom portfolio e um website, pode partir para a auto promoção sem usar essas plataformas.

BePositive_BeNice commented on
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Dude you are tripping balls.

BePositive_BeNice commented on

Her original art looks good to me tbh.

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-5 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

Yeah, her neck dettached from the body, breaking every human anatomy proportions and scale rules. She is a human character and the artist overlook the aligment of the human body anatomy.

Even if this is fantasy, a basic thing all illustrators learn is how create anatomically accurate human characters, and this splash art has a real problem on the neck area. It's clear as day.


ALL human characters follow the same proportions of the human body. See the example of her base skin splash art which has a similar pose but completely accurate anatomically.

If you think all human characters of league are not anatomically correct, then you dont have a clue what you are talking about man. Do you even know what is a character that has human anatomy?

ALL characters of league that are HUMANS follow these design rules:

Female -

Male -

I DARE you show me ONE league HUMAN character that doesnt follows the human anatomy rules.

But I can save you the work by telling you that all human characters follow these rules. There isnt any human character that has enourmes head, neck on a different place, very longe arms or legs. If the character is human, so these rules are used, this is a BASIC THING and one of the FIRST THINGS any illustrator learns about creating human characters.

If they change the anatomy of it, the character is no longer human, it's just an "humanoid" character, like yordles and other races of league.

Comment removed by moderator3 days ago

What a constructive comment. What a weirdo even mean in this context lol.

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BePositive_BeNice commented on
11 points · 3 days ago

It's sexy af what are you on about

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Blood Moon Eve

In the models she is not even wearing the same cloths.

-1 points · 3 days ago

Blood Moon Eve

Put the splash art and the in model game side by side.

Notice the waist area, in the splash art the cloth on the front hangs like "a ninja type outfit" and move to the wind, in the game model, that area is different and the cloth doesnt not hang or move in there.

The shoulder area is also different, in the splash art the cloth is longer and weave with her movement.

Overall the cloth look more "loose" on the splash art and "tighter" on the in game model.

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BePositive_BeNice commented on

If you do not find people just flay TFT and wait till the krugs, then surrender. After some time other people will surrender faster and you will get 6 or 8 tokens. You only have to accept the match and to surrender, except of this you can do it afk.

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I did what you said and I didnt won any tokens.