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ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
HBO Show
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Score hidden · 16 minutes ago

Ngl I’ll probably be skipping this on rewatches. Happy this episode resonated with some people but I’m disappointed in it. I was really looking forward to the banter between Bill and Ellie especially because Nick Offerman was casted. Not a horrible episode by any means, just not for me.

ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
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1 point · 2 days ago

Honestly, I don't see the need to heavily push this game like that. It's Zelda and the sequel to BotW.

I understand people frustrated about the lack of information, people hype as hell

ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 15 days ago

They need to do some shit like rebirth already. Slapping a COD skin on PUBG just gets boring real quick to me

ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
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2.0k points · 1 month ago

I agree with you in principle but I think your point only applies to PS4 personally. PS3 was arguably the most next-gen feeling of all - Big leap in graphics, HD output, Blu-Ray player, proper online stuff i.e. online store, updates, and multiplayer. Wireless controllers! Trophies. Six-Axis. PlayStation Plus.

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3 points · 1 month ago

I think tech wise you’re right and I don’t want to act like there were absolutely no gameplay innovations during that gen, I mean six axis/gyro alone but a lot of that generation’s software and the two after have kind of been using the same loops and formula. Again there has been innovations and new kinds of games, but a lot feel like super enhanced versions of what came out during the PS2/GC/Xbox era. And the rate at which we get innovations seems to decline with each gen.

To that point, I can’t say I agree with OP yet, we haven’t even really gotten much games that are truly next-gen. I’m really hoping there’s a lot of innovation coming to the VR spectrum and of course I would still love to see flat screen games invent new ideas and build on old ones in more than just graphical/resolution enhancements and quality of life changes.

ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 1 month ago

Silence is golden

ShouldersofGiants127 commented on
Posted by
3 points · 2 months ago

Ngl he's giving me gonna be OP vibes

3 points · 2 months ago

nanokitsune winston or rein are nightmare fuel

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Op1 point · 2 months ago

I'm definitely bout to try nanokitsune with rein with some of my friends, thats sounds like so much fun lol

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Posted by2 months ago

I think this is something important that should be preached more to low ELO players a lot more, choosing which players on the enemy team you should look to kill first, provided you don’t put yourself in imminent danger. So I think it goes without saying while choosing a target to elim next, your first priority should always be surviving.

With that out of the way, I feel like a lot of players at the low ranks suffer from just deciding to try and kill somebody because they’re the first player to enter their LOS or they think the key to winning team fights is eliminating the tank first. There are so many times I see players dumping their damage plus resources into somebody that has a yellow beam of light behind them for example. I think people get caught up in stats and sometimes play a style where they have a lot of uptime doing stuff, but don’t realize most of their work is being mitigated in one way or another due to an enemy team member going largely unnoticed and being the reason the rest of their team is tanking hundreds of damage.

There’s also the issue of certain heroes (mainly DPS characters) not getting into the middle of team fights but still affecting them in large ways, namely getting picks. These players seem to get ignored for a myriad of reasons ranging from lack of confidence to tunnel vision on someone else, but when they face a team that never bothers to deal with them, it’s usually GGs.

I wanted to open this discussion which I don’t feel like has been had much since OW2 launch and bounce ideas with the community to help everyone improve and make better decisions that lead to better play.

Generally speaking, let’s say I’m playing Winston. For the most part, this is who I would look to make a mistake in order to dive on them first in an ideal setting (note that every game is different, this is just what I generally look to capitalize on)

  1. Mercy. I single her out because of Res. Some people will probably laugh at that, but imo it makes no sense getting an elim that comes back a few seconds later. It feels like the later the Res comes in the respawn the more back breaking it is too. I definitely rate this ability as an ultimate. It allows for enemy tanks to overextend and put pressure on the enemy team then being given their full HP pool after your team maybe loses someone or uses something like Baps lamp, maybe even an ult. They really swing the momentum of team fights very heavily in a balanced match. Not to mention she can damage boost people, which can make certain heroes even deadlier and of course heal people, which brings me to my next two.

  2. Split between the rest of support and high skilled DPS players, especially on certain heroes.

I was leaning towards the rest of the supports taking this slot cleanly but I have to much respect for what I’ve seen a good soujourn or widow do just for two examples. Going back to one reason to kill mercy first, a dead support hero cannot heal his team, making them easy to kill or in some cases actually killable. You want to maximize the value of your DPS as much as you can point blank period. Should you shoot at turrets? Most times, yes. Should you just at shields and Zarya bubbles? More often than not yes. Should you shoot at somebody that doesn’t have to move much to have their teammate erase the damage and get back to where they just were? I don’t think you ever should except in an attempt to force a C9. Do yourself and your team the favor on working on getting support heroes eliminated or at worst neutralize their ability to heal.

Some might argue I may be putting too much value on players that are great at putting pressure on your team, but I’ve just been in one too many games where the enemy team is just steamrolling us, they have someone just playing out of their mind, we make an adjustment to shut him down and the rest of the match is an easy W. The reason I put these players up there with players who keep people alive is even if the player is just feasting on one guy who may not be playing with the best positioning, them constantly being eliminated is limiting the resources at your team’s disposal. A widow can be owning a sym for example and now your team will have limited if any access to her teleporter, which could be very useful on the fly or it could even be that your team planned on using it and now they have to execute a new strat. Another example can be if your team has a Cassidy and hanzo and the enemy has a pharah. Cass might work her in the beginning, but if the enemy also has a tracer or reaper that focuses on him and shuts him down, that pharah is going to have open skies unless you have another hitscan hero in tank or support, who will not be as effective as Cass. Sometimes the winning condition is as simple as neutralize player X and make him play respawn simulator. The rest of his team will join in.

3. Players making huge mistakes.

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