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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What family secret was finally spilled in your family?

replied to StatGnat

The kids spent 85%+ of the time with the mom under the custody order, and were also relatively young when the divorce happened. They were young and impressionable and just believed what their mom said, as so many kids do. Combine that with the trauma that kids face in any divorce of having their family split, and it’s pretty easy to see how this kind of thing can happen.

A place to post questions about legal issues and get answers from lawyers.

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A place to post questions about legal issues and get answers from lawyers.

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What law requires visitors of the White House to present ID?


In addition to everything else that's been said here by others, it's important to note that the state that issued your ID card/driver's license owns the physical card itself. A driver's license card is not the same thing as a driver's license. A "license" is permission to do something. For example, states give licenses all the time: licenses to cut hair, licenses to run a liquor store, licenses to drive, etc... The little plastic card that you get in connection with a driver's license is just a tangible way for people to quickly prove the state has granted them a license to drive.

Importantly: You do not own the plastic card evidencing your driver's license. Same with a state issued identification card. Those cards remain property of the state and are simply the state's property in your care. In fact, most states have expressly spelled this out in statute. For example, Oklahoma law states:

No person shall have a property interest in the physical driver license issued pursuant to the laws of this state.

Okla. Stat. tit. 47, sec. 6-209(D).

So, since your whole assumption is based on the "property of the citizen being seized," you've already lost your case because taking your plastic card is not taking your property; it's taking the property of the state issuing it.

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What family secret was finally spilled in your family?

I've seen this play out badly though. Wife/mother cheated (a lot). Husband/father finally filed for divorce because of it. They both fought for custody of the kids and had some joint arrangement where he mainly got the kids every other weekend and a couple of weeks during the summers (and maybe on, like, random Wednesday nights). Mom regularly bad-mouthed the kids' father for "breaking up the family" and "leaving her." The kids' father would never say anything bad about mom and just told the kids that he and his ex fell out of love and the marriage wasn't working. Kids grew up hating the dad because they never got to hear the full story of what a piece of shit their mom was until the kids were in their 20s. By that point, the dad had missed out on his kids' childhood because they hated him and wanted as little to do with him as possible while they were growing up.

Point being, sometimes a little bad-mouthing is needed when the other parent is already doing bad-mouthing. At that point, all you're doing is setting the record straight.

Because the Nazis rounded up people for their unchangeable traits: ethnicity, sexuality, race, etc... Especially in the context of the Jews, which is an ethnicity as well as a religion. That's miles different that hating someone because they harbor shitty, backwards beliefs. What you're arguing is akin to those white women a couple years ago who were saying that calling someone a "Karen" is like calling a black person the "n" word. One is hating someone for what they are, they other is hating someone for what they believe or how they behave. Carono is conflating those two in order to seem like she is a victim for being ostracized for holding abhorrent beliefs.

Disney is saying it far more eloquently than that. From Disney’s motion to dismiss:

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution generally forbids the government from dictating to artistic creators how they may develop and express their own artistic messages. This principle applies fully to enterprises that employ others to perform artistic messages through song, dance, or acting: for such artistic expressions, the performer is the performance, no less than the words written on the script or lyric sheet. For this reason, just as a newspaper is entitled to broad deference in choosing which writers to employ to express its editorial positions, a creative production enterprise is entitled to broad deference in deciding which performers to employ to express its artistic messages.

Defendants The Walt Disney Company and its affiliates Lucasfilm and Huckleberry (collectively “Disney”) are enterprises that produce and disseminate artistic performances through film, television, and digital media. One of those productions is The Mandalorian, a television show set in the Star Wars universe. Disney engaged plaintiff Gina Carano (“Carano”) as a guest actor in various episodes of the first two seasons of The Mandalorian. She played bounty hunter Cara Dune, a character who became popular with fans during Carano’s time on the show.

As Carano’s own fame rose with her character’s, Carano began engaging with show fans and the public in a manner that, in Disney’s view, came to distract from and undermine Disney’s own expressive efforts. As her complaint alleges, Carano made public declarations blaming pandemic-related closure orders and vaccine mandates for causing widespread suicides and murders, attacking the legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election, and mocking people who identify their pronouns to show support for transgender rights. The coup de grace came in February 2021, when Carano admittedly reposted on Instagram a post comparing criticism of politically conservative viewpoints to the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. As Carano told the world: “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. ‘Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?’” ECF No. 1 (Compl.) ¶ 102.

Carano’s decision to publicly trivialize the Holocaust by comparing criticism of political conservatives to the annihilation of millions of Jewish people—notably, not “thousands”—was the final straw for Disney. As Carano alleges, Lucasfilm that same day denounced her statements and observed that it had “no plans” to employ her in the future. Compl. ¶ 31. Disney’s then-CEO also observed that Carano’s statements “didn’t align with Company values,” including its “values of respect, values of decency, values of integrity, and values of inclusion.” Id. ¶ 34. She alleges that given her public statements, Disney chose not to include her Cara Dune character in season three of The Mandalorian and other potential Star Wars storylines. Id. ¶ 39.

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For those who don’t get the joke: Inside the hard cover of the disk is a mostly-opaque flexible plastic disk. It’s just transparent enough to see the sun through. Back in the day, you could break the hard plastic off the disk and use the floppy plastic disk inside to view the sun. It’s definitely not the safest of methods.