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/r/Politics is for news and discussion about U.S. politics.

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Ex–Trump Adviser Drops Bombshell About Trump’s Taliban Deal

Oh they would’ve celebrated him for it.

They definitely would have, but I don't think it's on religious grounds, just political ones.

"You don't make peace with your allies, you make it with your enemies!!"

"How can you negotiate if you don't talk to them!!"

"He's standing up to them and showing them American values!!!"


It's all just spin, you can do it for anything. He could buy them all F-150s and take them out for cocaine and hookers and the talking heads would find a way to call him courageous.

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It's the acronym for a particular county jail. So they mystery the state doesn't want to answer is how did she get pregnant in a women's correctional facility.

I'm pretty tired of her drunk Sherlock Holmes bit that they like to hammer into every episode.


"Listen shitfuck, that mark on your finger says you're married but you're trying to pick me up in the street so you can put your three inch dick in my ass and feel like a man for the five minutes I'm not looking in your eyes and seeing how fucking pathetic you are. Why don't you go home to your two kids and teach them to be fucking accountants or whatever boring shit job leads a grown man to wear khakis and not have to be at work at 3 in the afternoon and leave me the fuck alone."

"Ma'am, this is a Wendys."

you don't need to shoehorn in every single thing we know about Han

You really summed up the flaw of the movie with just one sentence. It was otherwise a pretty good heist/crime movie. Shifting loyalties, hidden agendas, mysterious antagonists and benefactors, a dame who's playing both sides. It's a Dashiell Hammett book turned into a movie, and a nice thing about Sam Spade is you don't have to know his origin story.

And I agree with you, I'm disappointed there aren't more stories building on Solo. I think there's real potential there.

There was a story a long time ago about how the CIA started a small business somewhere in Eastern Europe and ironically the business itself became so successful that it was a pain in the ass to manage, and they had to decide whether to shut it down or sell it off. I'm really fuzzy on the details now that I try to write it out.

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Dave Bautista (fka Batista) is looking like the best actor out of the WWE/pro wrestling alumni

It still cracks me up the way they used Cena in the Fast and Furious movies, just draining away all the charisma and enthusiasm, making him another stone-faced villain-turned-ally. It was a real sign that franchise was losing momentum.

They clearly didn't want a repeat of Dwayne Johnson stealing the spotlight and overshadowing the cast so they hired his replacement and made sure he was bland and unremarkable. And then Cena in so many other projects really breaks out and takes risks and reminds people he's so versatile and so watchable.

He wants the court to reconsider Griswold, Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell, too. And Thomas and Scalia both opposed the decision to reject Kim Davis' appeal. They're telling us what they want in very plain language.

if they go after mixed marriages eventually

I don't think they'll go after mixed marriages at a federal level, but I could certainly see them changing the law so that a person, or a city, or even a state, would be exempt from performing, certifying, or legally acknowledging any kind of marriage if they have a "well-founded belief."

So they're not banning gay marriage, or banning mixed marriages, or banning immigration through marriage, or banning divorce, etc, they're just not going to force those poor civil servants to participate, and they're not going to force a state to treat them as legal.

And then it's just a short step to, "why can't communities decide for themselves which students go to which schools?", and pretty soon there's just no more federal law.

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Music legend’s son says emergency court date granted in lawsuit against Donald Trump

The events are out on by his PACs which are heavily regulated pools of money

The fact that it's a PAC actually makes it harder to successfully win a judgement and collect. The PAC will ignore the suit until after the election, after which it will disperse the money collected and dissolve itself. It can even just give the money to another PAC. At the end of the lawsuit it's unlikely there will be a single entity left with a dollar that can be collected.

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I like Rosemary Harris as an actor, but it was never clear why teenage Peter had an aunt that was like 75 years old.

My heart still belongs to Marisa though, even if her character was paper-thin for a couple of movies.

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Best Republican Orators?

The funny thing about Cruz is he does everything you should do to be an effective speaker, to a rehearsed degree. Speaks well and clearly, addresses the crowd with eye contact, has great control of his voice, knows when to pause to let a point sink in, mixes facts and statistics with emotional content, etc. He makes a point, supports it with facts (as he sees them), leads you to a conclusion. His problem is he's such a smarmy, hateful, hatable person who comes off as disingenuous at every turn.

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Mr Pink on why he doesn't tip

replied to skorpen2

I never tip, but I don't consider myself greedy.

Tipping, like any other social norm, has to be viewed within the context of the society you're in.

In the case of Mr Pink in the movie, he's in New York, where tipping is expected. The prices on the menu are competitively low with the expectation that you'll tip your server. If tipping were removed the servers would have to make more, and menu prices would have to go up, putting that restaurant at a disadvantage compared to others in that area.

