

🤖 Automoderator Info 🤖

So, you're interested in our Automoderator? Or maybe your post or comment was removed automatically, and you'd like answers. This guide should answer all of your questions. If you do not see your answer here, please contact the mods by Modmail. We get a LOT of Modmail, so it is highly encouraged to do your own digging for answers. This page should answer anything regarding Automod, though.

Please note that Automod will always send you a message (not chat) with the reason. Please make sure you check your Messages before you send the mods any messages.

Automod is currently set to do the following:

  • remove comments by accounts less than 120 days old and/or with less than 1200 karma
  • remove posts by accounts less than 240 days old and/or with less than 4800 karma
    • Approved Users will bypass these karma and age restrictions entirely
  • remove posts and comments that violate our banned word list (the message you receive will have the word detailed)
    • some words are merely reported to mods since they are not always removable offensives (you won't notice this)
  • remove text posts if they don't have a minimum of 250 characters (about one paragraph)
  • change flair of "DD" or "Possible DD" posts to "Discussion" flair if they don't have a minimum of 2000 characters (about 8 paragraphs)
  • remove posts and comments that utilize cryptocurrency discussion unrelated to $GME - there are other subs for that and this removal stops a lot of spam
  • remove mentions of other subreddits as described here. See the list of whitelisted subs here.

History of Requirements

  • Update = Date changed
  • Comment = Post + Comment karma required to comment
  • Post = Post + Comment karma required to post
  • Age = Age of account required to comment or post
Updated Comment/Age Post/Age
October 30, 2021 1,200/120 days 4,800/240 days
October 29,2021 100/120 days 4,800/240 days
August 2021 1,200/120 days 4,800/240 days
July 2021 1,500/120 days 6,000/240 days
July 2021 2,000/120 days 8,000/240 days
May 2021 500/60 days 2,000/120 days
April 2021 250/30 days 500/60 days
Start of Sub 100/7 days 200/30 days

Not enough karma? How To Get Karma.

These filters are in place to prevent constant spam, FUD, shills, trolls, and bots. If you make a post and it is removed, you may elect to send the URL to us via Modmail and we may choose to approve it. However, Modmail is usually busy and we may not see it for a day or two.


These restrictions are coupled with our new Approval bot, Satori, which utilized advanced algorithms to differentiate between solid apes in the community, and nefarious actors hoping to undermine the sub. It is currently approving users with solid post and comment history. Please do not message mods about being approved, as Reddit imposes rate limits and we are currently working as fast as we can. In time, we hope to employ methods that speed this process along.

Satori was our initial response to the shills, trolls, and bots that harass the finance subreddits. It is a system that can be utilized by bots and mods alike as an intelligence network for detecting good and bad actors. With this technology, we can utilize sub-features in new ways to create a reliable filter for the sub, without locking out loyal members of the community. Ban the bad, approve the good.

Please read the Satori announcement post for more info.

Quick FYI

  1. Mods cannot delete posts or comments; we can only remove them, which essentially "hides" them from the subreddit. Sending us a URL to the post or comment helps a lot in solving your problem.
  2. If your post or comment is removed, you will receive a message with a reason. If you do not see that message, contact Modmail with a URL to your post.
  3. Please do not spam Modmail about karma or age filters.
  4. In regards to Modmail, please know we get a lot of messages and may elect not to reply to questions that are answered on the wiki

We will be adjusting the removed words as time goes on, but we will also program it so it tells you more clearly why it was removed. If Automod fails, just report the post as an Automod fail. Please note, moderators may approve posts removed by Automod at their discretion.

Automod is primarily an anti-shill/spam/troll tool, not an oppressor of apes.

Pictures are allowed in the Daily Thread comments but will be removed in other comments.

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revision by platinumsparkles— view source