
Does your laptop make you want to quit? by Vegetable-Map2544 in fednews

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My new midrange phone runs better than most fed laptops.

TSP.gov - anyone develop workarounds or other tools? by sbj405 in fednews

[–]Bestoftherest222 -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

One tool you can use is an app called Daily TSP. If you upgrade it you get it unlocked for life.

It gives you a ton of data the tsp site doesn't provide. All the charts you want for your account, performance metrics, targets, it breaks down your contributions, agency, etc. The options of what you want to measure is profound. You can even export all the info to an excel sheet!

Literally fuck off. I haven't bought lunch in months, I can barely afford groceries. by closetklepto in antiwork

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ah the people who like to travel. F that mess, I take staycations or mini road trips. I don't need an overpriced photo album to show off to fake friends.

Me and my poor friends do just fine hiking around our urban jungle.

Footage Obtained of SF Bay Bridge Crash Claimed to Be Caused By Full Self Driving Tesla by BigSandwich6 in teslamotors

[–]Bestoftherest222 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I feel at least 4 cars should've have been a part of this crash. The lack of brake lights from people driving into the tunnel, and the tailgate drivers is astonishing.

Heck the other lanes barely slowed down, so few people seem to be defensive driving.

Organizing a huge sneaker collection by PM_ME_YUR_BUBBLEBUTT in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Anyone got an idea of what this person may have spent on these shoes total?

People should be more willing to move to "flyover" country by SameProfession254 in Frugal

[–]Bestoftherest222 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'd rather be poor in a nice region that poor in a shitty region. I think this is what most people will say in a round about way.

Moderna CEO: 400% price hike on COVID vaccine “consistent with the value” by marketrent in technology

[–]Bestoftherest222 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Charge the rest of the world more, not the USA! We deserve a massive discount!

to get rid of the IRS by Thisntathrowaway in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]Bestoftherest222 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Rather funny, these guys don't want student loan forgiveness because fiscal responsibility. Yet, these guys want to to give their rich benefactors millions a year in tax cuts.

What’s going on with Hugh Jackman taking steroids to play wolverine? by Blxckdust in OutOfTheLoop

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He claims to have never taken steroids, but his trainer may have dosed him without his knoedge. Also steroids aren't the only pedal for muscle mass.

Is it really that bad to follow up with hiring manager after an interview? by pluckyprincess in fednews

[–]Bestoftherest222 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm of the opinion it won't help. Not saying the hiring manager would get mad or salty. Just the fed, it all takes time. I wouldn't do anything but staying on top of my emails and applying to everything!

Please don't spam your email, hiring managers will send you an email outlining location preference and a date they want an answer back. Thus it's pointless to spam your inbox. Just stay on top of it. You'll be given plenty of time to respond.

Is it really that bad to follow up with hiring manager after an interview? by pluckyprincess in fednews

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm of the opinion it won't help. Not saying the hiring manager would get mad or salty. Just the fed, it all takes time. I wouldn't do anything but staying on top of my emails and applying to everything!

Ted Cruz consoling a police officer who didn't intervene in the Uvalde shooting by thenewyorkgod in pics

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That cop crying isn't crying because of his inaction, he's crying from being told he is a coward.

Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority by Huplescat22 in politics

[–]Bestoftherest222 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Bernie Sanders mentioned years ago, that if we increase the social security income cap (160k) to (400k) social security will be making money.

Problem is taxing people isn't an option, unless they're poor.

I know it's hard to be fired as a federal employee. What are some reasons that you have seen coworkers fired ? by PlasticBedroom6647 in fednews

[–]Bestoftherest222 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Chronic alcoholism, took near two years of paper work apparently.

Lost security clearance, don't know what but it was for exactly. She was on paid leave for 8 months before the issue could not be resolved, she was released.

"Serious" work place violence, I write serious because a number of times I've seen people written up or pushing and shoving. Serious was straight up brawls and threats.

Lastly, I've seen people fired for straight up blatant time card issues. Example, some dude was "remote" working for months. After a supervisor noticed his assigned work was being neglected they looked into it. It was found the dude was doing side gigs during his work hours.

A lot more people could've been fired, but most are given the opportunity to quit.

I’m a philosopher. by missfing in terriblefacebookmemes

[–]Bestoftherest222 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The bread fills his belly, the key just unlocks the door inside a prison. Wont get him out of his situtation.

Alabama woman who joined IS hopes to return from Syria camp by getBusyChild in news

[–]Bestoftherest222 -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

I suspect she wants to ride Brittney Griner coat tails. This terrorist probably things she can get back and wants to ride the wave of support Griner got.