
Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - October 13th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I agree that Andy's reaction felt misplaced -- as if the show itself was chastising Crystal. It wasn't necessary. (Especially since RHOBH, in particular, has wasted a lot more than three episodes before on dead-end storylines far worse than the "dark" comment. Remember when Dorit showed up late to lunch with Teddi???)

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - October 13th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I know this is probably unpopular (even here), but I think Crystal deserved a good portion of her dragging last night. These women don't care about her, yes, and none of them are paragons of virtue. And in particular, I think that she has been actively harmed by several things they've done, especially Sutton's 1970s anti-racism racism, and the entire group's glib discourse about her ED. That was glossed over way too quickly.

But I also think Crystal herself is not above criticism. Kyle is not totally wrong when saying that Crystal is a frustrating communicator who synonymizes the value of "MY truth" with the value of "the truth" as a way of never having to be challenged, in the same way that she demands validation of her feelings even without ensuring that others understand them (for then others could potentially counter her in disagreement).

Even now, when she's caught in a lie -- and, yes, insisting that there were WORSE things Sutton said, and then finally denying that there's anything when pressed is dishonest; it doesn't discount her feelings about the conversation overall, but it again reiterates her unwillingness to be challenged, for -- she again clings to "my truth" as a way of not having to admit any error or deliberateness with hyperbole. As if she's entitled to publicly express opinions about others without rebuttal from said others. And then no expectations that she'll ever change her mind.

I think she's a great Housewife because of these flaws, so I'm glad the show/cast can call them out, as it would with any relatively new wife. Now, I would agree that Andy's cosigning of the cast's perspective was surprisingly forceful -- I like him more neutral. But I think we have to stop pretending that Crystal can't be engaged the same way as everyone else. That heightened sensitivity is part of her curated reputation -- which she uses to be above reproach when, like all of these women, she isn't. In fact, I think the more engaged she is next year, the better wife she'll be.

RHOSLC Episode Discussion: S3E3 "Courtside Conundrum" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 11 points12 points  (0 children)

A great episode with lots of fun character moments. The only thing it was missing was Mary.

RHOBH Episode Discussion: S12E22 "Reunion Part One" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I think Crystal will be asked back because Bravo knows this audience is desperate for numbers against the Fox Force and it'll want to keep the possibility of a rebel alliance alive.

2022 RHDiscussion Housewives Rate: Results #129-#120 by rajavirgo in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It's tough because I feel like we are missing significant pieces of that story and will never get them (because of Dina).

2022 RHDiscussion Housewives Rate: Results #129-#120 by rajavirgo in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 8 points9 points  (0 children)

See, I find Dina terribly narcissistic, with a complex about playing the martyr. I think she's afraid to truly sit down with Caroline because then she'd lose the tight grip on her own narrative. She'd rather walk away and claim to be the "bigger person," emphasizing how aggrieved she's been in the process, than admit mutual culpability in any of their conflicts. And her lack of willingness to really let the audience see the "ugly" parts of her character is why I fear she could never be great on any of these shows.

2022 RHDiscussion Housewives Rate: Results #129-#120 by rajavirgo in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Sorry to "yuck your yum," /u/DJM97, Dina's just a little too much smug zen for me, without the honesty to back it up!

2022 RHDiscussion Housewives Rate: Results #129-#120 by rajavirgo in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Kim Fields is the queen of this lot for me -- a shame that Claudia managed to outrank her by one damn point.

RHOP Episode Discussion: S7E1 "Spring Awakening" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Karen Huger, the Ethel Merman of the Real Housewives Cinematic Universe, confirmed

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - October 7th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You know, come to think of it, it's not surprising that Cat had an issue with Indian Princess and Diana Ross homage artist LuAnn de Lesseps, given her noted distaste for "colored" folk.

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - October 7th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yes, it's Cat taking umbrage that an American, especially one as gauche as LuAnn, is being treated by Andy as the expert on manners (and royalty!), when here she sits, right next to them both, a genuine European and primary source on everything being discussed.

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - October 7th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Cat is my DC star! I just threw her five points in my ranking. (I think she was in slot 30.)

She's so unpleasantly foul throughout the whole DC season, but if I ran into her in the wild, I think I couldn't help but be amused -- just as I am when watching her on the show -- simply because of the sheer ordacity of her projected persona (which doesn't feel put on either). That is, there's a sense of face-walloping authenticity to her nastiness that I appreciate, whereas with someone like Kary, also unpleasantly foul (and a good comparison), I'm not sure I'd immediately pick up on it or even believe it, especially because I think she's more inclined to coyly shrink herself than puff up her chest, like Cat.

Also, Cat's WWHL appearance with LuAnn is the stuff of legends. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have given her points if that didn't linger in my memory as one of the best live moments in Bravo history.

RHOBH Episode Discussion: S12E21 "Not My Sister's Keeper" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Hope this upcoming reunion only widens the rift suggested in the finale between Kyle and Erika/Rinna. We need these great characters to evolve beyond their Fox Force shackles.