Not tipping in a culture that doesn't tip, or if it's understood to be optional, doesn't make you greedy. The last time I travelled to France most of the time there just wasn't an option on the debit machine to leave a tip. It wasn't expected. Back in the US they've started adding tip options when you pick up fast food, which seems absurd.

Tipping isn't a moral absolute, but relies on context, is what I think I'm saying. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

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Jeremy Lin details his beef with Kobe Bryant

The fence almost certainly is built on city-owned land, and screens more homes than just Curry's. It would be on the city to modify or maintain, and the city would likely work something out with the builder of the new units, especially since those new units would be at a premium price due to their proximity to other famous and high net-worth homeowners. And frankly Curry is paying for the modifications through property taxes.

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The FTC’s noncompete agreements ban has been struck down | A Texas judge has blocked the rule, saying it would ‘cause irreparable harm.’

Yes, that's exactly how it works. And every administration that controls both the White House and the Senate rams through as many judges as humanly possible, with the Senate basically rubber stamping any appointments in order to get as many through as possible. Trump appointed the most judges in history, and that total was surpassed by Biden. It's a race to control the judiciary. When the White House and Senate are controlled by opposite parties most of the available seats sit vacant, with neither party willing to concede control, and then when one party controls both there's a ton of vacancies to fill. Each party sees the huge and lasting opportunity to shape the direction of the country by securing both the White House and Senate, and they largely lock down any progress hoping they'll have the next opportunity.

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The FTC’s noncompete agreements ban has been struck down | A Texas judge has blocked the rule, saying it would ‘cause irreparable harm.’

Technically the appointment is meant to be only a part of the process, the candidate still has to be vetted by the Senate, who affirm the candidate is qualified. In theory this means an independent and co-equal body exists to check the power of the Presidency and ensure that only the most qualified applicants are added to the bench. In practice, not so much.

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replied to asdgrhm

It's so against-type that it always made me think someone on set stepped in and said 'what if we go the complete opposite direction in this scene', or maybe just a good writer not settling for a trope. I'd love to know the answer.

It's funny how movies have taught us that a character like the one Brosnan plays is always a bastard, so much so that when he isn't one it really jumps out at us.

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replied to asdgrhm

The scene where a friend is teasing him about settling down with a woman who has kids always felt like it was written to be the cliche of the player who is only pretending to like the kids in order to get that hot, hot Sally Field cake. But it went against type and he says he loves her kids and they're great. I always liked that scene, because it would have been easy to make him just another cartoonish villain.

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Why is Hulk so underpowered in the MCU?

He stayed in character the whole time!

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Who do y’all think John Malkovich is playing in Fantastic Four ?

Alexander Skarsgård would have been great, too.

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Biden says it was his ‘obligation to the country’ to drop out of presidential race

There's tension around every election cycle between announcing your candidacy early and waiting until the right moment. From a campaigning/messaging standpoint the right moment is almost always to wait as long as possible. It gives the media less time to pick you apart, less time for popular culture to turn on you, less time to make mistakes, less scrutiny. But it's often necessary to get in the race early if your brand isn't strong, and because you want to lock up fundraising, volunteers, super pacs, etc.

What's unique about this candidacy, aside from an incumbent President stepping down, is Harris didn't have to do the primary circuit, didn't have to rebuff attacks from her own party, didn't have to negotiate policies with party powerbrokers, didn't have to slowly build a campaign machine. She inherited Biden's candidacy, inherited his fundraising apparatus, and then capitalized with momentum and energy and organization.

In a way it's a condemnation of the drawn-out primary system which is meant to means-test candidates but in actuality can damage the eventual front-runner. Hillary vs Obama and Hillary vs Bernie are two recent examples of the Democrats being unable or unwilling to align behind a standard-bearer and behind a unified message, and Trump vs Cruz and Trump vs Hailey on the GOP side as well. In both cases the candidate has to navigate a contentious battle with their own party before the national campaign even begins, so they come out damaged and attacked. Harris has this unique opportunity where she's been handed the keys to the party without having to battle it out, and it might be showing us the real advantage of avoiding two years of party in-fighting.

I have such a clear memory of Elizabeth Warren announcing her candidacy long before anyone else in the party, and her approach was to talk about specific legislation she believed she could get passed, budget proposals and government operations. And with no real opponent everyone picked apart her ideas. It didn't matter that they didn't propose any ideas of their own, she gave them something real to evaluate and criticize, and by the time the campaigning began in earnest she had already flamed out.

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