
I feel duped by OkLaw1288 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The problem is that in the terms and conditions of the nft redeeming, it says that you can not get a refund for redeeming the nft

I feel duped by OkLaw1288 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 3 points4 points  (0 children)

He paid with burning an nft though

I feel duped by OkLaw1288 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No he paid through minting the ledger nft and redeeming/burning it on ethereum

Current state of this company by legend4lord in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Unless you’re talking about the ex-ceo which was just a post he made explaining the situation better

Current state of this company by legend4lord in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 6 points7 points  (0 children)

A really poor launch of their wallet recovery feature which sends your seed phrased sharded up to 3 different centralized locations and requires you to sync those to your id so you can recover with it when you need to. Apparently no one understood how a hardware wallet works so they believed ledgers were completely trustless when in reality, they’re only as trusted as much as you trust ledger. They’ve always had access to the secure element since firmware such as apps needs to access it to sign things with your private key, but ledger had always said no one has access to the secure element so now everyone’s pissed and saying they were lied to when everyone could’ve know this all along if they just understood how hardware wallets work. Really the problem is that ledger put too much faith in their customers to understand how their product worked, and customers put too much faith in ledger to not be able to access the secure element.

Loopring Introduces Block Trade, Gives L2 Users Self-custodial Access to Multiple Liquidity Sources by trrrring in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Loopring just keeps getting better and better. They meant it when they said they’re building during the bear market!

Bye Ledger, never again by alby6969696969 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The problem people are having with ledger is that we believed it to be advertised as nothing could interact with the secure element in a way that would extract the seed phrase, but with this newest firmware release, you’ve proved that even though it’s encrypted, the seed phrase can still be sent out of the secure element which we all were under the assumption wasn’t possible because of how it was being advertised to us. Regardless of how the subscription works, the fact that your seed phrase, albeit encrypted, can be transferred out of your device via built in firmware is the problem. Just the existence of something which could be used to compromise your seed phrase if the wrong code were added doesn’t sit right with people.

The best use-case for Crypto to me still seems to be it‘s fast and low-fee transfers all of over the world. In comparison to Western Union Crypto is parallel universes ahead. by partymsl in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I think tickets for concerts and things is another great use-case for it. I just had to listen to my dad complain about ticket master giving him some bs error and not letting him transfer someone their tickets that they bought for 2 straight hours. Tickets on chain would completely fix this problem.

How to stall Pepe gas fees... by MissingInAnarchy in loopringorg

[–]Swissstuff 13 points14 points  (0 children)

No you can leave tokens received through red packets for as long as you want, I have some that are going on a year of sitting in my wallet.

Should I cancel my 2x Ledger Stax Preorder by Nevalack9011 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What wallet are you personally planning to move to now?

Comparison of Hardware Wallets (Conclusions After My 5 Hour Evaluation) by BusinessBreakfast3 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anyone else regretting redeeming the stax nft instead of preordering the stax now? Really wishing I had the option for a refund now

Comparison of Hardware Wallets (Conclusions After My 5 Hour Evaluation) by BusinessBreakfast3 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And the trezor one is even on sale for 15% off right now. They’re taking advantage of this wonderful situation for them xD

Landmark crypto rules make exchanges liable for customer losses in EU by liveaskings in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Especially cause they’re gonna keep policing with ex post facto bs and never gonna make a clear ruling

Landmark crypto rules make exchanges liable for customer losses in EU by liveaskings in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah but the downside is we have bitlicenses so stuff like on-ramps and off-ramps aren’t allowed here along with lots of staking and a ton of other stuff.

Class action incoming… by ShortSqueeze6 in ledgerwallet

[–]Swissstuff 30 points31 points  (0 children)

They’re all fake ledger support, they’re probably asking for OPs seed phrase like actual ledger is doing now

Ledger Recover Megathread by CryptoMaximalist in CryptoCurrency

[–]Swissstuff 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh yeah, you can register any .eth address that you want. It’s first come first serve through so likely you’ll need to get an at least 6 characters name. They allow you to just type in the .eth address and it basically redirects you to the wallet so it’s a much easier sending process cause you just type up the .eth name instead of an entire address. It’s pretty useful.