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wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
15 points · 4 hours ago · edited 32 minutes ago

This reminds me of when the Soviets wanted to create their own superior Communist water rescue dog because of the Navy having too high a drowning rate for it's sailors and dock workers.

They cross bred Newfoundlands with some Eastern European military breeds and Caucasus Sheperds and developed a dog that was fearless, cold resistant, a strong swimmer and very task oriented: the Moscow Water Dog.

Unfortunately the dogs had a bad habit of attacking the flailing, helpless drowning victims they were meant to rescue and finishing them off post haste. Imagine the terror of drowning only to be saved from that at the last moment by being mauled to death by a huge dog.... But the Navy didn't keep stats on dog mauling deaths and drownings went down. Great success!

But the breed was eventually allowed to die out

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3 points · 2 hours ago

and then it got worse.

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
12 points · 3 hours ago

So, you're saying that Farva would have been made a school cop?

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7 points · 2 hours ago

Farva DEFINITELY would've been a school cop.

not at my school tho, we had a cool cop. he eventually became a Detective i think.

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 hours ago

i would double check your resolutions. SteamVR defaults to Auto, and sometimes it gets a little over-enthusiastic. try setting it to Manual and set it to 100% of your headset resolution and re-test.

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 hours ago

did that eat at the copper?

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
11 points · 8 hours ago

If you're using GZDOOM you can enable jumping/crounching through the gameplay menu,found in options.
You might end up breaking some maps however;if they were designed without jumping/crouching in mind that is.
All original maps as well have many places that can be skipped if you have jumping enabled.

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3 points · 3 hours ago

can confirm.

GZDOOM is the way to play it. i also recommend the fantastic Voxel Mod. really adds to the game.

both of these can ALSO be used with GZDOOMVR.

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
480 points · 12 hours ago

Same w New York City.

In many Texas cities, $40,000 a year salary is equivalent to $130,000 in NYC due to cost of living. A decent job of $60,000 in NYC is equivalent to only $20,000 a year in Texas due to how high rent and cost of living is.

That’s why so many native NYers are leaving. Why pay $2000+ for a tiny one studio apartment when you can get a nice one bedroom for $800 or less in other parts of the country

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5 points · 8 hours ago

when i was young, it was the 90's and it was in Nashville. back then, you could get a studio apartment in a decent enough area for $500 a month.

that included electric and water. you could be in downtown in about 15 minutes from there.

now i think those same studio apartments, if you can get one, go for $1200+. it's absolutely crazy.

1 point · 6 hours ago

You realize that $500 in 1990 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $1,160.53 today, right? It’s not crazy, it’s called inflation.

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1 point · 5 hours ago

even when i lived there around 2005-ish, you could rent a one-bedroom at that same complex for just $550 a month.

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wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
13 points · 21 hours ago

Not a chance. This is a developer kit designed to build up the software ecosystem, not a product intended for a large consumer market. Expect this headset to have a long lifetime, and for the next headset to have similar capabilities at a lower price. Apple doesn't know what people will actually use this thing for, and what kind of apps will be popular.

If we get another headset from Apple before 2027, I'd bet money it'll be a similarly powerful headset that's smaller, lighter, cheaper, more comfortable with a longer battery life. I imagine we'd see something like a "M2X" chip or something which is as powerful as the M2 chip, but runs cooler and at lower power. Perhaps a slight bump to screen resolution.

By the time that thing launches, a software ecosystem will have started to emerge with an indication of what features people actually care about. That's when they'll start working on a true second generation product that is more tightly focused on what people want, and perhaps drops or de-emphasizes some of the features that the Pro has that few people actually use.

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1 point · 6 hours ago

this person gets it.

i'd put money on this being how it plays out, with one exception, i kind of expect that other headset to come out around 2025-2026. i suspect it'll be called the Apple Vision, and be more of a consumer targeted version of the Vision Pro. probably having a significantly lower price (maybe $1500 or so).

wrath_of_grunge commented on
Posted by
1 point · 12 hours ago

He doesn't pay any, Sisko threatened to start charging him at least once in the show.

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3 points · 7 hours ago

and that's why you give free drinks to the guy who makes the call on whether or not you pay rent.

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