RHOBH Episode Discussion: S12E20 "Silence Is Golden" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 27 points28 points  (0 children)

The Fox Force accusing each other of feeding stories to the press is a rich dramatic culmination of many years' worth of plot. Tonight was great; next week looks great too. What a strong, gem-filled season.

RHOBH Episode Discussion: S12E18 "Rocky Mountain Bye" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Yes! Control freak Kyle scrambling to regain dominion, lashing out at all opposition. She's so good when in actual direct conflict -- doesn't happen often enough.

RHOBH Episode Discussion: S12E18 "Rocky Mountain Bye" by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 32 points33 points  (0 children)

What a great episode. A taste of what would happen if the Fox Force actually imploded for real -- and proof that all four members still add individual value (something that often gets lost when they operate as a collective).

I've been loving this season, but tonight was a particular highlight.

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - September 5th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Hmm. It's shocking that production would acquiesce to ultimatums from a sophomore like Drew. Maybe the reunion will add clarity on the Fatum situation?

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - September 5th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think you're right that these current relationships have evolved into a place where their potentially ongoing frictions and conflicts can now seem more organic, despite the original inorganic provocations that sparked them.

In general, it seemed like the final few episodes of S14 (lackluster Jamaican trip aside) were an improvement over the early entries for that very reason -- the initially tenuous character motivations were fading from memory.

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - September 5th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I watched Kandi's interview with Fatum when it first dropped. I agree she comes across better there than she does on the show (like everyone), and I should clarify that I also believe she was already a friend of Sheree's who was an approved extra at the birthday tea. So, she wasn't pulled off the street to be messy.

However, after she and Drew had a minor exchange and she then went digging into the Pittmans' background, it seems clear production made sure to include Fatum in the next few group events, solely for the purpose of egging on a peripheral conflict. And that's what felt heavy-handed to me -- her sole purpose at those events was to be production-approved external stimuli for Drew, divorced from any other concrete reason to exist on the show, this group's cast trip, and in their world at large. Her objective was so functional.

There was a time when I thought the season was positioning Fatum as a more explicit extension of Sheree, for a larger conflict between Drew and Sheree -- which would have felt more legitimately supported by the show's illusion of reality (i.e., Drew being angry that Sheree had minions/proxies doing her dirty work) -- but that never quite materialized either. In fact, it was dropped.

To that point, I don't remember what Fatum said about why she was phased out. Did she say it was her choice or the other women's? (Or production's?)

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - September 5th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don't share your enthusiasm for Faturm -- very much "I dated Roger Bobb too" energy -- and I found her presence indicative of the season's insecurities regarding its main cast's ability to create viable narrative fodder without the heavy-handed placement of external stimuli. I'm not sure an introduction like hers would ever make possible the sincere emotional investment needed for an ascension to full-time. But, hey, Marlo did it!

I actually got more of a kick out of Rawan. Maybe that's because she was a figure with whom Kenya chose to create conflict, rather than a well-timed agitator designed simply to get a rise out of Drew. That is, the Kenya/Rawan exchange felt more like a natural extension of Kenya's characterization -- backed by the continuity of her depiction -- rather than a pre-planned back-and-forth sparked by a producer-planted gimmick.

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - September 5th, 2022 by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Now that it's over, I think RHOA S14 was much more of an improvement over S13 than RHOC S16 managed to be over its own COVID-era predecessor -- thanks, largely, to its superior cast -- and when I reflect on this year, I do think there were enough memorable, funny moments to bump it up to a (lower) mid-tier entry in ATL's catalogue.

But I still also believe there are fundamental concerns with the way this particular cast/production team understands their obligation to a Housewives series' necessary cycle of conflict and conflict resolution, as it was impossible this season to buy into the show's premised illusion of reality when the women were fighting over very minor offenses, and for reasons that weren't always emotionally congruous with their established depictions.

Going forward, I hope the ensemble dynamics are more naturally able to yield character-driven friction, without any of the wives feeling like the burden of conflict creation is on them exclusively. This was a really try-hard season in that regard (even the edit was working overtime to artificially maximize every single moment), and it's a troubling trend because it reveals a (perhaps justified) lack of faith in this cast's natural abilities as a collective.

Which housewives incident that was not captured by cameras do you most wish had been? by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Kandi and Kenya said on a "Speak On It" from two years ago that, while they were on their cast trip in Greece, Porsha admitted she always knew what she said about Kandi in S9 was false. That footage was not shown.

Which housewives incident that was not captured by cameras do you most wish had been? by readingrachelx in RHDiscussion

[–]MaryRhodaPhyllis 11 points12 points  (0 children)

RHOC S9: Heather trashing Shannon to her group of friends, one of whom was besties with David's then-mistress.

RHONY S12: Dorinda and John's breakup.

RHOA S12: Porsha confessing in Greece that she knew the Kandi rape conspiracy was false. (Think this was actually shot, but not included in the edit.)

RHONJ S3: The Punta Cana club brawl.

RHOBH S6: "There goes our fucking storyline!" and "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into this..."