
Daily Questions Megathread (January 19, 2023) by Veritasibility in Genshin_Impact

[–]sneakky_krumpet -1 points0 points  (0 children)

please help me I am so lost from google search: I need mats for Bennet: Guide to resistance: what dungeon can I farm these in? (and general location, i have most the map explored) the top 10 hits from google are 109% incorrect right nos

HMC while we slide... by BernieVillalobos in holdmycosmo

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Definitely a topless girl... it seems like her chest is censored?

Daily Questions Megathread (January 10, 2023) by Veritasibility in Genshin_Impact

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks! Just finished liyue chapter and havent made it to the island yet so wasnt sure if thunder manifestion was like stormterror

Daily Questions Megathread (January 10, 2023) by Veritasibility in Genshin_Impact

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

newish player here who pulled raiden shogun, my first 5*. just hit adventure rank 30. how long will it take to ascend her to the same rank as the rest of my party? can i really only get one of her evo mats from thunder manifestion once a week, meaning it will take a few months to ascend her up?

Serotonin Deficiency Directly Linked With Depression in Groundbreaking Study by NickDanger3di in Futurology

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unfortunately articles in mainstream media need catchy titles to generate views. The actual title of the paper, as published in scientific journal, is “Brain Serotonin Release Is Reduced in Patients With Depression: A [11C]Cimbi-36 Pet Study With a D-Amphetamine Challenge”. The authors of the scientific paper did not mislead w their title

Biden welcomes Zelenskyy to White House. by King-of-New-York in pics

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Because the republicans will never let a budget/bill that aids the american people pass. Obviously this is a bit of hyperbole because the US congress does agree on a spending bill every year but the jist of the comment stands. At least now some of the US's wealth is going to aid people who need it, Ukraine, and not on pumping the wallet of corpos and the 1%

Biden welcomes Zelenskyy to White House. by King-of-New-York in pics

[–]sneakky_krumpet 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Lol bro wtf are you talking about? You may not be on PEDs, but you sound like you are on regular drugs

Here's the actual data from PornHub 2022 in review by Entire_Transition_99 in dataisbeautiful

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Agreed but for US top relative searches... utah's being 'mormon' is (I believe deep down in my soul) definitely a real stat

If you truly disagree with the direction that WOTC is heading, then do not preorder DMR which is 100% reprints -- Instead, buy existing singles from LGS and online sellers by DirtyDoog in mtgfinance

[–]sneakky_krumpet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I agree but also disagree: (Aside I love old bordered cards, in black border :P) I have a few special (edh) decks im looking to pimp out and for them, I want old border foil cards from the original print. Those be expensive, and the reprinting, particularly in old border, will drop the price of all prints around the board. Sure, the person next to me in the POD might not think twice that I played the Visions version of vampiric tutor vs the list version, but deep down inside I know. And when Im buying cards Im willing to pay a premium for the OG print. I suspect your $150 foil forgetten ancient from scourge wont hit $5 because there are people like me who want the old original printing. And even if the price does tank in the short term, it will recover when DMR goes out of print.

I used my largest telescope to observe the moon/mars occultation on Wednesday night, and captured this detailed photo. If you zoom in you can see surface details on Mars next to the craters on the moon. It was spectacular and surreal to witness live. by ajamesmccarthy in space

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

thanks for the response! ive never shot astrophotography before, but I do take pictures (on an iphone 🙃) of scenes where a bright object will 'swamp out' more dimly lit objects in the scene, so I was curious

Infrared Video of Jupiter made from interpolation of James Webb images (processed by u/Riegel_Haribo) by ceresians in space

[–]sneakky_krumpet 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Dead pixels arent caused by impacts with 'regular matter', i.e. a piece of space dust hitting it. They are caused by high energy radiation striking the sensor. Earth has a magnetic field that shields us from this type of radiation on the surface, but Webb is floating in space.
I agree it sucks, but high energy radiation is an unavoidable fact of space. NASA is, I believe, researching better shielding for our satallites and equipment that is more resilient to the occasional high energy radiation.

I used my largest telescope to observe the moon/mars occultation on Wednesday night, and captured this detailed photo. If you zoom in you can see surface details on Mars next to the craters on the moon. It was spectacular and surreal to witness live. by ajamesmccarthy in space

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Edit: To be more specific, a new moon (to my eyes) is darker than a planet, but a full moon is significantly brighter. How important is the phase of the moon to capture an image like this?

Awesome photo! and the raw data stream raises a question (I don't do astrophotography fyi, just love all the images yall share w us here): Was it a new moon when you collected this? I would think that the brightness of the moon would swamp out mars if it was not between us and the sun...

PsBattle: A Lone Mushroom by gslandtreter in photoshopbattles

[–]sneakky_krumpet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

was hoping someone would shop it into a meme, looks awesome!

Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here! by magictcgmods in magicTCG

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If youre running a lot of 1-2 mana ramp spells (like the ones you mentioned) its ok to run a few less lands

Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here! by magictcgmods in magicTCG

[–]sneakky_krumpet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

but to clarify, if osgir is tapped going into combat, I declare 1 creature as attacking, I can untap osgir to activate him in my second main, but I cannot delcare him as an attacker

Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here! by magictcgmods in magicTCG

[–]sneakky_krumpet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

haha well craterhoof is the GOAT and you will definitely win a ton of games w him!