
Dymn by AgreeableCoffeea in Angryupvote

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes, but 7 8 9, so it has to be 8

How do you like using The Algorand Petra wallet? by Mac_McAvery in algorand

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I like it, it works just fine for just about everything I need to do.

My cold wallet and seed phase was stolen by Top_Classroom_8247 in Bitcoin

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Depends what country you are in.

By the sound of things you have a good idea who stole the keys.

Tell them you will open a case and then go and report it.

Here in the UK you can report it as theft.

Purchasing Xrp by MDD-23 in XRP

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A couple of month ago Ledger made a change to their firmware that allows you to "backup" your keys somewhere else.

The idea is that if you pay for the service you can backup your keys somewhere else.

It was just a way for them to have another, monthly, revenue stream.

The problem is that people thought that it was _physically_ impossible to extract the keys from the chip.

But now, with that firmware update, it seems it was possible all along.

So users are saying that, _theoritically_ it is possible to get the keys out of ledger.

People are saying that because it is possible to extract the keys via the firmware it is possible to con a user into uploading a malicious firmware and get the keys out.

You could even hack the DNS server of the user to get the keys sent somewhere else than the "secure servers"

To be clear, there has been no hacks or even a hint of a hack.

It is just that Ledger no longer seem quite a secure as it once was.

US gathered detailed intelligence on Wagner chief's rebellion plans but kept it secret from most allies by 457655676 in worldnews

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 3 points4 points  (0 children)

1) the correct title is "CNN doesn't know who the US shared information with"

2) I am sure the US shared whatever they felt was appropriate to share.

I am sure all the allies have their own intel, and I am certain they don't run on the phone to tell each others about whatever dirt they found.

At best they told the allies, "that Wagner group is up to no good.", that's all the allies need to know.

Purchasing Xrp by MDD-23 in XRP

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Never used it before, are the fees+rates not very high?

Purchasing Xrp by MDD-23 in XRP

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hardwallets are best, but technically even a 'soft' wallet is good enough

As long as you control the keys you control your coins, if it is on the exchange you are at their mercy,

Purchasing Xrp by MDD-23 in XRP

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have both ledger and trezor, they both support XRP.

Mother instructed 14-year-old son to shoot, kill man at hot dog stand, court docs allege by BroBogan in ThatsInsane

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Sorry, I am not familiar with US gun laws, but he hit her, twice, square in the face.

At some point a person, (the mother), as a right to ask someone, (her son), to help her out.

Not sure if she "instructed him to kill" as opposed to "this man is about to kick my head in, please come help me"

I can see the argument that the killing was extreme, but it is not unexpected to have a son going above and beyond to help his mother.

Am I missing something here, the son and the mother are not going to spend a long time in jail.

SUI is about to unlock in July by MikeyX1234141 in sui

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I will be one of those buying ... while I don't expect a full blown "dump" I kind of expect the price to drop ... so I might as well wait 2 weeks and see how it goes.

SUI is about to unlock in July by MikeyX1234141 in sui

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am holding, but normally big(ish) releases like that make the price go down.

I so I wll load up some more once the dust has settled.

I've been holding XRP since January 2021 by strawberry2nd in XRP

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Really, does any of you have any idea when this case will be over?

The truth is that nobody knows, we are getting near the end, there could literally be a summary ruling next week.

But courts being court, the judge my delay the ruling, there could be appeals, there could be anything.

So choose your poison, either it is over "soon(tm)" or it will be another year ... nobody knows.

I am a glass half full kind of guy ... so, for fun, I will say around October this year.

I only check CoinMarketCap 1 or 2 times a day

Don't do that ... it will not help.

How are your days going?

You made it this far, even if we put the court case aside the bear market will be over in about a year.

So, if anything, in the next 6 to 8 months the price should look up ... if you have waited so long, you might as well wait a little longer.

Tinfoil hat moment by boredsleepychemist in CryptoCurrency

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The problem is that they are more patient than we are...

Wrapped Flare by SnooApples2166 in FlareNetworks

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Maybe go to https://flare-explorer.flare.network/ and enter your address.

Remember to ignore scammer that will contact you by DM and tell you that you need to "re-sync" your wallet.

NEVER give your words to anybody.

The site above only need your public wallet address to show you what you own.

Wrapped Flare by SnooApples2166 in FlareNetworks

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Does it show 0 FLR or 0 WFLR?

I am not familiar with dcent wallet, but in my wallet, (Metamask), I need to add the WFLR token to see the wrapped FLR.

NATO monitoring ongoing Wagner revolt in Russia by VictorEmmanuelIV in worldnews

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I mean, Nato is monitoring it, Ukraine is monitoring it, China is monitoring it.

To be fair, I am also keeping an eye on what's going on there.

How many people stake ADA and ETH? by Cardanians in cardano

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 1 point2 points  (0 children)

To be honest, I do staking with both

1) Currently, ETH has slightly better rewards than Cardano

2) I don't like to have all my eggs in one basket.

I agree that staking is a good way of saving, and I also agree that Cardano makes it very easy to do.

But as we have learned with ADA, SOL ... LUNA and so on, having all your eggs in one basket is not always the wisest thing to do.

Elon 🤜 🤛 Mark by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess it all depends on how much time Elon has to train for and what rules they both agree on.

Elon has all the money in the world, he will get himself the best coach(es) and the best gym.

While there is no doubt that Zuck is fitter and has been practicing for longer, Elon just need to practice to fight one man for one fight.

How can Binance offer a better APY than the validators? by RedditCouldntFixUser in sui

[–]RedditCouldntFixUser[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks, it makes sense ... still feels a little weird.

As a rule I don't like to leave my coins on the exchange. I have been building a nice SUI bag over the last few weeks so I am now wanting to move it out.

What do you look for in a validator?

Low commissions?

High APY?

High/Low voting power?