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That's a normal all ages thing in Ireland!

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Well. It’s not in Texas. 😂

Score hidden · 34 minutes ago

Where do you find hot tea in Texas???? Even now that it's winter, the only tea you can find is iced. Or the only tea I can find is iced...I could go to a coffee shop or a Starbucks for tea, but just going to a Taco Bueno, there's no tea there!

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I use my Keurig! My current favorite is lemon ginger with some honey (Twinnings brand I think?). It’s been rainy and cold and since my job sometimes requires that I’m out in the elements, it’s really nice to sit down with a cup and decompress.

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Hah! I just posted that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like it!

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It’s freaking awful. I don’t get why it’s so popular.

I had someone tell me (this was a girl who was making... overtures...) tell me we should watch it, because it's a fun movie about "that guy we all used to laugh at back in highschool."

I was like, uh, that was me, thank you.

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Oof. That’s rough.

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I flew to Connecticut to attend my grandfather’s funeral in September of ‘99. While I was there, Hurricane Floyd developed in the Atlantic and made its way up the coast.

The day I was supposed to head home, it’s pouring but my flight is still on schedule and the airport is open. We’re the last plane out of Providence, RI bound for Pittsburgh where I’m supposed to catch my connection to Dallas. We end up being delayed only slightly, but because of the weather in Pittsburgh, my flight to Dallas leaves ten minutes early and I miss it.

All remaining flights to Dallas are quickly booked by east coast passengers who’s flights have been canceled. No hotel rooms available within 20 miles. And so I end up being stranded at the airport, six months pregnant.

Get booked on a 6:00 am flight. Don’t sleep, the airline sucks and doesn’t do so much as distribute blankets and pillows. No vouchers either. Wander down to my gate around 4:00, check in and wait. Flight gets delayed due to missing flight attendants. Gets delayed again until noon. I call my husband from a pay phone and leave a message.

Finally take off at 1:30, headed home.

Throw up on the decent into Dallas. I’m 100% miserable, hate life and just want to get my bags and go home. Get off the plane expecting to see my husband, he’s not there. Go down to the baggage claim thinking surely he’s there. He’s not.

Get my bag and wait. I call, no answer. I call my parents, no answer. So I just sit down in the middle of baggage claim and cry.

Finally about 45 minutes later he shows up, delayed by an accident on the freeway. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to take a shower and a nap.

TLDR: Got stuck in an airport because of hurricane Floyd. Nobody was there to pick me up when I finally made it home. Hated life.

People who use a faster moving lane to pass everyone and cut over at the last second. Construction, regular traffic backup because of rush hour, whatever. It all pisses me off.

Husband’s grandmother gave me a Scrubbin Bubbles shower cleaner contraption. You hang it in the shower, hit a button and it has a 360 sprayer that’s supposed to keep your shower clean. That was bad enough, but upon opening it, she said it was because I clearly never cleaned my house and this would help.

Right before Christmas break during my senior year of HS, I stupidly skipped school to hang out with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend was a punk and ratted us out to his parents who then called mine. The next morning (after being chewed out and grounded for life, along with the super fun punishment of having my Christmas gifts taken away), my mom marches my ass down to the school and demands to see the principal. The office staff looks confused because I’m a pretty good kid but she’s real scary so they let us in to see him.

I sit down, he looks at me, looks at her. She says, “go ahead, tell him what you did yesterday.” I tell him I skipped, his jaw is on the floor and I just want to DIE. He reluctantly replies, “well...I have to punish you, you know.” And my mom pretty much says not to go easy on me.

I end up with three days of in school suspension. But, to add insult to injury, all of my teachers include notes about how disappointed they are in my actions. And because I was somewhat popular, I caught hell from all of the “misfits” that were always in trouble.

My mom is pretty awesome, but damn is she ever terrifying.

Migrant Mother

Hey friend! The woman in that photograph is my aunt! Well, great aunt-in-law. My mom's side of the family are the Okie Owens clan, we're from California, by way of Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas. I can report that most of my cousins from that side of the family also work in the agricultural industry in some capacity. My Grandpa Owens was a farmer and carpenter from before he left to fight in WWII to the day he died in 2003.

I've always loved this photo too, but only recently became aware of the connection when following a random thread here on Reddit in about 2012 or so led me to her history and name. I recognized the name from helping my mom set up some family tree-type stuff on Ancestry when she got her DNA tested for whatever it is old people like that kind of thing for.

A couple of years before he passed away, she sat my grandpa down and had him tell his life story. We have a digital copy that I keep meaning to upload to YouTube or something. It's pretty crazy if you're a history nerd like me. He and my grandma were fun, great people who really enjoyed life, and, really, they lived during one of the most amazing centuries a person could live, if you think about it.

He remembered as a kid riding west for the first time in a covered wagon. He also remembered the first time he ever talked on a telephone and how amazing he thought it was. He was a vet of the Navy in WWII, Pacific Campaign, where he was a mess officer that fed the Marines. Those dudes hoisting that flag in the famous film and the statue? The next day he fed those guys their first hot breakfast in weeks.

He was stationed in Melbourne for quite awhile during and after the war. While there, he became friendly with an extended family of aboriginals. After the war, he sent them a CB kit with some sort of giant antenna. He kept in touch with them that way until about 2000 or so, when we got him a computer and an AOL account.

It took some doing, but we got him in touch with their grandkids. On his own he found a group/chatroom of guys from his old ship that were still alive and reconnected with them. Never seen the old dude so happy *and* proud of himself. (He figured it out on his own, he'd make sure you knew.)

He went from a covered wagon through the greatest and worst war ever waged to the moon landing to instant messaging with dudes from his past.

So I guess the point is that this amazing photo isn't that far removed from our past, yet at the same time it is: As a country we've scored many victories, over evil like fascism as well as terrors like famine, and my badass family has been there to see it, and I was lucky enough to hear the stories first hand.

Anyway, that was FAR less concise and more rambling than I like to be, but, hey, you posted a photo of my aunt, so that's what you get.

Edit: Potato fingered a word.

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This is incredible! Thanks for sharing it!

38 points · 23 hours ago

Sex is like wealth. People that are really having sex all the time don't go around proclaiming it to the world.

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True story. I’ve got four kids, so they’re pretty much a walking billboard for how much sex we have. 😂

Based on your username alone, I strongly feel the need to be your Reddit BFF.

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