
I am terrified by dismayqueen in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 33 points34 points  (0 children)

If they really care about those fetuses, they would go onto continue to care when those fetus are born and wouldn’t charge you up the ass to have a safe hospital birth. It’s absolutely disgusting how much they take advantage of women who have just given birth. They don’t care about “souls being taken” they care about money and having babies costs us normal folk (not the .1%) sooo much money.

Cassidy from Clayton’s season shares her thoughts on the Roe v. Wade leak by RileighR in thebachelor

[–]lilbishhhhh 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Let’s be honest at this point it’s rich vs poor, the rich trying to divide the poor to keep their power.

Why is weed so overly glorified by LoverofAlI in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 25 points26 points  (0 children)

This is a very ignorant opinion, like others have said you are hanging around the wrong type of stoners, the stoners i know are actually very smart and understand the negative effects smoking weed can cause. Most of the time for the individual the good outweighs the bad. I have never met a stoner who believes smoking weed is harmless. It sounds like you have a stereotype in your head of a “stoner” and no matter what is said to you, your opinion won’t change

I can't get over the embarrassment of puking on a guy's D while giving him a BJ by sutorobericough in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Oh my god girl I’m so sorry that happened, the fact that he had to ask many many times with you saying no is super not cool. I have also thrown up on dick ( the person and the penis) it’s embarrassing but honestly fuck what this dude thinks, he’s not a good guy. Hopefully my story can help you feel better, mine was with i guy i was dating, i have a horrid gag reflex and he didn’t tell me when he ya know came, so i threw up, i had Indian food, it wasn’t a little cute oops i puked, no this was an aggressive vomit alll over him and my bed. I cupped a bunch in my hands and ran out into the hall ( the hall of my parents house) so of course the moment i open my door my mom is standing in the hall and sees me run out with puke cupped in my hands, she goes “what happened are you okay” all i could muster out was “i got sick, I’m okay I’ll clean it up” and ran to the bathroom. Luckily the dick i was dating is also kinda stupid and since the room was dark he just thought he came a lot. It smelled so bad oh god it was horrid. I also accidentally farted on a guy on our first date, i laughed while sitting on him and farted, loudly. But you know what ! Who cares!! You are not any less because of what happened. Never let a guy treat you like that again, you deserve so much more.

I told a woman who claimed she was deathly allergic to water (to the point she allegedly couldn't even drink any water) that her body is 70% water and she had a panic attack so bad she had to be sent to the ER and I am not sorry. by jellyfam_t in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Aquagenic urticaria is the allergy to water, not by consumption but by touch of the skin, she would be able to drink water and any beverage containing water, however it might cause irritation/ rash around mouth but not internally

I can’t think of any other presidents who have ever lied on twitter… by DankDogeMemesXBX in facepalm

[–]lilbishhhhh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The facepalm is not the tweet, it’s the fact someone posted the tweet in r/conspiracy saying too bad lieing on twitter isn’t an impeachable offense ( lieing isn’t even a word)

I hate the outfits they have little girls wear in gymnastics and dancing by BubbaJangles24 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Honestly I’ve talked to brick walls more receptive than you, it’s like you’re not even reading what I’m saying, you just keep throwing out how you were a victim therefor everything you say cant be considered creepy. Many child predators were also victims as children. I’m not blind to the creeps out there, as a women i deal with creeps on the daily no matter how i dress. The main point I’m trying to convey to you is that there’s nothing special about a child’s body, if you feel weird or uncomfortable seeing a child naked or in a bathing suit that’s on you. When you comment something on OPs post agreeing that you feel uncomfortable seeing children in bathing suits or lack there of, only further pushes the stigma and validates OPs point.

I hate the outfits they have little girls wear in gymnastics and dancing by BubbaJangles24 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess I’m my mind it is very black and white, if you sexualize children you are disgusting, shouldn’t matter what they are wearing. By saying you think it’s weird for kids to wear bikinis our leotards like OP said, makes me incredibly uncomfortable. To regard children in that manner is horrifying, by agreeing that’s it’s weird you are only validating OP’s claim and furthering the stigma of sexualizing kids, calling people out can help break the cycle. I can’t see how sexualizing a child can be justified in any way.

I hate the outfits they have little girls wear in gymnastics and dancing by BubbaJangles24 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Children and babies bodies are not sexual, if you are sexualizing them you are the problem

I hate the outfits they have little girls wear in gymnastics and dancing by BubbaJangles24 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

predators are out there, I’m sorry that happened to you that’s horrible and no child deserves to go through that. Children wearing bathing suits is not sexual, no parent should have to completely cover up their child while going swimming, most adults don’t sexualize children wearing swim suits, those who do need some serious help.

I hate the outfits they have little girls wear in gymnastics and dancing by BubbaJangles24 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 11 points12 points  (0 children)

There is nothing inherently sexual about a child’s body, if you are uncomfortable around kids in bathing suits YOU’RE the one sexualizing them.

I paid this person I’ve been talking to money to dry hump in underwear and I’m struggling to live with myself by 626throwaway666 in offmychest

[–]lilbishhhhh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don’t think it’s something you should be ashamed of, she consented to it, from a female perspective if a partner told me everything you just wrote i wouldn’t think any less of them. You might feel icky and gross but that feeling should fade, you aren’t a gross or icky person just because of what you did, humans are weird and we do weird shit. You are also not obligated to tell future partners about it, unless it’s something weighing heavy on your conscious, that being said, if a potential partner reacts poorly to you telling them, it’s clear they aren’t a good fit for you, but please don’t feel ashamed, lots of people hire escorts, there’s even people who pay others simply to cuddle them, as humans we want connection whether it be physical or mental, the most important part to remember is you were both consenting adults. Don’t give up on yourself or love just because you are scared, there’s so many amazing people out there that will love and accept you for you, just don’t give up.

(The actual sub won't let me crosspost) These assholes beat up girls that stood up for themselves after being catcalled, they are also minors by 2JDestroBot in imatotalpeiceofshit

[–]lilbishhhhh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No shit Sherlock but by shifting the blame of the situation on the women being harassed only adds to the problem. So do better buddy

(The actual sub won't let me crosspost) These assholes beat up girls that stood up for themselves after being catcalled, they are also minors by 2JDestroBot in imatotalpeiceofshit

[–]lilbishhhhh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or how about we teach men not to harass women? Seems like an easy fix, i also like women but i don’t harass them, i can take rejection without taking it out on the girl who rejected me

(The actual sub won't let me crosspost) These assholes beat up girls that stood up for themselves after being catcalled, they are also minors by 2JDestroBot in imatotalpeiceofshit

[–]lilbishhhhh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s not just insulting buddy.. it’s sexually harassing, non stop, personally i can say I’ve never gone to a bar and not gotten touched by a man who was just trying to “get by” or “move me” this is a much bigger issue than just being insulted

(The actual sub won't let me crosspost) These assholes beat up girls that stood up for themselves after being catcalled, they are also minors by 2JDestroBot in imatotalpeiceofshit

[–]lilbishhhhh -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

That’s so easy to say as a man, who doesn’t have to deal with this on a daily basis, ignorance is truly bliss i guess

(The actual sub won't let me crosspost) These assholes beat up girls that stood up for themselves after being catcalled, they are also minors by 2JDestroBot in imatotalpeiceofshit

[–]lilbishhhhh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They were being catcalled, stood up For themselves and then got physically attacked…. Please explain how that is okay