
D4 confirmed to be released in 2023 by EluminatorTV in pathofexile

[–]ProTimeKiller [score hidden]  (0 children)

Expect GGG to do mental gymnastics to explain the juggle of release dates of leagues. Short man disease to the fullest.

Unpopular Opinion: Skill Injectors are a good thing by Vilgan in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They were nice to move around a few SP that I no longer needed after a decade or more of playing. That's where it ended.

When did telescopes become so expensive?! by Alive_Apartment3544 in telescopes

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Inflation - too many dollars chasing too few products. Flood the economy with newly printed money at a time of supply issues and limited supply. Seems we covered this in middle school 35 years ago but the world forgot.

unexpectedly useful skills to 5 by IrishThree in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tank and tracking. Have it at 5 and all the BS skills to 5. Currently working on fitting out my 3rd maraurder just for shits and giggles. Oddly enough some of my BS fits are more than the just t2 and faction and maybe one ded module maraurder fits.

Bitter Vet Mission Enhancement Idea - Deployment Missions by TanyIshsar in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nowhere did the post include a $ sign. Nobody at CCP is going to read it. Having said that seems like a work on CCPs end and player end for minimal gain.

[QUESTION] What are the UNforbidden riffs? by Salty-still in Guitar

[–]ProTimeKiller 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Take my Fender mustang micro headhone amp and ear buds to guitar store to play. I play whatever I want, where I want.

Nitro Type, a typing game for students, just released a version of the Nyx in their newest season. Thoughts? by Fusion7857 in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Typing? I thought it went the way of the dodo along with 25 cent payphones and 59 cent/gallon gas. I'm old, we had it in school 35 years ago.

Why Vote, and what the CSM can do by TorvaldUruz in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 2 points3 points  (0 children)

PR move by CCP. "We listen to players like you".

Alpha vs Omega daily rewards by Rikki_Bigg in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I didn't even know there is a tier system. Just log in and claim the shit I want and move on.

DirectX 12 Mass Test on Singularity: Thursday, June 9th, 2022 by CCP_Kestrel in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller -19 points-18 points  (0 children)

Test for another project CCP is working on using eve players to test it.

Recommendations for a mid tier ship that can run hi-sec anomalies by Artaniss in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

[Gila, Simulated Gila Fitting] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II

Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Gist X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Gist X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Drone Link Augmentor I Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Hammerhead II x2 Caldari Navy Vespa x2 Republic Fleet Valkyrie x3 Vespa II x3

Nova Fury Light Missile x4388 Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x4554 Scourge Fury Light Missile x1386

You need to change out DLA to get the drone range of 60km to get the target in the last room of the 5/10. Otherwise it's pretty low effort on anything in highsec. Of course I have 140m sp. Just drones I had in drone bay. I haven't lost a drone in forever. 507m just checked when I copied the fit. 731 dps on in game fitting tool with 2 faction vespas and scourge fury missles.

I've been gank attempted twice while running anoms to get a 5/10 escelation. Both failed. For sites that aren't 5/10 esceleations I just use a t3 destroyer.

Something for CCP and our future CSM to think about by AditiaH0ldem in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

CCP doesn't care as long as Eve brings in enough money to keep the lights on and fund their umpteen failed projects. Himlar is on a crusade to have something/anything worth a shit other than Eve.

8" or 10" DOB ? by Spug33 in telescopes

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you buy a 10" you will wish you had bought a 12.5" soon. If you buy a 12.5" soon you will want an 18". If you buy the 18" soon you will want a 24". Just the way it goes.

Recommendations for a mid tier ship that can run hi-sec anomalies by Artaniss in Eve

[–]ProTimeKiller 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Gila can do all anomolies and escelations in high sec up to and including the 5/10 escelations. Moa can do them all if you leave all the 5/10's and is cheaper. Any faction will have cruiser that is able depending on what skills you already have.

Seeing the shitshow that is Diablo Immortal I want to give GGG extra thanks for making a great ARPG and not some shit like that. by allexad in pathofexile

[–]ProTimeKiller -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Keep bringing up Diablo and Chris Wilson is going to keep shoving POE in a direction to be like Diablo nobody wants but him.

Since when does steam advertise stupidly expensive micro transactions for games I don't even play on the front page? by Emerald_Guy123 in Steam

[–]ProTimeKiller 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Think about the true wales that buy enough plex to buy a titan. Of course no telling how much of the isk/plex came from 3rd party rmt sites.