
What widely-accepted reddit tropes are just not true in your experience? by bewildered_forks in AskReddit

[–]lgndryheat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't like taco bell so I don't really eat there much, but I've never had any kind of issue after eating their food. Other than general disappointment

Edit: as a side note, I have gotten food poisoning from Chipotle. If there's any real Mexican food near you, please consider choosing that over these overpriced chains

It's impossible to reach any acceptable level of cleanliness in your butt after defecation without a shower by eggplantinstrument in The10thDentist

[–]lgndryheat 43 points44 points  (0 children)

That isn't normal. Two wipes for me and the paper is coming back clean. The first wipe barely has anything at all. I don't have butt hairs, and I get fiber in my (reasonably healthy) diet, so I don't really have poop stuck to me to begin with after pooping. Not sure if one of these accounts for your issues. That or maybe being overweight / not spreading your butt cheeks when you go

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey that's great. I only said all that because this comment chain started because you made it sound like it does not work at all. This thread is full of people who are asking for help making better decisions at the grocery store, so I thought you were one of them

Do vaginas all feel the same for men? by realmoney_supply in TooAfraidToAsk

[–]lgndryheat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I had a girlfriend who explained to me that she really liked having sex with me because my penis smashed into her cervix. It was actually what got her off apparently. I've asked some people with whom I've been intimate since then, and most of them have felt the same way. One of my first girlfriends did not like it, however. Neither she nor I had the vocabulary to understand that this was the exact reason, just that it hurt when I stuck it in too far / how far I like to stick it in for it to be good for me.

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You're gonna have to get organized if you don't want to have this issue forever. Write down the stuff you buy / cook whatever and go over that list before going to the store. Then consult that list and figure out what you need and start a new temporary list. Write down anything you think of on your weekly list so that when you go the store you buy what you need and want. Also impulse buy stuff you see, and if you like it enough put it on your master list so you remember to buy it the next time.

Even better, look up a recipe or two you want to make and add everything you don't have to the list first

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Pick a few recipes (even simple ones, like making rice with chicken and vegetables in it) and write down everything you need for that recipe that you don't have. Watch some beginner cooking videos on youtube if you're not sure where to start. There's plenty of channels that don't just show recipes, but rather talk about how to construct simple meals and get the most out of them, or how to make things with inexpensive ingredients. I can recommend a few if you want.

Picking recipes that you can make in large quantities is a really good idea, so you can cook once and eat healthy/delicious meals for days rather than getting takeout or snacking all day.

Once you have that, write down everything you don't already have that the recipes require. (Bonus, write them down in the order you'd encounter them in the store if you're familiar with the layout).

Go to the store with the intent to spend a bit of time there and buy everything you need for say, a week. This saves trips, and makes it so that if you do end up needing a couple things, it can be a very quick trip. I know this won't work for everyone, like if your only means to get around is public transit. I'm sure people have advice on how to deal with that, like those collapsable grocery carts or something.

In addition to this, every time you think of something you'd like to have in the house (a snack food, a simple type of pasta and pre-canned sauce you can throw together, pickles, paper towels) write it down immediately. Like keep a note in your phone.

One final piece of advice that has served me well: Don't erase your old lists! Keep one large master list of the things you often buy (onions, garlic, spaghetti, chicken thighs, cheez-its, eggs, dish soap, you get it). And look through that list whenever you're thinking about going to the store. That way you can check/decide if you need to pick any up so you have it. Planning this stuff ahead of time makes it so much easier to just live your life and make food when you need to.

Just my advice, I hope you or some passerby finds it helpful.

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Write down the ingredients and items you need to make the food you want to have in the house. Add the item to the list as soon as you think of it, or look at the recipe and write down everything on it that you don't have. I know not everyone cooks actual meals (although, you probably should for a lot of reasons) but there must be food you want to eat eventually.

Otherwise there's no point in going to the grocery store

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Why would you go to the grocery store if you don't have a list of items you need?

What are some of your go-to hacks and tips for grocery shopping? by WellMiller in foodhacks

[–]lgndryheat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Also, if you're familiar with the grocery store, make a list that goes in order from one side of the store to the other.

What toxic behavior has been normalized by society? by Aarunascut in AskMen

[–]lgndryheat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

To be fair, there's a lot of times I've tried to research something factual or scientific and it was hard to break past a wall of really over-generalized articles which barely provide surface level information about the subject. And the other sites are just copy-pasted information from that one site, or vice versa, no way to tell. So sometimes you go to reddit so you can ask actual humans, hoping they can lead you down the right path at least.

Is it a slur to say “gypsy” in America? by yankovic101 in TooAfraidToAsk

[–]lgndryheat -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Thank you for this comment cause if you didn't make it, I was going to

What's a cooking sin you won't even try to defend, yet you do it anyway? by timecoyote in Cooking

[–]lgndryheat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would imagine they will behave very differently on a chemical level once you've emulsified them together though. Not to mention whatever else gets added to store bought mayonnaise to preserve it, etc.

What's a cooking sin you won't even try to defend, yet you do it anyway? by timecoyote in Cooking

[–]lgndryheat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I appreciate the positive spin on the matter. But no pets for me thanks

What's a cooking sin you won't even try to defend, yet you do it anyway? by timecoyote in Cooking

[–]lgndryheat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Still pretty ambitious. I don't see anything wrong with that. The mayo is a different situation haha

What’s something you learned “embarrassingly late” in life? by Curious-2577 in AskReddit

[–]lgndryheat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I appreciate that haha. I was confused at first but I had also figured out before writing the comment

What's a cooking sin you won't even try to defend, yet you do it anyway? by timecoyote in Cooking

[–]lgndryheat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, that's fine. Just go get some eggs first! With the amount of labor it takes to make fresh pasta dough, I feel like a trip to the closest store for one item is a drop in the bucket by comparison

What’s something you learned “embarrassingly late” in life? by Curious-2577 in AskReddit

[–]lgndryheat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I love how they took the most difficult name to pronounce and still made a song about it instead of picking something easier

What’s something you learned “embarrassingly late” in life? by Curious-2577 in AskReddit

[–]lgndryheat 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I live a few stories up from the water heater. It takes about a solid minute of running the hot tap before any warm water starts coming out. I usually turn the warm faucet on while I'm still on the toilet so I don't have to wait to wash my hands.